Hot Wives Go Hitchiking: Taboo Erotica - Jill Mullins - E-Book

Hot Wives Go Hitchiking: Taboo Erotica E-Book

Jill Mullins

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This full length erotic novel is so sexy we can't even tell you the preview…


The two teenage suburban wives had been secretly planning a trip which would take them hitchhiking clear across the country. Quite frankly, the two wives were becoming bored with the affluent luxury of their suburban lifestyle. Yes, both of them knew that their husbands would gladly give them the money to fly or sail anywhere. But that would take all of the adventure out of the affair. The girls wanted to see the country, not just fly or be escorted by a guided tour. They wanted to take nothing with them but a minimum amount of money and a backpack and hitchhike across America's wide-open spaces to New York City.
They had been discussing and planning this appealing adventure for weeks. They had even bought their backpacks and had made a list of food to take.
Their real problem would be to convince their husbands, who both guarded their voluptuous wives as though they were expensive, exquisite treasures.

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Hot Wives Go Hitchiking

Jill Mullins

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents












Toni watched with curious fascination the form gracefully and deftly moving just below the water's sun-glinting surface.

The female swimmer's long, dark hair jetted behind her like the undulating tail of some exotic, gorgeous fish. The girls naked, glistening shoulders trailed gracefully to the gentle slope of her back as she glided through the transparent water with ethereal gracefulness. Her back flowed flawlessly to the tiny hummock just below the twin round pert, firm swells of her naked buttocks which were alluringly complemented by the graceful swimmer's long, tapering legs.

Suddenly the swimmer revolved fully in the water, and for a brief fleeting fraction of a second, the vernal, flawless swells of her red-capped breasts were exposed, two melonish orbs of flesh which were more than enough to really be considered an irresistible female.

The voluptuous swimmer was Alicia Madson, Toni's next-door neighbor who had come over for a mid-morning dip in the pool. The two girls were being "naughty" by skinny-dipping in broad daylight. But, there was no one around to notice them, and Toni's backyard was extremely private, and there was no chance that anyone would discover the two beauties in their secluded privacy.

As Alicia thrust her head above water, she consciously eyed the fair-skinned body of Toni who lay stretched out comfortably on her padded chaise lounge. Yes, Alicia had to admit, Toni was extremely attractive, a choice prize for any man.

While Alicia herself was a dark, gypsy-like beauty, Toni was fair-skinned and blonde. Her vibrant, luxurious, golden hair streamed down her shoulders like liquid sunshine. The luscious, pink-peaked tips of Toni's naked breasts were almost hidden by her luxuriant tassels of hair. Toni was very relaxed, sipping leisurely on a double-strength martini, and she languidly placed her left leg on the cement deck, just enough of a movement to expose the delectably ragged folds of her body's most secretive orifice; the hair-fringed fissure of her teenage vagina. As a woman, Alicia had to admit that she was absolutely fascinated by the milky-white flawlessness of Toni's exquisite flesh; it appeared as though Toni's skin had been hewn from the finest ivory, and she resembled a Greek-marble statue as she lay on the chaise lounge in a position of absolute rest in the soft, mid-morning sunlight.

Alicia swam around to Toni's side and extended her hand forward.

"How about a shot of that martini?" Alicia asked.

Toni smiled and extended her drink to Alicia.

Alicia daintily placed her blood-red lips around the rim of the glass and took the relaxing, warming contents of the glass into her belly.

"Hits the spot!" she said as she stepped out of the pool, displaying the full irresistible curves of her naked, feminine charm.

She stretched a towel on the cement deck and laid comfortably back, exposing the gracefully curving slope of her tiny belly complemented by the shallow dot of her navel.

"Well," Toni said, "when are you going to tell Fred?"

"Well," Alicia replied, "why don't I pose the question tonight when you and Jim come over for dinner? That way, I'll have some support from you."

The two teenage suburban wives had been secretly planning a trip which would take them hitchhiking clear across the country. Quite frankly, the two wives were becoming bored with the affluent luxury of their suburban lifestyle. Yes, both of them knew that their husbands would gladly give them the money to fly or sail anywhere. But that would take all of the adventure out of the affair. The girls wanted to see the country, not just fly or be escorted by a guided tour. They wanted to take nothing with them but a minimum amount of money and a backpack and hitchhike across America's wide-open spaces to New York City.

They had been discussing and planning this appealing adventure for weeks. They had even bought their backpacks and had made a list of food to take.

Their real problem would be to convince their husbands, who both guarded their voluptuous wives as though they were expensive, exquisite treasures.

"Well, Toni," Alicia said, "we'll see you at dinner tonight."


It was about four-thirty in the afternoon and Alicia was busily preparing the table and the food for dinner. Her husband, Fred, and Toni's husband, Jim, were both executives for the same accounting firm. The two young men were rising fast on the executive ladder, and were both doing well. There was an air of friendly rivalry between Jim and Fred, but at heart they were good friends.

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