Father's Sexy Daughters Are Insatiable: Incest Erotica - Arlene Higgins - E-Book

Father's Sexy Daughters Are Insatiable: Incest Erotica E-Book

Arlene Higgins

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Dane was a man who liked to keep in shape. Broad-shouldered and tanned, he had an athletic figure that made Shari tremble with guilty pleasure in the realization that her daddy looked just as good as any of those men in the magazine pictures one of her friends at school had shown her once.

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Father's Sexy Daughters Are Insatiable

Arlene Higgins

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 1

The question arose abruptly, catching Dane Jeffers with one leg raised and his trousers bunched at his foot. He had to hop to keep his balance, and he caught Mona's mischievous little smile as she shrugged out of her blouse and neatly draped it over the motel room's only chair.

"Jesus!" he grunted, peeling the trousers off and tossing them aside. "Are you going to bring that up again right now?"

Unzipping her slacks, Mona Pierce casually wiggled out of them as she answered. It usually bothered her a bit to undress in front of him, even though she'd done it at least a hundred times. But this time was different. This time she had other things on her mind and wasn't about to be put off by a twinge of modesty. "It's just because of right now that I am bringing it up! Haven't we had enough of sneaking around to motels all the time? We should be married, and you know it! Now when are you going to tell the girls about us?"

Hooking his thumbs under his shorts, Dane winced at the mention of his daughters. He had been expecting this confrontation all evening. Throughout dinner, Mona had merely toyed with her food, making off-hand comments about how tired she was of eating in restaurants and living with her mother ever since her divorce.

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