How Do Mermaids Poo? - Melissa Di Donato Roos - E-Book

How Do Mermaids Poo? E-Book

Melissa Di Donato Roos

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This book is for the inquiring and the creative minds of all little girls and boys who question the world and dream big in an effort to get it right. How do Mermaids Poo? Do they have a 'sea loo'? Do they have a hole in their tails? How do they go to the loo? Do they have feet inside their tails to walk out of the sea? Do they dig a hole to use the loo? This is what Francesca, and Ila wondered as they sat eating their lunch. Both girls decided to use this question to do a fantasy poem assignment for their teacher. Have you ever wondered what mermaids do? Do they get a wrinkly skin in the water like humans do? This will have any little girl wondering, 'How do Mermaids Poo?' Do you know how they poo? These questions are only as big and as magical as your imagination.

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