The Dowager's Incestuous Family - Anna Prentice - E-Book

The Dowager's Incestuous Family E-Book

Anna Prentice

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Warning: Very taboo. Not for the faint of heart. May include BDSM, incest, and other taboo and forbidden elements. This is a vintage **full length** (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel.


"Damn!" he gasped. "I'll make it yet!"
The farm lands gradually changed to a patchwork quilt of meadows, cornfields, and low thickets. He passed small herds of grazing cattle and then came to a wide, unpaved road.
I'm going to make it! Holmes thought, swearing at those pursuing him. He stumbled over some baked, reddish-brown ruts in the cracked road and cursed again. He flailed half-heartedly at the flies swarming around him. He tripped again and fell heavily, groaning for a moment on the hot earth, his ears ringing and his eyes burning with dust. He felt his palm blister where it rested on a stone.
He stood and glared at the land, then staggered onward, looking for a place to rest for the night.
Jane Lasky was still, even in her late thirties, embarrassed by her mammoth tits. Even her nipples were larger than average, and she remembered how, as a teenager, she loved to have them sucked. It made her so horny she'd go to the nearest restroom and jerk off. She'd sit on the toilet, spread her plump white thighs, and wriggle a fingertip up her tight pussyhole. Usually, she flushed the toilet to muffle the sounds of her orgasm.
Later, when Jane discovered the kinky fun to be had watching a boy masturbate, she made her dates pull out their pricks and jerk off beside her while they were in the car. When they did, she slid her hands up her skirt and rubbed her pussy through her soaked panties. Most of her boyfriends were hesitant about showing her their peckers, and they were embarrassed about fucking their fists, but they did it because she was so pretty and because she had the largest tits in town.
Most of the time, her dates shot off in some Kleenex or their handkerchiefs, but her last boyfriend, a senior in high school, always let his jism squirt high in the air. Sometimes Jane came just from watching his thick, pearly cum-globs splash on his bare belly. Once, some of his jism landed on her leg, and she'd been surprised by how hot and sticky it was. When he wasn't looking, she fingered it, delighting in its thick slipperiness.
On their very next date Jane suggested how much more he might enjoy it if she fisted his prick, and he was quick to agree. Jane tried to aim his squirting pecker so that most of his cum landed on her bared, wobbling tits. She pretended to be shocked and disgusted, but it was a treat she never forgot.
Even later, in college, Jane never went all the way. Of course, she'd graduated into allowing her dates to play with her pussy and even, after some coaxing, to suck her cunt, but she never allowed them to fuck her. The closest she came to getting her cherry busted was when she got drunk at a New Year's Eve party. Some guy she'd never met before talked her into trying something new--sliding his prick through the crack of her ass.

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The Dowager's Incestuous Family

Anna Prentice

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 1

"Damn!" he gasped. "I'll make it yet!"

The farm lands gradually changed to a patchwork quilt of meadows, cornfields, and low thickets. He passed small herds of grazing cattle and then came to a wide, unpaved road.

I'm going to make it! Holmes thought, swearing at those pursuing him. He stumbled over some baked, reddish-brown ruts in the cracked road and cursed again. He flailed half-heartedly at the flies swarming around him. He tripped again and fell heavily, groaning for a moment on the hot earth, his ears ringing and his eyes burning with dust. He felt his palm blister where it rested on a stone.

He stood and glared at the land, then staggered onward, looking for a place to rest for the night.

Jane Lasky was still, even in her late thirties, embarrassed by her mammoth tits. Even her nipples were larger than average, and she remembered how, as a teenager, she loved to have them sucked. It made her so horny she'd go to the nearest restroom and jerk off. She'd sit on the toilet, spread her plump white thighs, and wriggle a fingertip up her tight pussyhole. Usually, she flushed the toilet to muffle the sounds of her orgasm.

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