Health is Wealth - Carey Ross - E-Book

Health is Wealth E-Book

Carey Ross

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  • Herausgeber: Spines
  • Kategorie: Ratgeber
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2024

Owning your health is within your control, if you follow the principles described in this writing. It starts with a decision. You are worth it!
Your genetics may have played a role in getting you to this point. However, your lifestyle is what pulls the life trigger to achieve maximum health which is totally up to you!
No matter where you are in life, optimal health is within reach for you!
Start today and live in a healthy future you designed for yourself!

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Carey Ross

Health Is Wealth: Own Yours!

All rights reserved

Copyright © 2024 by Carey Ross

No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

Published by Spines

ISBN: 979-8-89383-217-4

A practical guide to owning and achieving

Total Optimal Health

How I went from a BMI of 32.5 to 22.5 and maintained optimal health for Life! 16 years and counting.




1. My First Health Crisis

2. Healthcare In The United States

3. The Health Industry Quick Fix Solutions

4. Man Made Drugs, The Unintended Health Consequences

5. There must be a better way to live Healthy

6. Transformation in my physical health

7. How to help others achieve Total Health based on personal experience and results

The Journey


About the Author


I would like to dedicate this book to my beloved and deceased mother Virginia Jean Ross and my deceased father Rudolph Ramsey Ross, who both taught me hard work, dedication, sacrifice and to believe in myself. As one of their children, I am grateful for the example in the time-tested principles of perseverance demonstrated in their lives. Although they are no longer with me their spirits influence me daily to pursue the best life and to believe in myself and others while seeking the better good and to share knowledge and resources with others expecting nothing in return. It is in that spirit that I saw them live out their lives and that I write this book and dedicate this writing to all those who would read it and apply its principles mentioned that they may achieve optimal health through natural means consistent with the longevity of health and wealth to the full and until it overflows.


I give honor to my creator God and the power of His Son and Spirit who lives within me for without Him I am nothing.

To my children who are the joys of my life and who have stood by my side and made life truly an inspiration.

To my grandchildren, and future leaders of our world, I am so grateful and I truly feel rich to be a father and grandfather to my amazing family.

I also am grateful to my many healthcare colleagues, role models, mentors in business, and spiritual leaders all of whom collectively have influenced me to serve my community with excellence. I also acknowledge the amazing vegan chef who has helped me navigate the plant-based community with love and support. I will always be grateful for our time together!

I lastly wish to acknowledge my ancestors and all those who lived before me and have contributed to my life for without them also, I would not be.


I watched my grandfather die as a child. My healthcare journey of over thirty-five years in the healthcare industry began sitting by my grandfather's hospital bed watching him slowly die of prostate cancer. I was a little boy close to 10 years old. The hospital room experience changed my life forever as I saw my six-foot-five-inch hero dwindle to mere skin and bones within weeks right before my young eyes.

How did this happen and what could be done in the future to avoid this untimely painful death? My grandfather was a tall physically fit handsome man. He was always well dressed for business and he possessed the finer things in life, so I thought!

I can remember the fishing trips on his private boat that were so much fun. My brothers and I would get so excited when it became time to go see Grandad and little did we know he had been given a short time to live due to a diagnosis of cancer.

He lived a prosperous life and owned multiple properties in an era when money was tight and opportunities to prosper were few and hard to come by. My grandfather taught me the value of owning real estate and the finer things in life when my immediate surroundings displayed poverty, unhealthy eating choices, and many sick and overweight individuals who seemed to be comfortable living in such dire environments.

In contrast to his life my immediate surroundings included very few supermarkets, many fast-food restaurants, and liquor stores abounded in my immediate community. It appeared as if we lived in different worlds while residing in the same city limits. His life in my view as a child was so good that I found it hard to believe he was dying at the young age of sixty-nine. He suffered through an extended hospital stay that included intense medical treatment and chemotherapy along with many needle sticks withdrawing blood samples for testing. As the treatment proceeded his appetite diminished as it became too difficult to keep solid food in his stomach. The hospital began feeding him through a tube in the last few days of his life. Ultimately my hero would die as I sat next to his bed for days hoping and expecting him to get back to those immaculate living conditions I longed to experience and my personal favorite was his very cool fishing boat!

My wished recovery for him never happened and as I sat next to his bed until the final hours and eventual minutes and final seconds there would be no recovery and the process of burial began while in the same room hoping he would come home! The experience left me in shock, sad, and angry that I had lost the one person who I looked up to and he was my grandad.



