Free your limitless potential - Christiane Georgi - E-Book

Free your limitless potential E-Book

Christiane Georgi

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With "Free your limitless potential", Christiane Georgi, a mental coach, wants to provide a self-help guide for all those who want to manifest a life full of desires. Not everyone is born with the same conditions - and so there are those who go through life completely unconcerned, as everything they desire literally falls into their hands. And then there are those people who have always been left alone and who - if at all - have only been able to achieve their goals up to this point with effort and hard work. Christiane Georgi wants to enable the others to do what some of them have unconsciously done from the outset. In doing so, she follows the well-known "self-fulfilling prophecy" approach: what you believe inside you will come true.

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Part1:Introduction: How my collaboration with the universe began

First of all, I would like to thank you for your trust in this book. This book has been a heartfelt wish of mine for many years and I have also been holding this book in my hand in my visions for a long time.

And yet it took until today for this book and I to manifest ourselves at the perfect time.

The universe sent a person named Michael my way, who encouraged me to take the step of writing my own book.

Michael and I had already met in person six months earlier at a workshop on digital business in Cologne. He gave talks there about self-employment in digital business.

Half a year laterI had another appointment in Cologne for the approval of my website, where Michael also works.

My appointment was over at lunchtime, and Michael and I spontaneously treated ourselves to a lunch break outside in the park in the sunshine.

We grabbed a coffee to go and couldn't stop talking, forgetting the time. Because, like me, Michael is also very familiar with this topic.

There were too many similar interests to discuss.

At some point, Michael looked at his watch because he had to get back to his company and realized that he had missed a meeting.

During our conversation, Michael discovered my potential, my knowledge and my life experiences. He wrote to me a day later and suggested that I write a book right now and support me in the process.

He said that I should definitely share my knowledge and experiences with the world. He himself is a writer and journalist.

I couldn't believe it - it was too good to be true. Then I was filled with gratitude and at that moment I remembered that I had asked the universe for support a few weeks earlier.

Two months later, when I had finished the book, I had a meeting with a coach for applications to publishers. At this meeting, I was told that it was very difficult to sign a publishing contract with a book publisher, as publishers receive hundreds of manuscripts every day.

The coach made me an offer of several thousand euros, which included a professional synopsis and a proofread sample.

After our appointment, however, my gut feeling told me that I didn't need that and wanted to try it myself. Half an hour later, I went to my computer and quickly wrote my synopsis myself. It was an intuition that I should apply to the NOVUM publishing house - my publisher of choice - on my own that day.

So on the same day, I sent my synopsis and my complete manuscript by email. During the waiting period, I visualized every day how I would hold my book in my hands.

Three weeks later, I was accepted and the NOVUM publishing house sent me the publishing contract. I was so happy about this great news and the professional publication of my first book.

Life can be so magical if we believe in the magical.

The timing was just right, because now I was ready for this book.

With this book, I want to show you how much potential you have. As soon as you start to believe in yourself, you become limitless.

How my collaboration with the universe began

Even as a small child, I always wondered where we came from and why we were born on this planet called "Earth". It often crosses my mind that there must be something higher.

I would like to mention that I was born with a strong intuition. This may also be due to my zodiac sign of Pisces - they are said to have a high level of intuition - although everyone has this gift within them and can train it.

My childhood was paved with many stumbling blocks. I grew up as a latchkey kid and, with a single mother who worked full-time and a father who was rarely available, I had to manage a lot on my own with my younger sister at a very early age.

I didn't feel safe and protected and therefore didn't have a healthy self-worth or stability within myself. I often felt lost and unloved.

That's not a criticism of my parents, because they did their best and their childhood wasn't easy either.

Looking back, I am very grateful for this challenging time. Otherwise I would not have become the person I am today.

When I was 19, I moved in with my first partner, now my ex-husband and father of my two adorable children.

My ex-husband and I were together for a total of 17 years.

When my two children were three and six years old, I made the decision to separate from him.

Things went wrong, we developed in two different directions and the marriage was no longer satisfactory.

It was also important to me that my children didn't grow up in this apparent normality and adopt certain patterns of marriage later on.

Even though marriage would have meant lifelong security for me, especially financially, I have always followed my heart and my intuition sooner or later.

The marriage no longer felt right and the arguments became more intense.

After the separation, there was a lot of unrest because my ex-husband didn't want to acknowledge the separation at first.

After a while, however, things settled down well and we are now able to get on well with each other - mainly because of the children.

Because that was the most important thing for me, not to leave my children in conflict between mother and father, as I had experienced in my childhood.

