Fullness Pleasure Love - Jasmin Schreiner - E-Book

Fullness Pleasure Love E-Book

Jasmin Schreiner



Reading this book, you've already taken the first step towards finding happiness. Rest assured - you deserve to have more love, more joy and more abundance in your life. Since time immemorial, people have longed for a carefree and easy life, but the way of attaining it often seems like an unknown trek through the jungle - full of distractions, manipulations and outside influences. This book will give you the clarity to recognise and realise your inner desires. Practical exercises will help you to develop the courage to trust in yourself and to live your vision of a beautiful life. Invite fullness, pleasure and love into your life today and discover the power within you. Embrace happiness and success, walk your own path and let your dreams come true! Jasmin Schreiner inspires her readers to discover their true selves and to lead a self-determined and joyful life. With this guidebook, she takes you by the hand and shows you how to overcome challenges in your daily routine. Every transformation begins with the first step ...

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In search of the truth,

I found myself.



T his book is dedicated to you. You can use it to gain new experiences, leave old habits behind and develop new ones.

You can achieve whatever you desire and make your dream of an independent, self-determined and courageous existence come true.

Maybe you have the vision to move forward in a bold, highly motivating way and to fill your existence with positive thoughts from now on.

There are no limits to what you want to do and be. I hope with all my heart, and I am completely convinced, that the pages and chapters you’re about to read will help you to find greater happiness, love and courage.


Warmest congratulations! You’ve decided to make a change and that’s a good decision.

I’ve written this book for you, to serve as a guide so that you can shape your life with abundance, joy and love.



Chapter 1

The Path to Myself

Chapter 2

The I AM Revelation

Chapter 3

The Path to Inner and Outer Freedom

Chapter 4

Understanding Feelings

Chapter 5

Blockages of the Self

Chapter 6


Chapter 7

Unlimited Possibilities

Chapter 8

Love at All Levels



Gratitude Exercise




Cleansing and Protection Exercises


Audiobook & Recommendations

About the Author


Wealth, joy and love!

These are the very mainstays that most people would like to have in their lives. I’m sure you feel the same way. At least, that’s how it is with me, and I realised very early on that the law of attraction is an important natural law. I’d like to pass on knowledge of this law of attraction to you as I’ve experienced it, so that you can benefit from it as much as I have. You too can learn how to trust the voice of your intuition and how to achieve a certain mindfulness in everyday life. No matter whether it concerns business or aspects of private life, such as relationships, self-love or self-nurture, I find it very reassuring to remember that my happiness lies in my own hands. It all depends on having the right mindset. However, before I became aware of who I am and that I am responsible for everything in my life, I first had to find and follow the path to find myself. I’d like to tell you a little bit about myself and my personality in this chapter, so that you know who you’re “dealing with”!

My name is Jasmin Schreiner and I was born in Slovenia in 1986. At the age of five, I moved to Germany, where my father’s relatives have always lived. Early on, I developed a feeling for the natural laws of life and could always count on the support of my parents. They challenged and encouraged me to examine all the ideas that came to me. My personal focus has always been on the fullness and abundance of life. On the other hand, I found school rather boring – except for the creative subjects, which was definitely where my strength lay. Even then, I realised that it made no sense for me to get up early, to live in the past or reinforce negativity.

Somehow, I didn’t like the idea of a never-ending cycle of school, work, retirement, slow ageing and, finally, death. My feeling told me that there had to be so much more out there and so I decided to go in search of it. I wanted to find out exactly what was waiting for me behind the usual facades and use that knowledge in my life.

I don’t believe in pure coincidence, because too many things in my life actually make real sense in retrospect. In my professional life, I did many different jobs. However, nothing really suited me and this was partly because the people around me tended to live in a kind of negativity rather than listening to their intuition and focusing on joy and love. Owing to social structures, I also had to constantly subordinate me, which led to a general feeling of unhappiness.

Things were also a bit complicated in the area of love. Of course, I had relationships, but they never felt like the perfect match. So I started focusing on myself, practising mindfulness and trust and consciously manifesting positive thoughts in my life. Positive thinking isn’t just a hollow catchphrase to be parroted. One consciously chooses that way of thinking in all areas of one’s life.

My positive attitude and my thirst for more knowledge were rewarded about 11 years ago, when I met a particularly kind person who gave me the book “The Secret”. As I started reading, I immediately had a feeling of confidence and joy.

The book was really about the basic natural laws, i.e. important universal laws that I had always intuitively felt. I learned that I could shape my life in accordance with my convictions – above all, through feeling appreciation for the abundance around me every day.

As I have always had a naturally positive disposition, it was quite easy for me to put the book’s teachings into practice. I was desperate to know more! That request was fulfilled after only two weeks when I met the next person, who was even more knowledgeable about these subjects.

I spent six whole years of my life with that person. I am deeply grateful for that time, as it allowed me to learn a great deal. The Universe always sent me the right person, someone who perfectly fitted my mindset at the time. I wanted to look behind the curtain of life and I was sent support posthaste.

