Galvanized - M'ALAN B - E-Book

Galvanized E-Book


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Tyrone seems to have it all. He's very attractive to the ladies in general for one. His finances are good, and his conversation is engaging. He seems like a great catch, right? Unfortunately, Tyrone was indoctrinated to be very promiscuous. Tyrone was very generous with the ladies sexually. His lifestyle made it seem like he didn't have three kids by three different women, kids he should be responsible for more than just financially. Fortunately for Tyrone's kids and his own conscious, he was GALVANIZED to do better.

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M’Alan B


All rights reserved

Copyright © 2024 by M’Alan B

No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

Published by BooxAi

ISBN: 978-965-578-985-0




Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Chapter 28

Chapter 29

Chapter 30

Chapter 31

Chapter 32

Chapter 33

Chapter 34

Chapter 35




the letter managed to galvanize him into action: impel, stir, spur, prod, urge, motivate, stimulate, arouse, awaken, invigorate, inspire, incentivize


What’s to know about Lazy Love? Her father is a mystery and her mother was everything to her. Love inherited her thoughtfulness, goodwill, and compassion from her mother. She protects her energy well, so she’s only available on her terms as a hyper-independent woman. Standing firmly on that square, she can only be sincerely wooed, not bought or dickmatized. She’s no ‘basketball wife’ or needy in any way. Love’s got her own (like the R&B artist sings). She’s a pure feminist in that she wants the double standard crushed or napalmed into smithereens. Love doesn’t mind paying for dinner or taking out the trash; she’s a true partner.



Love knows she’s special; however, she’s very graceful about it. Lazy Love may be more fitting for her dating efforts, but she actually accomplishes too much to be considered lazy (she’s very laid back overall, though).

If you’ve been paying attention, you can see why she may be single:

ALPHAS, CHAUVINISTS, and BETA PROVIDERS need not apply. An omega type may qualify, whatever that is.

Afifa is relaxing by her fireplace. As she continues a novel she’s reading, she thinks about the intense gaze of the man who accosted her.

He admitted not being well versed in his communication and that he had to know about her. He said he vowed to himself that he would not be in suspense concerning her. That’s why he introduced himself and stated his case. His gaze and sincerity made her tingle a bit. She was feeling his earnest introduction, but she really didn’t give out her number. Such a professional, Afifa, politely asked for his business card (because, in her mind, it would be nice if she had these tingly sensations for a businessman).

Tyrone didn’t have a card. What he had was a blank look on his face for half a second before spouting his decree: “I’d appreciate it if you put my number in your phone; it may end up being your most important number. I detect the chemistry; your only issue is that I’m a total stranger, and my issue is that we may not ever know how much of a fit we are. We should address this potential.”

Afifa was drawn to the guy, but she was always cautious with men. She honestly responded,

“You seem genuine, so I’ll accept your number, but I won’t make any promises after that.”

Afifa punched his information in her phone and left the lobby to go back to her hotel room.

Tyrone stood in the same spot as she left. He was soaking in the scenario. Tyrone stepped to her to rid himself of the suspense. The irony dawns on him. Now he’s smiling sourly at himself, thinking she’s feeling me, but she’s cautious, and I may never see or hear from her again. That was almost a year ago.



Tyrone lives in the Central Jersey suburbs, about 20-30 minutes from Philly. He’s thought of in many ways by many people: good dude, laid back, ridiculous, a troll with the slowest quick wit, womanizer.

Tyrone was a planter (plants his seed deep in fertile punani). He had a few baby moms. He also had a few of the best candidates for side pieces, married women -they have to be discreet.

Tyrone wasn’t out here wishing upon a star that he may have just one woman before he dies. NAH, he was out here competing with the best of players it seemed. His stats, body count, whatever you want to call it, were insane; he knew it. He called himself a ‘hoar’ and relished in the fact that (any shapely body could get it).

The way Tyrone came up was to HUSTLE HARD, GET MONEY, and keep splashing in those tight wetlands. Definitely one of the greatest ways to alleviate stress.