In January 2013 I became intimately aware of just how important your health is. For years I observed my weight fluctuate depending on the pressures of life. I recall working 60-90 hours per week and stuffing my mouth with any warm foods that I could easily access and were satisfying to my taste. Salt and sugar were the dominant taste desires. Eating in such a careless way led to my weight reaching a whopping two-hundred and seventy-plus pounds. As I stood six feet five inches I could barely walk upstairs without losing my breath! Playing in the backyard with my youngest son a family member snapped a picture of me leaning over to pick up a basketball with no shirt on. The picture told a story of just how bad my health had become. My mid-section was close to 44-46 inches wide. My physique was non-existent, and I was shocked to see how far off my ideal body weight I had become. In a mad rush to overturn that bad picture of myself that I could not get out of my mind, I sought the services of a personal trainer. I even went through several at-home fitness programs and achieved substantial weight loss. However, the short-term gains seem to come back as I didn’t change my eating habits to match my desire for better health.

After months of up and down results I committed on a cold January morning to working out with a dedicated personal trainer. I planned to participate in my first Iron Man event to keep myself on track to sustained weight loss and better overall health. Recall that picture of my disgusting figure while picking up that basketball in my backyard while playing with my son?

I was preparing physically for a marathon that I would never participate in. My personal trainer and I began the long journey of getting my body in the best physical shape that I can imagine. This included many calisthenics, weightlifting, eating right, and rest. This included drinking large amounts of water and taking supplements to keep my body going and I believed I was on my way to what I like to call the “Ironman physique”.

My trainer and I fully engaged as he was showing me all of the techniques to build muscle he was testing my mental fortitude and was driving me for what I had in my mind as the perfect physique. On one particular day, I was doing squats with extra weights and I’ll never forget it felt so good to continue to push heavier weights. In fact, I was intrigued just how far I could challenge my body and I was eager to see massive change. This all came to a screeching halt when I went down on my right knee trying to push too much weight for that conditioning exercise.

I went down abruptly on one knee thinking nothing of it and soon realized I needed to lessen the amount of free weight that I was lifting. It was a little embarrassing to me that I had not properly balanced the approach with the amount of weight for the lift. After going down on one knee with extra weight on my shoulders and in my hands I thought nothing of hitting my right knee hard on the rubber mat. Within days of this incident, I noticed my breathing started to change. I began sweating profusely at night and had difficulty breathing with just normal activities. Being the hard worker that I am I did not pay total attention to my body and kept up the very demanding routine of a 60 to 70 plus hours work week driving for 3 ½ to 4 hours a day during my daily commute.

All while getting about 4 to 6 ½ hours’ sleep and this led to a complete breakdown of my total health. As I remember it started slow with sweating clammy skin difficulty breathing and of course I began to seek medical attention as my symptoms worsened. These worsening symptoms included skin color changes inability to sleep throughout the night even though it was limited to 4 to 6 hours and I began to spit up what I now know were blood clots that had formed in my lungs.

I engaged the healthcare system and was initially diagnosed with pneumonia. This included a regimen of medications and advice to limit my activity and get more rest. I recall the many prescriptions that I was offered to sleep at night and on the surface it seemed like the right thing to do. I was offered codeine cough syrup and something inside me said this is not pneumonia. As a result, I did not take the medication and I returned to see my physician to complain that my symptoms were worsening.

This all transpired within days which turned into weeks which turned into months. One day while working with what I now know were blood clots in my lungs my corporate manager noticed that my physical appearance had changed. She said to me you don’t look okay can you go to the ER and get checked out. I stated that I had done so and I was under the care of my physician while trying to work. She noticed that I was physically sweating and my energy levels were much different than she was accustomed to. She insisted that I go see a physician right away!

Upon visiting the doctor at the direction of my manager I learned after weeks and months of trial and error that my body had produced blood clots in my lungs and I was in grave danger. I recall finally seeing a pulmonologist who had gone through many different evaluations to determine why I was not getting better and on this particular visit, he offered a new regimen of antibiotics because again he thought it was pneumonia and he gave me a list of medications to take to the pharmacy.

While sitting in the pharmacy waiting room to obtain the medication my name was called by the receptionist at the pharmacy counter. I remember walking up barely able to move to the counter to say I was here and was told by the receptionist that my pulmonologist was looking for me and to return to his office immediately.

As soon as I finished that interaction my pulmonologist was walking toward the pharmacy to reconnect with me as my chest X-ray had shown and confirmed that there were clots forming in my lungs and I needed a different course of medical treatment as soon as possible.

I walked back to my pulmonologist's office, and he sat me down and said I need you to listen very closely. You are in very grave danger and your chest X-ray shows that you have multiple blood clots that have formed in your lungs. I need you to return to the emergency room to be treated with thrombolytic medication otherwise known as blood clot-busting medication immediately. Of course, this was not the news that I was expecting as I was still functioning albeit with extra effort. I did not feel that I was in danger. So I began negotiating with my physician about the time I needed to get more work done and see my family rather than take care of myself.