Seminar in Sex: Taboo Barely Legal Age Play Erotica - Reese Sinise - E-Book

Seminar in Sex: Taboo Barely Legal Age Play Erotica E-Book

Reese Sinise

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Warning: Very taboo. Not for the faint of heart. May include BDSM, incest, and other taboo and forbidden elements. This is a vintage **full length** (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel.


Suddenly she heard a girl's voice whisper to her from out of the darkness. "Claire! Claire, are you awake? Don't be scared, it's just me. I slipped down to your cubicle barefoot so no one would hear me. Be real quiet and I'll slip under the covers with you," said the mysterious intruder.
Claire froze when she recognized who it was. It had to be Dana, the cute blonde two years her senior, the girl who had shared Claire's bus seat with her on the long ride through the forests to the campgrounds. She lay stiff as a poker, hoping the older girl would think she was asleep and go away.
"Claire," persisted Dana, "come on, wake up. Did you think I was kidding when I told you I'd sneak to your bed tonight? If it's Miss Kressler you're worried about, forget it! She turned out the lights in her cabin over two hours ago. I would have come to see you a long time ago if it hadn't been for Sally and Lynda. I thought they'd never shut up and go to sleep so I could sneak down the hall past their cubicles without them hearing me."

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Seminar in Sex

Reese Sinise

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents










Suddenly she heard a girl's voice whisper to her from out of the darkness. "Claire! Claire, are you awake? Don't be scared, it's just me. I slipped down to your cubicle barefoot so no one would hear me. Be real quiet and I'll slip under the covers with you," said the mysterious intruder.

Claire froze when she recognized who it was. It had to be Dana, the cute blonde two years her senior, the girl who had shared Claire's bus seat with her on the long ride through the forests to the campgrounds. She lay stiff as a poker, hoping the older girl would think she was asleep and go away.

"Claire," persisted Dana, "come on, wake up. Did you think I was kidding when I told you I'd sneak to your bed tonight? If it's Miss Kressler you're worried about, forget it! She turned out the lights in her cabin over two hours ago. I would have come to see you a long time ago if it hadn't been for Sally and Lynda. I thought they'd never shut up and go to sleep so I could sneak down the hall past their cubicles without them hearing me."

Claire kept her mouth tightly closed. The thought of Sally or Lynda or any of the members of Campfire Girls, Troop 73, catching Dana in her bed, was simply awful. She'd had no idea Dana was serious earlier that day. Somewhere, Claire had once heard, there were supposed to be girls who did things with other girls. She could hardly believe it, but Dana must be one of them.

But the bold eighteen-year-old took Claire's silence in a way the inexperienced young girl never intended. Instead of leaving, she sat down on the edge of her bed. It was clear she wasn't about to go away. Claire felt the covers raise along her side and realized she was about to have a bed partner whether she wanted one or not. She was glad her back was turned to Dana because her face was red as a beet from embarrassment. At home her folks always made her wear a nightgown or pajamas to bed, but she had celebrated the freedom of her first night at camp by taking off everything except the panties she had been wearing under her dark green Campfire Girl's uniform.

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