One time, his headache subsided as he orgasmed, so he thought that was the true elixir for headaches for a while until he was in ‘some’ with a headache and was expecting the headache to pass with the ‘release’ but to no avail. Tyrone thought to himself,

“I should’ve been with the one that pulled my nut and my headache.”

Tyrone was selling THC-infused cooking oil to cooks, bakers, and all else who was paying. He cornered his market. It was illegal at the time, but it was his own. Tyrone grew his own plants for quality assurance, and he only infused raw cold pressed oils (coconut oil, olive oil, grape seed oil, peanut oil). His product was superior.

He also worked at a facility getting that blue-collar dollar that went to his children. Tyrone had three children by three different women.

He was the only one at the facility with a 745 and a Range Rover.

This tacky ninja was pulling these fine vehicles up to an apartment complex he lived in.

Thing is, Tyrone wasn’t at peace. A bunch of highs and lows. Great times and great drama, but no true peace of mind.

One day, Tyrone was at work on lunch break; for some reason, he felt the urge to speak to his ‘old head’ Russ. He always appreciated how simple and sweet Russ’ life seemed.

Tyrone came to the table Russ was eating alone at. He trolled him a bit from the onset, “Yo Russ, these women want you around here, and you just remain neutral and all polite; what gives?”

Russ cooly responded, “It’s all good; you’ll get around to them all, playboy.”

Tyrone sat down and asked Russ why he wasn’t interested in some of the most attractive women at the job. Russ responded, “I never wanted a crazy body count. I won’t enter a woman just because she’s built nicely; there are other factors involved that will damage your spirit if you don’t choose wisely.”

Tyrone responded, “I believe that’s true for women more than men; I’m out here winning, Russ; you could be too.”

“I am winning Russ said, “I deal in true intimacy, and I’m winning. My Lady is wonderful and happy; I’m very content.”

Russ added,

“Both sexes may suffer from residual circumstances from promiscuity, not just women. Don’t let that double standard make you think it’s all good, fam. Baby mommas, diseases, negative energies being exchanged, et cetera. So while your lifestyle is winning to you, it’s losing to me. I don’t want to be a whore ass dude, just out here for everyone. That’s one of the things about me that allows my lady to feel confident and secure in me. Death could only do us part.”

Tyrone sat there and marinated in what Russ said. Then he looked at Russ respectfully and considered his tone and mannerisms. Tyrone nodded in sincere appreciation of a man who had something great figured out. Tyrone got up from the table, gave respect, got respect, then went back to work.

When Tyrone got off, he ran into Russ again. Tyrone trolled him again, saying,

“You have it all figured out huh, you should write a book.”

Russ shook his head and replied,

“I just move within the comforts of my conscious so I can look at myself in the mirror and be content.”

Then Russ asked Tyrone if he was content with what he saw in the mirror. Tyrone joked as he stroked his beard,

“Of course I’m content.” After spewing BS, Tyrone grimaced slightly; then he seriously fessed up,

“I get stressed out from the consequences of winning in these streets, my business, the women, these hating a*# ninjas that come for me. I’ve stretched myself out too thin; I really need to fine-tune some things in my life. I don’t kick it with you enough, Russ. You're your official OG, and you got me checking myself.

“How did you meet your lady Russ?”



Russ is one of Tyrone’s consumers. He buys infused olive oil, coconut oil, and avocado oil for his lady at least once a month. Russ enjoys cannabis at least once a day, but he prefers to smoke it.

Russ was approaching 40, and he’d been with his lady Theresa for about ten years. They mesh like soulmates.

He met her at a poetry slam (he didn’t appreciate poetry slams much because he just thought it was folks saying slick words acapella because they couldn’t flow it to music production. He thought it was wack acapella hip hop).

Russ’ cousin Lou convinced him to go anyway. Told him it’ll be a lot of beautiful principled women there, not your typical ‘thot party’. Lou advertised an abundance of available women, then an after-party after the poets shared their works.