Excited Family: Incest Erotica - Conan Fallon - E-Book

Excited Family: Incest Erotica E-Book

Conan Fallon

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This full length erotic novel is so sexy we can't even tell you the preview…


He had laid out the ground rules to Cookie as soon as they had left the house. No peeking, no squawking, no yakking, and, above all, a death oath not to squeal to their parents about what might or might not happen.

"Why? What's so special about tonight?" Cookie had demanded.

"You're too young," he had retorted, stopping the car in front of her date's house.

"I'm not either, I'm eighteen," she had retorted. "Oh, I get it. You've got a date with Jan Peters, don't you?"

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Excited Family

Conan Fallon

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

Excited Family

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 1

He had laid out the ground rules to Cookie as soon as they had left the house. No peeking, no squawking, no yakking, and, above all, a death oath not to squeal to their parents about what might or might not happen.

"Why? What's so special about tonight?" Cookie had demanded.

"You're too young," he had retorted, stopping the car in front of her date's house.

"I'm not either, I'm eighteen," she had retorted. "Oh, I get it. You've got a date with Jan Peters, don't you?"


"So, I know what kind of reputation she's got," Cookie had snorted.

Yeah, well, Jan did deserve her reputation. She was taking his cock like he wouldn't have believed possible. Her warm, soft lips were wrapped around his phallus. Her tongue scrubbed the underside in a wild, swirling motion that was making his juices flow like lava. Kneeling on the front seat, snipped to the waist, she held his prick in her fingers as she dipped her head up and down. From time to time her teeth would nick his flesh, bringing a flicker of pain to mingle deliciously with the searing, aching ecstasy.

Cookie wouldn't believe this if she could see it, Charlie told himself. He wondered, in a brief coherent moment, what was going on in the back seat. But he too had promised not to peek. Probably that oaf Mike was trying to paw her like the clod he was. Well, Cookie just wasn't that kind of chick. Of course, she was starting to get kind of curvy. Charlie had been surprised, last time he had seen her in her bathing suit-surprised that she actually had some need for the top of her bikini. She had shown a lot of golden tan skin in the skimpy suit, and the cups had really had something in them!

Still, she was just a kid. Probably had never even heard of cocksucking. Probably she had never had a guy feel her up. Probably didn't know what a guy liked to have done to his prick.

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