School of Magic - Sherin Mathews - Hörbuch

School of Magic Hörbuch

Sherin Mathews

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Long ago, in the magical Land of Doon, there was a large Magic School. Along with the Prince and the Princess of the land, many other children also went there to study magic. The Principal of Magic School was much respected. He loved all the children. Even if the children played pranks and were mischievous, he would explain things to them with great tolerance... even affection. Many times, the Principal would narrate stories to assist this explanation. And who doesn't love a good story... and thus the narrator? So it went without saying, all the children of the school loved their Principal! In the same school, however, there was a teacher who was very strict. All children were afraid of him.

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MP3 (als ZIP verpackt)

Zeit:0 Std. 13 min

Sprecher:Pooja Punjabi
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