Father's Naughty Daughter: Taboo Incest Erotica - Lenore Barker - E-Book

Father's Naughty Daughter: Taboo Incest Erotica E-Book

Lenore Barker

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Judy was in her senior year at a Midwestern College and, right now, very hard up for money. Happiness with Rick seemed so near, yet so far. They would both graduate in June, and they wanted to get married then, but unless Rick found a good job, it was out of the question. Judy had decided to do her bit for the financial cause, taking a job during Christmas vacation. Unfortunately, with the country in an economic slump, there were almost no jobs available for students.

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Father's Naughty Daughter

Lenore Barker

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents









Judy was in her senior year at a Midwestern College and, right now, very hard up for money. Happiness with Rick seemed so near, yet so far. They would both graduate in June, and they wanted to get married then, but unless Rick found a good job, it was out of the question. Judy had decided to do her bit for the financial cause, taking a job during Christmas vacation. Unfortunately, with the country in an economic slump, there were almost no jobs available for students. Judy was finally forced to ask her father for work at his ski lodge in Idaho, which meant not only leaving Rick for three weeks but also breaking a solemn promise to her mother. Judy's parents had been divorced ages ago, and her bitter mother had made her swear never to see her father or to communicate with him in any way.

But Mother was dead now. It had been nearly six months since her death, and Judy saw nothing wrong with meeting her father now, especially when he had been kind enough to give her a job. She hadn't seen Guy Prince since she was an infant, didn't even remember him. He was forty five now, a successful businessman, and had never remarried. Judy was excited about seeing him, excited about working in this beautiful mountain country. But she also missed Rick. God, how she missed him!

Judy gave up the effort to discipline her mind, letting her thoughts wander back to Rick. She wouldn't reach the ski lodge for an hour yet, there was plenty of time to daydream. Now she remembered how she had first met Rick, the amazingly strong attraction between them the moment they met each other's eyes, and the way their sexual relationship had seemed to rocket out of control, both bewildering and delighting Judy. She blushed a little even now, thinking about it. She'd never been that kind of girl before!

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