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His Purpose
Neville Goddard
Tonight’s subject is: “His Purpose.” When purpose is revealed, everything falls into place, so the revelation of purpose gives meaning to the existence of life. There is a purpose behind it all. It may not seem so, judging from this level, but there is a purpose . . a great purpose. It is God’s purpose to give Himself to us, because in the end we will awake as God. That is the purpose.
Paul tells us he knows the plan by which it is done when he writes his letter to the Ephesians. He says, “He has made known unto us the mystery of His will according to His purpose which He set forth in Christ as a plan for the fullness of time.” (Ephesians 1:9) Then he tells us, “In the fullness of time God sends forth His son into our hearts crying, “Father.” (Galatians 4:6)
“In the fullness of time” . . that is, in the very end of the drama, His son appears calling us, “Father.” Then, and only then, will we know that God has fulfilled His purpose in us. Now, this is the fulfillment of Scripture, and we are told, “Scripture must be fulfilled in me.” (John 17:12)
“And beginning with Moses in the law and all the prophets and the Psalms, he interpreted to them in all the Scriptures, the truth concerning Himself.” (Luke 34:27, RSV ) “For Scripture must be fulfilled in me.”
He says, “In the volume of the book . . “which means the Bible . . “it is written of me.” (Psalm 40:7, KJV ) For, from beginning to end, it’s all about that central character that is being formed in us. And when He is formed in us, He comes forward, and That One calls us, “Father.”
In the story of “Job,” the innocent being suffered unmercifully; the word “Job” means, “Where is my father?” That is the search of every child born of woman . . Where is the Cause of the phenomena of life? Where is the Father of it all? Where is He?
In the end of the book of Job, Job can say . . as the world can say who has accepted the belief in God, “I have heard of thee with the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees Thee.” (Job 42:5) When you have heard of God . . and those who believe in God have heard of God . . but in the end, more than having heard of God . . you see Him. Now, how do you see God?
We are told in Scripture, “No one has ever seen God, but His only begotten son, who is in the bosom of the Father, he has made Him known,” (John 1:18) for to see God, you must see Him in His son. The son reveals the Father.
Now we are told, “No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son, and anyone to whom the Son chooses to reveal Him.” (Luke 10:22)
Now, we have searched the Scriptures for that Son, and we are told in Scripture, in the 2nd Psalm . . and the Psalmist by the name of David is speaking, and he is made to say:
“I will tell of the decree of the Lord:
He said unto me, ‘Thou art my son;
Today I have begotten thee.’”
(Psalm 2:7)
Then in the 89th Psalm . . these are now the words of the Lord, and He says:
“I have found David, my servant,
And he has cried unto me, ‘Thou art my Father,
My God, and the Rock of my Salvation.’”
(Psalm 89:20, 26)
Man, having been taught that the Bible is secular history, hasn’t the slightest concept of this Scripture . . of this mystery. When Paul speaks of this mystery that was revealed unto him, he is not telling us that this is a matter to be kept secret, but it is a truth that is mysterious in character. Tonight I will share with you my personal experience of this mystery, and I know it’s going to be the experience of everyone in the world, for it is God’s purpose.
Twelve years ago today in this City, across the way at the Hotel Sir Francis Drake, that mystery began to unfold in me. I retired quite early, having read a bit of the Bible, a bit of William Blake, and then retired. I made a call to my wife and daughter, who were then in Beverly Hills, and then turned in, in a very normal manner. Then at about 4:15 in the morning a vibration that was the most intense thing that I’ve ever experienced began in my head. It was an earthquake, plus a storm! I felt that every bone in my skull was coming apart. I entertained the thought, not knowing anything of the human form . . I am not a doctor, so I knew nothing of what a cerebral hemorrhage would be, but I thought for a moment, “This must be it. It must be a massive cerebral stroke, and maybe this is my departure from this world.” That was the feeling I had . . the thing was so intense!
But this is what happened: instead of being one who departed the world, I began to awake. At the moment, I thought I would awake as I had awakened for 50-odd years of my life. Now this was 1959, twelve years ago. But as I awoke, I awoke within my skull, and I knew, as I woke within my skull, that my skull was a sepulcher. It was a tomb, and I am alone! And my skull was sealed, there was no opening, a completely sealed tomb . . sepulcher. I had one consuming desire, and that was to get out. I intuitively knew that if I would push at the base of my skull that something would give. I pushed the base of my skull from within, and something gave . . rolled away. Then I stuck my head through that opening and pushed, and I pushed and pushed, and I came out inch. . by-inch-by inch, just as a child comes out of the womb of a woman, only this exit was out of my skull! And when I was almost out, I pulled the remaining portion of my body out of my skull.