Hungry Lion - Sherin Mathews - Hörbuch

Hungry Lion Hörbuch

Sherin Mathews

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One day, a hungry lion was wandering in the jungle. One of his best friends was a bear. He went to the bear and said, "Bear, I am really very hungry." Bear said, "I have brought fish from the river near the banyan tree. Want to eat?" The lion smiled and said, "Wow! I'll definitely eat. How many fish do you have?" The bear said, "I have four fish. But I can share them with you. My mother says we should always share with everyone and eat. I will eat two and you can eat two." Hearing this, the lion's sulked because he wanted to eat all the fish by himself. Disappointed, he said a little angrily, "Okay fine. Let's share and eat. I am very hungry. So where are the fish?"

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MP3 (als ZIP verpackt)

Zeit:0 Std. 15 min

Sprecher:Sonal Kaushal
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