Going to School is cool - Sherin Mathews - Hörbuch

Going to School is cool Hörbuch

Sherin Mathews

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Once upon a time there was a big and dense jungle. There was a river flowing through it and on the banks of this river was a beautiful hill. What was special about this hill were the trees that on which grew a variety of flowers. Also it never became dark at night. Do you know why? The answer was that right at the centre of the hill, there was a big and beautiful banyan tree. Whenever anyone felt scared or worried, they would come to a branch of the tree and hug it tightly and in some time they would start feeling better. One day in the jungle, everyone heard the crying of a small child coming from an ant's house.

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Zeit:0 Std. 13 min

Sprecher:Sonal Kaushal
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