About six months after my break-up, I met an old acquaintance again "by chance". He had also just been through a break-up. There are no such things as coincidences and today I know why we were magnetically attracted to each other back then.

We came together as a couple and were freshly in love at the beginning.

This relationship, which lasted a total of 2.5 years, became increasingly toxic over time and we didn't do each other any good.

I became afraid of loss and he became afraid of commitment. Today I know that it was a fear of loss for both of us, which was just lived out differently.

This relationship was very draining for me. I realized how I was breaking down more and more inside and no longer knew what was right or wrong. Self-esteem, what was that? I completely gave up on myself in this relationship and at the same time tried to hide it from my children.

Today I am sure that my children sensed that I was not well.

I have discovered many parallels to my childhood in this respect.

Yes, because our subconscious seeks out or feels drawn to the experiences that correspond to our own belief system.

Above all, you are sent experiences into your life that you believe you deserve. This happens 95% of the time on a subconscious level.

Nevertheless, I would like to encourage you, because it is precisely the painful experiences that we can use for our further development, and they offer the best opportunities to penetrate our true self onion layer by onion layer.

The question "Who am I really?" can become clearer with every experience of self-reflection.

I remember too well getting up in the morning after 2.5 years of dating my then boyfriend, looking at myself in the mirror and being shocked. I was just a shadow of my former self and had no energy left.

That was the turning point, and I just thought that I had to be there for my children and I had to pull the ripcord.

I went into the office that day and my colleague could tell straight away that I wasn't feeling well.

She encouraged me to drive to my boyfriend's house after work to pick up my things and end the relationship.

In fact, I summoned up all my courage and went to see him after work that day without giving him any notice. The pressure of suffering was too great and I had to think about my children, because they are and always have been my first priority. When he opened the door and I told him that I wanted to get my things and end the relationship, he was taken by surprise.

I waited far too long for this step because I always hoped that everything would improve.

As bad as that day was for me, I felt all the weight lift off me after I announced the end of the relationship.

I was very sad, but the feeling of liberation was greater. In hindsight, this toxic relationship didn't surprise me because neither of us were ready for mature love.

Above all, this means accepting and loving yourself. Above all, to be convinced that you are lovable. I carried all this lack of self-worth within me and of course it was mirrored by the outside world.

The end of this relationship was the turning point in my life.

The universe and I were brought together, for which I am very grateful today. I have drawn all my support from this and I now understand so much more. I have studied the universal laws in depth and understood why my past experiences were the way they were.

I used to like to blame other people for what was done to me.

But today, as a spiritual life coach and mental trainer, I know that our outer world is the mirror of our inner world.

Since then, I have reflected on my life a lot and have realized time and again that my beliefs about myself and what I think I deserve have been repeatedly pointed out and confirmed by life. There is no one truth. Each of us carries our own truth within us, which can be changed at any time if we don't really like our current truth.

I subconsciously didn't allow myself to attract healthy relationships into my life. Because I had little self-worth and always felt like I had to do something for love. I didn't feel lovable enough as a person. How could someone accept me when I didn't even accept myself?

In the meantime, I have read a lot of books about the universal laws and have learned how to read tarot cards. This helped me to understand my energies better at the beginning.

For example, I didn't know that all matter - including us humans - in this universe consists of 99.9% energy and that this is how we manifest our experiences. Because everything is connected to everything in this universe.

That brought me back to the question of why we are on this planet and what my soul's mission is.

Six months after the break-up, I grabbed my books and flew to the beach alone for five days for the first time. I wanted to go on a kind of journey of self-discovery. That was the beginning of my big change.

I started meditating - with the support of 532 Hz and 639 Hz music - to raise my frequency, i.e. my energy. I had already read about the law of attraction. In this context, the word 'manifestation' kept coming to mind.

I was so enthusiastic about it and immediately felt that this was my path and that I wanted to help others to bring this knowledge to the outside world.

It is often the case that what you feel as a child is already your true destiny. Children are usually still very well connected to their heart and sense where their strengths lie. Unfortunately, in many cases the connection to their own heart is trained away or weakened over the years by "norms" and expectations from school, caregivers, films and the media.

I am now even convinced that the universe always wants to bring you back to the path of your soul's purpose. So it may be that by denying your authentic self, you attract recurring unpleasant experiences or even illnesses. Because if we do not live authentically, life feels rather burdensome, which brings with it a low energy and manifests low vibrational experiences at the same frequency.

If you live in harmony with your true self, life feels light, which in turn is accompanied by a high vibrational energy and accordingly manifests experiences that bring you even more lightness and joie de vivre.

