He Dreams In Me - Neville Goddard - E-Book

He Dreams In Me E-Book

Neville Goddard

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He Dreams In Me

Neville Goddard

March, 13, 1967

The Old Testament calls upon God to awake, saying: “Rouse thyself! Why sleepest thou, O Lord? Awake! Do not cast us off forever! Having hurled Himself into time/space, God is dreaming he is man and sees Himself as enslaved and cast off.

But in the New Testament, God succeeds in awakening in man, and in the Book of Ephesians calls upon man to “Awake and rise from the dead and Christ will give you life.” Tonight I will take the two and try to show you who this presence really is. Your own wonderful human imagination is God. It is your imagination who is calling upon you to awake, for you are all imagination and God is you and you in Him. Your external body is the imagination, and that is God Himself.

Let me begin by telling you what happened to me last Tuesday morning. Early in the morning, desiring to check the time I switched on the television to the “Today Show.” Hugh Downs, the master of ceremonies, having been giving a cue to ad-lib for the next thirty seconds or so, said: “Let me tell you of a dream I once had. In the dream I was viewing a tape of one of my shows, when I said to the producer: ‘Do you know, I don’t remember having seen any of these people,’ and the producer replied: ‘That’s understandable, for this show is to be taped next Friday.’  When the following Friday arrived, the show I had dreamed of only a few days before was taped.” In his dream, Hugh Downs merged with the future and lived an experience he did not remember.

Now, let me tell you [of] one who merged with the past and lived an experience of long ago. The lady writes: “I am seventy-two years old. In my dream I am a ten-year-old girl, asking my father to write in my autograph book. Having memorized a verse I wanted him to write, I dedicated it to him as he recorded it in my book. Then the dream ended.

Although I could not remember the poem prior to the dream, upon awakening I recalled every word in detail. A few days later, while visiting my daughter I told her of the dream; and when I recited the poem my daughter went to her library and – removing an old autograph book I had given her many years before – turned to the page where the verse was autographed by my third grade teacher.” Returning sixty-two years, this lady merged with a fact and remembered an experience of long ago.

The she told me of a little boy of four, who – living next door – comes to see her often. One day he told her he had always known her and that there would never be a time when they did not know each other. Describing an incident of long ago, he looked out of the window and said: “Do you see that bush? As many leaves as are on that bush are the years, and I will know you when my head grows and reaches the sky.” Then one day he told her he had a dream that everything was nothing.Modern man now concludes that the entire history of the world is laid out, and we only become aware of increasing portions of it successively. That you can merge with a section of the beginning or future relative to this moment, and experience that portion of history. How can that be? Because you are now merged with a dream.