How to be a Good Person with Purusartha - Aritra Sengupta - Hörbuch

How to be a Good Person with Purusartha Hörbuch

Aritra Sengupta

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Can you imagine that thousands of years ago, the sages came together to compile a 'self-help' book for future generations, long before the first electronic device? This ancient text goes by the name of Purusartha. Crafted in ancient India, Purusartha attempts to answer the problems that plague people, ranging from students working on their term papers to bankers working tirelessly to earn a living. The four goals it advocates can make so much sense in today's world - Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha. Purusartha roughly means "object of human pursuit". Listen to this feature to find out how it can help you lead a better, happier, and more fulfilling life where you are in control.

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Zeit:0 Std. 55 min

Sprecher:Santosh Nair
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