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Experience the life-changing power of Neville Goddard with this unforgettable lesson.
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Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2020
His To Give – Yours To Receive
By Neville Goddard
June 12, 1970
Now, we are told that Jehovah brought his people out of Egypt “with signs and wonders.” All these signs and wonders are in the story of Jesus. We are told that Jesus is the representative of humanity.
Take just one story, the story of Jesus, for it is really your story. Study it carefully; and once you have found it, in the light of all the signs and wonders in the career of Jesus, – that’s the end of the sentence, – He is the Resurrection. That’s the key to the entire thing. When that happens, all the other signs follow. They all unfold themselves in the individual.
So, forget the individual, and think only of the reality of that individual; and the reality of the individual is the Lord Jesus Christ. He sleeps in man. He will awake in man as the man in whom he awakes. You will meet him playing all the parts of life. And you will know the story that he told you is true. You will see him cast in the role.
Let me share with you now one that was shared with me this week. “In my dream I was on my way to a finance house for a loan. I went straight through the door into the office of the one who owned the company; and to my astonishment, here it was you! You stood behind the desk piled high with letters.
You were nothing more than radiant Love, and I knew I needed no collateral – nothing; that if I asked you for the moon, you had the power to give it. You would have snatched it out of the heavens and given it to me. You were simply a helpless slave of Love – possessed by Love and obedient to all the commands of Love, and I said to myself, as I left, ‘What a radiant, radiant fool! Not a thing in the world could be asked of him that he could not grant!’
“As I went out, I encountered a woman. She was the very limit of despair, and I knew she had gone to every one, and turned now to you as the last resort, for she had emptied all channels. But I also knew as she went through that door, her every request would be granted.
And then I came out, and I knew any man who got through that little door would find the answer to his every request, for behind that door was nothing but Love; and all the facade – all this outside appearance of business – was all a mask – all a masquerade. The letters, the piles of paper, the desk, and the building itself was only a masquerade hiding Infinite Love and who was behind that door.”
Well, I told you, I stood in the presence of Infinite Love, and He embraced me, and we became one; and then He “sent” me to tell you the story as it would unfold within me. His Word is true, and the One He sent, you will find him playing all the roles.
Now I will tell her now: when you go home tonight, read the 55th chapter of the Book of Isaiah. “Ho, every one who thirsts come … he who has no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine, buy milk, without money, without price.” [Isaiah 55:1] And he who comes to Me, I will make a covenant with him, as I did with my loving David, and made him a witness to the people forever.
Here, a witness – and I am talking night after night about this witness to the Fatherhood of God. In this same chapter: “And the Word that goes forth from my mouth; it shall not return unto me void, but shall accomplish that which I purpose, and prosper in the thing for which I sent it.” [Isaiah 55:11] So, everything granted behind that door – as you call it, “the little, narrow door” – cannot return void.