My Crazy Aunt - Charlize Sheen - E-Book

My Crazy Aunt E-Book

Charlize Sheen

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Warning: Very taboo. Not for the faint of heart. May include BDSM, incest, and other taboo and forbidden elements. This is a vintage **full length** (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel.


Aunt Carol was my Mom's younger sister and had been something of a black sheep in our family. Mom had kept contact even if others didn't. She was a bit wild and had married Uncle Jerry who was the quintessential loud-mouthed salesman type.

Mom never told me all the details but she said their wedding was pretty wild, especially some of Uncle Jerry's friends who were more party people than my Mom's side of the family could handle. I tried to press her on it but she told me I had better ask Aunt Carol about it herself someday.

She was always a more stylish dresser but there was definitely a family resemblance when Mom took off her glasses. I had visited with her about five or six times while growing up and I'd never seen her in anything but a dress or skirt and high heels. I used to think she was a Barbie doll when I was little.

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My Crazy Aunt

Charlize Sheen

Copyright © 2017

The part that excites me even now, after all that I discovered that first summer, is what is going through their beautiful minds as they are showing themselves? Maybe my fiance, Alicia, had it right when she told me,

"Guys are, like, so serious and heavy about sex. With girls, its different, not such a big deal. Its just like going to the bathroom with us."

I'm not saying I understand every woman. But after that summer there were a few that I thought I knew pretty well. The bad part, the really bad part that still freaks me even today, is the price of my education. It's true. You can pick your friends, or even your lovers, but you can't pick your family. I put down my suitcase and pressed the doorbell which chimed inside the large house. I had not seen my aunt and uncle for nearly five years and I still wasn't sure we would get along for the year or so I would be attending college and renting a room from them. This summer was going to be sort of a trial. School wasn't starting for another two months.

Aunt Carol was my Mom's younger sister and had been something of a black sheep in our family. Mom had kept contact even if others didn't. She was a bit wild and had married Uncle Jerry who was the quintessential loud-mouthed salesman type.

Mom never told me all the details but she said their wedding was pretty wild, especially some of Uncle Jerry's friends who were more party people than my Mom's side of the family could handle. I tried to press her on it but she told me I had better ask Aunt Carol about it herself someday.

She was always a more stylish dresser but there was definitely a family resemblance when Mom took off her glasses. I had visited with her about five or six times while growing up and I'd never seen her in anything but a dress or skirt and high heels. I used to think she was a Barbie doll when I was little.

"Hi Aunt Carol", I smiled.

"Chris! Hi! Come on in. I'm so glad to see you.", she blurted reaching over and pulling me against her in a hug and kiss.

As she pressed me against her I suddenly was aware that I was flattening her breasts underneath the knit dress she had on and that she was not wearing a bra. I felt a twitch in my crotch that wasn't at all innocent embarrassment.

"Chris, my boy, come on in and get settled.", Uncle Jerry boomed as he grabbed the suitcase out of my hand.

He had gotten balder in the years since I'd last seen him and developed a bit more of a paunch but he was as overbearing as ever as he showed me around their very spacious two-story house. With no children of their own it was no problem for them to board me in one of the five bedrooms.

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