Group Loving Hot Wife: Gangbang Erotica - Phineas Hewes - E-Book

Group Loving Hot Wife: Gangbang Erotica E-Book

Phineas Hewes

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This full length erotic novel is so sexy we can't even tell you the preview…


"Now we can see you a lot better," Steve said. "Go ahead and strip your clothes off again."
She looked around. She knew she didn't have any choice. She was tired and sore, but she knew that her gang-bang was just beginning. She peeled herself out of her clothes once more. She saw the boys' eyes going up and down her lush body. There was no part of her body that she could hide from them.
"Hot damn," Steve said. "You really are nice, baby. My cock's been hard all night long and it's time I got some of your hot pussy."
Steve looked like the youngest of the boys. The only other boy in the crowd who looked as young as he did was named Billy and so far he had done little but watch.
But she had seen him rubbing the front of his trousers and then caressing his naked cock. She knew it wouldn't be long before he was in on the action.
"You fuck her," Raymond said. "Get down and let her get on top!"
"That sounds good," Steve said.
She had never been treated this way before, but she knew she had to do anything they wanted. She saw Steve finish stripping off his clothes and then stretching out on his back on the floor of the van. His prick was long and thick and his swollen cockhead was dripping cum.

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Group Loving Hot Wife

Phineas Hewes

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 1

"Put your books up," Danny Dawson told her. "We're going for a walk."

"Not today," Angela pleaded. "I've got a lot of work to do."

"Don't give me a lot of crap," her brother told her. "Just put your books up and come on."

Angela was an attractive schoolgirl and she knew her brother could have had his pick of any young girl he wanted. He was a very handsome young man and he was also very sexy.

Angela knew it wasn't just her body he was after. It was a game he liked to play ever since he had found out that the attractive woman who lived next door had been spying on them.

Angela went upstairs and put her books up. She was dressed in a short skirt and frilly blouse and she decided not to change. It would be easier to get out of the clothes she had on and she knew that Danny wasn't interested in her clothes anyway.

There was an impatient gleam in Danny's eyes as she walked back down the stairs.

He knew there was nobody else at home and he put his hand on her shapely ass.

She felt him squeezing her asscheek roughly.

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