Her Sister's Offspring: Taboo Older Woman Incest Erotica - Reese Sinise - E-Book

Her Sister's Offspring: Taboo Older Woman Incest Erotica E-Book

Reese Sinise

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Warning: Very taboo. Not for the faint of heart. May include BDSM, incest, and other taboo and forbidden elements. This is a vintage **full length** (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel.


It was almost two o'clock on this Saturday afternoon, and she knew that within five or ten minutes the phone would ring and she would hear that filthy, boyish voice again ... that husky, changing, whispering voice that would say things to her that no male had ever said.

Words and phrases such as fuck ... suck ... good pussy ... let me screw you, baby ... blow my hard dick!

But it wasn't the shocking language that was making her blood grow warmer as she anticipated the call, it was her certain knowledge about the identity of the caller.

She knew perfectly well that it was her own nephew, Willy!

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Her Sister's Offspring

Reese Sinise

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 1

It was almost two o'clock on this Saturday afternoon, and she knew that within five or ten minutes the phone would ring and she would hear that filthy, boyish voice again ... that husky, adolescent, whispering voice that would say things to her that no male had ever said. Words and phrases such as fuck ... suck ... good pussy ... let me screw you, baby ... blow my hard dick!

But it wasn't the shocking language that was making her blood grow warmer as she anticipated the call, it was her certain knowledge about the identity of the caller.

She knew perfectly well that it was her own nephew, Willy!

Despite Willy's attempt to disguise his eighteen-year-old voice, she had recognized him almost at once when he had made the first call three Saturdays before. She had been shocked and angered beyond belief when she heard his youthful voice rasping out that first erotic message:

"Hey, lady, some guy told me you had a hungry pussy that needs a good hot fuckin'. How's about letting me crawl on your sweet, hairy cunt? I'd like to screw your juicy hole dry..."

She had almost shouted back at Willy on that first Saturday, screamed at him about what a filthy, wicked boy he was to be so ungrateful. After all, hadn't she agreed to take him into her own house for six months while his mother, her own sister, adjusted to the shattering experience of a nasty divorce? And was her reward to be called up in the middle of the afternoon and talked to like a common slut?

She had almost shouted that, but she had not.

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