First Time With The Veteran: Taboo Reluctant Erotica - Anna Prentice - E-Book

First Time With The Veteran: Taboo Reluctant Erotica E-Book

Anna Prentice

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Warning: Very taboo. Not for the faint of heart. May include BDSM, incest, and other taboo and forbidden elements. This is a vintage **full length** (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel.


Her head fell back, straining her throat. Her mouth opened, sucked in air, expelled it in gusts and sucked in again, and the streaks of gouging ecstasy were almost more than she could bear. For a few moments while he licked the lips of her cunt and kissed the throbbing clitoris, she lay as if clubbed. Then she opened her eyes and he was standing over her, his prick so stiff it stood nearly straight up. With a cry of need, she sat up and took it in her mouth, letting the head float on her tongue as she vibrated her lips around the sleek, hard shaft. It had a strong taste, as if it had just been plunging in her cunt, but she was so unnerved with desire she paid no attention. After a minute, she ceased to fear the smash of his palm to her head, or perhaps his knee swiftly raised to her solar plexus, as he had done several times. He had never minded her sucking and mouthing, but under her eyes and his, his inability to complete the orgasm by flooding her throat induced anger. Now, although she wanted the flavor and filling of his prick, she remembered that tonight was not like other nights. And when her hands on his thick thighs felt the tensing and his cock jerked, she gave a cry and fell back on the bed, drawing her legs up and kicking her heels out. But he didn't fall onto her and finish his fuck in her quaking cunt. He fell beside her and rolled her into his embrace, fitting her over him, his cock lying stiff and hot and wet between her spraddled nates. Crazy with passion and shaken with the nonsexual joy of his strange pacification, Nola reached back and placed the head of his cock to her asshole. Maybe for the first time, she thought, she could test this erotic intrusion for delight and satisfaction. He had fucked her in the ass many times, but always with such brutal ruthlessness, the weakly hovering suspicion of possible pleasure had been frightened away by pain and lacerating force.

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First Time With The Veteran

Anna Prentice

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents















"Thank you," Nola murmured, and stepped to the ground, her right arm firmly wrapped around the sack of groceries.

"See you Monday," he called.

She turned to give him a small appreciative smile. He was a nice-looking young man. Then the smile faded. Nice-looking young men belonged to another world, one she had abandoned some time ago. With the bus gone, she felt the loneliness. A block away, past the nearly open fields of weeds was her house, set back from the path. There was no real street, no sidewalk at all. And no neighbors. The end of the world. She walked along the path, trying to control the natural swing of her smoothly flared hips, the groceries clutched so her ample breasts could not sway nor bounce. At the gate she noted that the grass had been roughly cut and the shrubs trimmed.

It was a hopeful sign, but she already understood enough to ignore hope in most forms. With Johnny most things changed from day to day, most things having to do with his unpredictable mind. She went through the gate, along the brief walk and up the four steps to the little porch. The door was unlocked, and when she entered the house, he was standing at the window where he had watched her approach. He leaned heavily on the cane, and this threw his broad shoulders askew. "Hi," she said.

"You're late," he returned her greeting.

"Stopped for groceries," she said, rattling the sack. "And some Vodka."

"Fix me a drink," he said, and pivoted, organizing his feet so he could move to the leather chair. It was surrounded with magazines. From the covers slinky, big-breasted women leered at the world. The titles were brash, Paris Nights, Babydoll, Bubble Babes. Nola walked through the living room, the little dinette and to the kitchen. She pawed in the sack and found the quart of vodka. With a knife she peeled the plastic seal, then twisted the cap. From a cupboard she took a tall glass and then four cubes of ice from the refrigerator. The beer was all gone, she noted. Without measuring, Nola poured at least two ounces of the clear liquor in over the ice, then added water. She heard the thump of his cane tip and the drag of his left foot. Without turning, she held the drink up and back by her left shoulder. His fingers were big and very warm touching hers as he took the drink. Then she felt the cane, riding firmly between the cheeks of her bottom, pressing intimately, frighteningly. The heat of his big body was all around her, and she could hear him swallow. Nola quivered. The shape of the approaching weekend was clearly established.

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