Hot Wife, Wittol Husband: Reluctant Erotica - Rochelle Lawson - E-Book

Hot Wife, Wittol Husband: Reluctant Erotica E-Book

Rochelle Lawson

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He thought for a second, his mouth watering as he visualized what those monumental tits would look like naked. He decided to try to shock her, as she thought she was shocking him.

"What if I just threw you down and raped you, Miss Ray? Would that be fair exchange?"

"It depends on what you call rape."

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Hot Wife, Wittol Husband

Rochelle Lawson

Copyright © 2017

He loved her. She was beautiful, but she would ruin him if it kept up. He was now the head of his department. Another five years and he would be up for the job of president of the college. She could ruin that for him. But he still needed her. He was foolish, a man forty-five years old falling in love and marrying a girl twenty years his junior.

"Jesus," he breathed as he saw her... asleep, back to the door, legs curled up to her tits, and lovely white ass, the split dark and alluring.

He couldn't get enough of the girl, it seemed. He had only to glance at her, to see her high tits straining against the tight clothes she wore, and he got a hard-on. Now, staring at her nakedness bathed in diffused light from the window, his cock stood erect and tall, ready to pump cum into her hot, hairy hole.

Silent, not wanting to wake her, he approached the bed and sat down. There was something special about a sleeping woman, he thought. Even with his first wife, Margaret, he had loved to watch her sleep, and then wake her up with a hard-on. And while she slept, on-her side, just as Nora was now sleeping, he would slip low on the bed, press his face close to the underside of her wide ass, and smell and lick both delectable holes until she began to squirm. Then there would be lots of good fucking and sucking, because Margaret had been at her best, her hottest, when she awoke in the morning.