Home For Christmas - Alice Taylor - E-Book

Home For Christmas E-Book

Alice Taylor

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Join Alice Taylor this Christmas as she welcomes us into her home and shows us the traditions of her family's Christmas. Alice looks back over her past Christmases and prepares for this Christmas. With all the warmth of a winter fire, Alice takes us through the exciting preparation for Christmas from getting the perfect tree to baking those very crucial puddings and pies. Alice also give us a intimate insight into her Christmas Eve and Christmas day rituals and talks us through her favourite Christmas recipes. She tells how the Christmas foods were made when she was a child, using the bastable and the range, and how she prepares them now. Alice loves Christmas and her huge enjoyment of the season fills this book with pleasure and delight.

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Praise for Alice Taylor’s other books:

Tea and Talk

‘One to warm the heart this winter.’ Connacht Tribune

‘One of the country’s most accomplished storytellers.’ Irish Mail on Sunday


And Time Stood Still

‘Reminded me of the value of family, friendship and community.’ Irish Independent


The Women

‘Highly enjoyable read.’ Ireland’s Own


For my mother, Lena Taylor, and all mothers who nurtured the sacred seeds of Christmas in the hearts of their children


Title PageDedication1 ‘Away in a Manger’ 2 Holly Sunday 3 Green Gifts 4 Cakes, Puddings and Pies 5 Keeping in Touch 6 Christmas Reading 7 Bringing the Christmas 8 Christmas Market 9 Open House 10 The Christmas Press 11 Decorating the House 12 Moss Gathering 13 The Royal Gift 14 The Candle in the Window 15 The Sacred Bridge 16 Christmas Eve 17 Christmas Day 18 Between the Christmases About the AuthorRecent Books by Alice TaylorCopyright

‘Away in a Manger’

Christmas was a warm glow that shone through the cold winter of our school days. Come December, its lights began to twinkle invitingly from a far distant horizon and a sense of anticipation kept us trudging on determinedly in its direction. A bright contrast to the rest of the year, its radiance spread far wider than its allotted twelve days. Like the beacon of a lighthouse, Christmas shone across those bleak winter days drawing us invitingly towards its warm heart.

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