Get Rosacea Under Control Immediately - Sylvia Lermann - E-Book

Get Rosacea Under Control Immediately E-Book

Sylvia Lermann


  • Herausgeber: tredition
  • Kategorie: Ratgeber
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2017

This guide contains tried and tested methods to quickly bring the chronic inflammatory effects of the skin disorder rosacea under control. The book's university graduate author is the owner of a B2B PR agency and has herself suffered from the symptoms. She carried out extensive research into the topic over a long period of time and finally found a solution. She gives you an easy-to-use, practical guide that will allow you to enjoy a healthy and beautiful skin in a very short time. Take these effective measures against rosacea, which dermatologists don't tell you, and get your symptoms quickly under control.

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Sylvia Lermann

Get Rosacea Under Control Immediately

Practical Guide

Copyright © 2017 Sylvia Lermann

Publisher: tredition, Hamburg, Germany






This document and all its parts are copyrighted. Any use without the consent of the publisher and author is prohibited. This is especially true for electronic or other reproduction, translation, dissemination, and public disclosure.

Table of contents

Book description


What is rosacea

Causes of rosacea

What the doctor recommends

Plants with healing properties

Other customary treatment methods

Nutrition tips

Soothing agents

Take the test!

An effective weapon

Skin care

A final word

Book description

Thank you and congratulations for finding the book “Get Rosacea Under Control Immediately”. This book contains tried and tested methods which allow you to get the chronic inflammatory skin disorder rosacea rapidly under control.

Many people around the world, including me, suffer from rosacea. As the doctors were unable to help, I began to do my own research and eventually found the solution.

Now I would like to share what I’ve learned and provide a practical guide in this book which will allow you to enjoy healthy and beautiful skin.

With the help of a few easy-to-implement measures, your quality of life will soon improve once again.

I wish you every success!


This book is a practical guide for sufferers of rosacea, with the help of which they can easily get this skin disorder under control. This guide is the result of intensive research, the results of which I am happy to share with my readers to free them from the “curse of the Celts”.

I am not receiving any compensation from the companies and products mentioned in this book; they are merely helpful, concrete recommendations for you, as they have freed me from rosacea.

What is rosacea?

Rosacea (derived from the Latin word rosaceus for “rose-coloured”) is an inflammatory skin disease which occurs in both genders, predominantly between the ages of 30 and 50, with women being slightly more likely to develop the disorder. As a rule, the disorder develops in stages. It is chronic and is considered to be incurable.

The disorder is usually seen in the middle of the face: the cheeks, nose, chin and forehead are often affected. The typical changes of the skin can also be seen in the neck and décolletage, though this is rare. The area around the mouth and eyes usually remain free of the disorder. Different forms and/or stages of rosacea differ depending on the characteristics of the disorder and the stages do not necessarily overlap.

Rosaceaerythemato-teleangiectatica is the first stage of rosacea. The skin reddens when exposed to heat, cold, and during situations of emotional stress, with clearly visible, dilated blood vessels near the skin’s surface. The cheeks and nose are particularly affected. The skin looks like it is sunburnt, with a burning or sticky feel, sometimes itchy, and small papules (raised swelled spots) can occur. Early on, the redness will disappear, but in later stages of the disease it can become permanent.

Rosacea papulopustulosa is the second stage of the disease, which can last for several years. In addition to the redness and vasodilatation, there are nodules and pimples as well as swelling which can become inflamed and fester over long periods of time. The disorder may now resemble acne, but the nodules and pimples do not originate in the hair follicles.

In the third stage of rosacea, rosacea hypertrophica, the connective tissue and sebaceous glands become increasingly intertwined. Men will experience a knotted thickening of the nose (rhinophyma) develops at this stage. Rarely, comparable skin growths occur on the ear, chin, nasal root or eyelids.

There is also a form of rosacea in which the eyes are affected (ophthalmic rosacea). In addition to dry eyes, various eye infections can occur. Thus, the conjunctiva, the edges of the eyelids, and the iris can become inflamed. Rarely, the cornea can be affected by inflammation. This can even lead to blindness.

The skin damaged by rosacea is extremely sensitive and irritable. It is often very sensitive to skin care preparations, cosmetics and medicines, which make the inflammation worse. Patients suffer and feel increasingly impaired in their quality of life, as the symptoms are on their face, and therefore visible to everyone. Those who consult dermatologists usually get the same answers: rosacea is not curable, and Metrocreme and antibiotics will be prescribed. If these agents help at all, the inflammation will flare up once again after discontinuation of the antibiotics at the latest. So, it was time to find a more long-lasting, quick-acting solution, and I would like to tell you about it in this book, in order to save you from your suffering and help you to restore your healthy skin quickly.

Causes of rosacea

Many different theories try to explain the causes of rosacea.