So, as you can see, thoughts – no matter what they are – manifest themselves over time – sometimes fast and sometimes less fast. But the result isn’t long in coming. That’s why it’s so important to pay attention to your thoughts as you go through your day. Above all, be honest with yourself. If you feel this way today, accept it, and if you feel differently tomorrow, accept it. Acceptance is the first path to awareness.

If you feel this is all going a bit too fast for you and want to realise a specific vision in your life, you can choose a good book (like the one you’re holding), a mindset coach or a vision board. These things can be very helpful. I’ve had good experiences with inspirational pictures on a vision board. A vision board is easy to create because you can put anything on the board that is close to your heart and deserves a place in your subconscious mind. So, if you want to realise a certain vision in your life, you can focus your thoughts on that vision and let the desire fill your being: not, of course, the kind of desire that comes from ego – but more on that later on. A mindset coach can help you to specifically realise your vision, whether in your professional or private life. As you’ve decided to read this book, the next step is an easy one for you: simply go on reading.

On my path to finding myself, I was able to learn a lot – not only about myself but also about my fellow human beings and about life itself. My former partner had once sent me to a woman with mediumistic abilities in Stuttgart – or rather, had suggested I visit this “medium”. I did because I was curious to see what it would be like to talk to someone who could show me the next door. Even though I found this idea very attractive, I was a little sceptical, to begin with. Protective beings from higher planes, angels and soul families? Well, er...

Finally, I got an appointment and the chance to see for myself whether everything was true or whether I was literally being taken for a ride into complete fantasy. Despite all my scepticism, I went to see that lady – and all my doubts were immediately swept away. She talked of aspects of my life that she had no way of knowing about: things that even I had forgotten and things concerning my thoughts in situations that I'd never told anyone about.

During the session with the medium, that familiar, warm feeling of encountering truth arose in me again: the sense that these were the real things in life. I was overcome by an intense feeling of happiness and the knowledge that my guardian angel was present grew within me: I even learned my angel’s name. There are feelings that you can’t really put into words, you simply have to have experienced them.

Thus, I learned that every human being who dwells on Earth has a guardian angel. At this point, I’d like to say that a guardian angel, spirit guide or guardian spirit is a presence that has been placed at your side to guide and support you on your path. So, when I speak of my guardian spirit, I’m specifically referring to a tangible spiritual presence that I can address by name and from whom I receive help, answers and inspiration.

What a comforting feeling it is to know that we’re never really alone at any moment of our lives, and that we always receive guidance and warm-hearted support if we’re aware of it and ask for help. After attending that session, I began to increasingly understand the universal laws and their interrelationships and how they play out in life.

Incidentally, at that time I was still working in dialogue marketing and as a cleaning lady on the side. For a while, those jobs were fulfilling and even gave me real pleasure. I saw them as temporary jobs, but in the end, that phase lasted for four whole years. After that, everything happened relatively quickly, as I gradually lost all pleasure and interest in the activities I’d been engaged in up to at that time, and I realised that it was time to decide for myself how my life should be from now on. I started listening more to myself and my vision of a beautiful life.

For example, it was always very important to me to be able to sleep in and only go to work when I wanted to. Just to live the day the way I want to live it, without having to compromise. So, I gathered all my courage and started to build up my own business.

As I always enjoyed the job of cleaning and felt most comfortable in clean, orderly environments anyway, I decided to become self-employed in the field of commercial cleaning. Even though I was aware that this work didn’t bring me any social prestige, for me cleaning was almost like a meditative activity, as it requires absolutely no mental effort. You live in the here and now, without having to think about anything, and it was precisely that aspect that always attracted me so much. At the beginning of being self-employed, there were often interpersonal challenges to overcome, such as managing employees or talking to my clients. I was still quite insecure and had fears about the “how, when and whether” of the thing. However, with growing experience and after some time, such fears disappeared by themselves.

Often, there were difficulties with staff, but today I know that all the challenges that arose from the people around me and caused me so many problems were training me to become stronger and wiser. That realisation still helps me to this day. After a few years in the cleaning industry, I again had that familiar feeling of wanting to make a change. I felt the need to create something different, creative and more far-reaching. As I’ve always had a wide range of interests anyway, I started my second business in the field of decorative cosmetics. I focused on marketing my own high-quality products that aren’t tested on animals.

This gave me joy and felt good and right for me. Time and again, people asked me how I’d managed to take the first step towards independence and how I was always able to remain positive, despite the challenges.

That question ultimately inspired me to write a book so that other people could benefit from my experiences. I hope that some part of this book can stimulate something within you and inspire you to likewise walk this path in a consciously positive way, knowing one of the most important universal laws: the law of attraction.

The wonderful thing about these universal laws is their practical application in everyday life. This means they don’t just give you theoretical knowledge, but extremely useful – and sometimes essential – spiritual tools to help you to take control of your life. This enables you, too, to try out new things and experience the world positively in your own unique way in order to ultimately pass on good things. In this way, we’re part of a “chain of lights” in which everyone can let their very own light shine – always in the knowledge that they have a guardian spirit who is always with them.