Her Amazing Tongue: Taboo Erotica - Henrietta Soto - E-Book

Her Amazing Tongue: Taboo Erotica E-Book

Henrietta Soto

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This full length erotic novel is so sexy we can't even tell you the preview…


"Talk about Sophie Portnoy! Man, I have a mother you wouldn't believe. Every chick I met, every chick I look at, every chick I dream about is a threat to dear ol' Mom. Don't get me wrong: I love her. But I wish to hell she hadn't hung on so long. I'm rid of her now-I'm moving out on my own next week-but it's been one hell of a trip, believe me.
"'So who's this girl you're bringing home l' she asked way back before my first date in high school. Already then she was afraid I'd get a chick pregnant and I'd shame her and her ancestors forever. She should only know-she should only know!-that I don't even like fucking girls! Oral sex is my bag and mother is responsible for that too.
"Let me go back to the beginning. One day, when I was about twelve and just starting to realize my cock was growing and there was such a thing called sex I came home from school early with a sore throat. Dad ran a string of furniture showrooms and warehouses, and you never knew when he was going to be home. Already then he was losing his looks-'he worked himself to the bone-and mother never really had any. She's always been overweight, not what you'd call pretty, but not homely either, with her hair propped up with the help of ten cans of spray. I had never even pictured the two of them kissing, much less making love. I entered the house quietly and heard noises coming from the living room. I crept up behind the big planter and looked down into the sunken-Beverly Hills, mind you, posh sunken living room-area and immediately froze.
"Mother was on the top-riding him, in a stooping position. Dad's long slender cock stood straight up from his balls and she bounced on it and I was amazed to see it disappear up her, and then slide out again and again. The rolls of fat on her stomach jiggled and her massive breasts heaved with each movement. Dad wasn't saying a word, just moaning a sick sound. Mom was shouting all kinds of shit, like. 'FUCK THE JUICE OUT OF ME!' and 'HAROLD, HAROLD, YOU HAVE SUCH A BIG PRICK!' (which he didn't, actually), and I was so sick I wanted to puke.

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Her Amazing Tongue

Henrietta Soto

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents







"And baby-child, that's what I do and I do it better than just about anyone I can think of. My boyfriend-I call him Honky because it gets him mad and I love to tease him-he says to me, 'Man, I'll bet so-and so can do my big black dick real justice,' as he's watching her on the late news. And I look at him and say, 'Listen, baby, I know So-and-so is one together chick, but I know I could teach her a few things about sucking cock!'

"He just looks at me and leans back in the chair and he says, 'Frieda, my load's buildin' up in there and I'm gonna beat it off unless you get down there and do somethin' about it fast!'

"So I do a whole number, you know, pretending that I don t want to... I stand up and click off the fucking TV-I hate television-and I put on a record-Aretha or maybe B. B. King-and start to dance right there. In front of him. My man looks up at me and watches my titties swinging just above his bushy head and he's getting hotter than hell. I see that old black magic rising in his pants and my pussy starts in quivering and shaking and itching. I start opening the buttons on my dress-it's very tight and long and slinky, very 40's; Honky loves anything that clings to my body-and he's sitting there with sweat pouring all down his shiny forehead.

"Honky is some man, let me tell you! He's twenty-seven and he's really got it together. He's tall and muscular and strong, and has a cock on him like none I've ever seen and I've seen them all, and you'd better believe it. When they say Black Power honey they're talking about my Honky. Every chick I know wants him to ball her, every chick I know wants to nibble on his dick. But that is reserved for me and me alone, and I'm good at it. Holy Jesus in Alabama, I'm damn good at it!

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