Horny Brother, Horny Sister: Taboo Incest Erotica - Charlize Sheen - E-Book

Horny Brother, Horny Sister: Taboo Incest Erotica E-Book

Charlize Sheen

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Warning: Very taboo. Not for the faint of heart. May include BDSM, incest, and other taboo and forbidden elements. This is a vintage **full length** (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel.


Jon's answer was a kiss, planted firmly upon her warm moist-lipped mouth. She melted into his arms, enfolding him as he enfolded her, and they clung together, merging souls in that kiss. Her heart fluttered against his body and, as she pressed closely, she felt the stinging of his cock. The penis rose inside his pants, a rapidly erecting muscle, and she strained to feel its masculine pressure touching her loins. His hand stroked up and down her back, feeling at last to cup her buttocks, and Jon pulled her even closer while Rachel squirmed passionately at his erotic embrace.
"Now," he whispered, moist breath dampening her cheek and upper lip. "I want you now, darling!"
"Come upstairs," she invited, breathing huskily. "Come upstairs with me. Strip me. Throw me on the bed and mount me. I want you, too!" Her hand moved into the space between their bodies and she traced the outline of his throbbing cock inside his trousers. He was rampant now, and she shuddered delightedly as she fingered his hard steely lance.

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Horny Brother, Horny Sister

Charlize Sheen

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents












Jon's answer was a kiss, planted firmly upon her warm moist-lipped mouth. She melted into his arms, enfolding him as he enfolded her, and they clung together, merging souls in that kiss. Her heart fluttered against his body and, as she pressed closely, she felt the stinging of his cock. The penis rose inside his pants, a rapidly erecting muscle, and she strained to feel its masculine pressure touching her loins. His hand stroked up and down her back, feeling at last to cup her buttocks, and Jon pulled her even closer while Rachel squirmed passionately at his erotic embrace.

"Now," he whispered, moist breath dampening her cheek and upper lip. "I want you now, darling!"

"Come upstairs," she invited, breathing huskily. "Come upstairs with me. Strip me. Throw me on the bed and mount me. I want you, too!" Her hand moved into the space between their bodies and she traced the outline of his throbbing cock inside his trousers. He was rampant now, and she shuddered delightedly as she fingered his hard steely lance.

"I can't wait," he laughed slyly, relaxing his hold. Rachel stepped back, her ass bumping into the kitchen counter, and the instant she stopped moving, Jon's hands flew to the buttons of her blouse. "Here," he said. "Let's fuck right here. In the kitchen. Now."

He unbuttoned her blouse, flinging the shirt open. His hands immediately closed upon the white-cupped mounds of her tits, and he squeezed and kneaded them with a passion that walked the thin line between savagery and tenderness. Rachel closed her eyes and took a deep breath, causing her tits to lift and rise, filling his eager hands. Her nipples were up, as stiff as his pecker, clawing at the soft nylon of the brassiere in their desire to be bare and free and available to him.

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