I have always been very sensitive and delicate. I used to be ashamed of this because I always associated it with weakness.

Today I am grateful for this quality, not least because it has enabled me to help many people and also because my connection to my heart has become stronger and stronger and I have allowed myself to be guided by my intuition.

Every painful experience holds a great gift for each and every one of us.

We often don't understand things at the beginning and only understand what it was all for at a later stage. We are often prepared for the great gifts of life because we would unconsciously sabotage or fail to recognize them at an earlier stage.

How often do I now say to myself "thank you universe" - because there are always two sides to a coin. Every experience, no matter how painful, always holds a hidden gift, just as every experience, no matter how beautiful, brings with it a small disadvantage.

Since my urlaub on the beach, I have been able to successfully manifest many wonderful experiences into my life.

When I think today about everything I have manifested since my break-up with my ex-boyfriend, I can say for the first time that I am actually proud of myself. I was able to learn to be proud. Incidentally, Michael also made me aware of this.

From a time of little money, little self-worth and helplessness as to how my life as a single mom of two children should really go on, I didn't see until then what a powerful catalyst was waiting for me as a gift behind all the difficult times. It was precisely this catalyst, especially for my children, that I needed in order to discover my strength and my potential. I now have my own business, I am a mental coach and spiritual life coach, my children and I have our own house, I am the author of my own book and I am infinitely grateful that I am even sitting here with tears of joy more often than not.

Today, I can proudly say that I have found myself more than ever before and am living an authentic life. At the same time, however, I know that the journey is not over and that we have a lifetime of learning ahead of us.

With this book I would also like to encourage you that no matter where you are in life, I will pick you up where you are and encourage you.

The universe always takes care of us and it is up to us what we allow ourselves to do or not to do. You were born into this world with the birthright of abundance, happiness and love.

Everything is available without limits - what you see today in your material world has already been manifested by you.

This can be changed from today. Make the choice and create the life of your dreams.

If you stay true to your desired future on a thought and emotional level and commit to it, then it will transform into matter and you will soon be able to hold it in your hand.

Have faith that the current external circumstances are temporary. Every pain or circumstance, no matter how great, can be your greatest opportunity. Start using your energies to your advantage and become a manifestation pro!

"Thoughts that evoke emotions are the ones that most quickly bring about change in your life."

(Abraham Hicks)

Part2:Law of Manifestation - Unleash your Potential

1 Your mission - your creative power

"We are not created by circumstances; we are creators of circumstances!"

(Benjamin Disraeli)

You came into this world as a creator with the power of your consciousness. Whatever longings and dreams you carry in your heart, you already have the ability in your essence to manifest them into your life. Through your consciousness, you have the gift of influencing the events of your reality.

Because in this universe, everything is connected to everything and everyone and all possibilities already exist for each and every one of us.

Everything in this universe is energy, just as we are 99.9% energy. What we see with our human eye consists of only 0.1% matter and is a hint of a veil.

When I looked into this at the time, I realized for the first time how creative we can be. I realized that everything that had appeared as a permanent loop in my life had been independently prophesied by my assumptions, thoughts and feelings. That was an aha moment for me, because I used to like to blame the outside world. Now that I knew that I was and am responsible for my own reality, I no longer recognized myself as a victim, but as a self-determined creator.

That was a tough pill to swallow at the beginning. For a short time, I thought how much I was standing in my own way and how much I was blocking myself.

This thought quickly disappeared, however, and I realized the creative ability we all have when we get a grip on our thoughts and feelings.

We think around 60,000 - 70,000 thoughts per day and around 95% of these are the same as the day before.

This means that the same thoughts we think every day lead to the same decisions and actions. This leads to recurring experiences, which in turn lead to the same feelings. This cycle can give the impression that our destiny is fixed. However, if we understand this and consciously adopt thought patterns that are adapted to our desired future, the future will also be created differently than before.

It is known from neuroscience that our brain is able to transform itself when we change our thoughts. This means that we are able to create a completely new identity if we don't like our current one, or only partially like it. Our consciousness, subconscious and each of our body cells are interconnected. This is why we can also form new beliefs in our subconscious through targeted, desire-oriented thinking and feeling, which lead to different actions and results.

Our energy always follows our attention. Every thought and every feeling is sent out as a frequency, and we receive the corresponding experience on the same frequency.

This very often evokes an emotion in us in which we often say: "Oh, I knew it."

When we think and feel in the old pain, be it resentment, sadness, anger, fear, pride, etc., we dial into that exact frequency that orders an experience in the universe and get delivered to us the exact thoughts and feelings we prophesied.