Historical Survey of Fiche Town from its Foundation to the Present - Tolassa Ragasa - E-Book

Historical Survey of Fiche Town from its Foundation to the Present E-Book

Tolassa Ragasa

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  • Herausgeber: GRIN Verlag
  • Sprache: Deutsch
  • Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2024

Fachbuch aus dem Jahr 2023 im Fachbereich Politik - Region: Afrika, , Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: This paper wants to explain factors and help for the survey foundation of Fiche town. It also wants to investigate economic sources of the Fiche town, its foundation to the present and to assess the role of social institution for the development of Fiche town. The process of urbanization in Ethiopia has long history which made its root in the Aksumite period. Aksumite was served as a political center of Aksumite kings and the capital of the country from first to the eight century AD. Even though, Ethiopia has a long history of urbanization, it is one of the least urbanized in Africa. As the country largely depends on agricultural economic activity, its urbanization process was slow. Development of external influences and the constant shift of capital towns were the other interrelated factorsf or the slowprocess of urbanization. During ancient periods, there were three main capitals; such as Aksum, Lalibela and Gondar. However, in the period Harar also become a trading center. Aksum was the center of the earliest and renewed civilized center which existed in the northern part of Ethiopia. It was said to have been originated in the first century AD asthe political and commercial center of the state. Beside this, the town had significant contribution in the history of Ethiopia which is characterized by marked temples, churches, obelisks and other monuments.

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