How to face things - Magnus Strandberg - E-Book

How to face things E-Book

Magnus Strandberg



How do you make it all work? Can everything be as perfect as we imagine? Or have we created an unattainable illusion of what life should be? Some very tumultuous events and several major changes in my life have made me reflect on what is happening. What happens every day. Why it happens. And how we act and react to what happens. I want to share it with you in a format on your terms. This book is about getting inspiration and ways of thinking that can help you in your everyday life. That can help you perhaps reach your goals and build good and sustainable relationships. Simply get more out of life. I hope you will benefit from it, Magnus

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Thank you to the nurses at the maternity ward and maternity hospital in Borås, 26-29 May 2018.

Table of Contents


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

Chapter 24

Chapter 25

Chapter 26

Chapter 27

Chapter 28

Chapter 29

Chapter 30

Chapter 31

Chapter 32

Chapter 33

Chapter 34

Chapter 35

Chapter 36

Chapter 37

Chapter 38

Chapter 39

Chapter 40

Chapter 41

Chapter 42

Chapter 43

Chapter 44

Chapter 45

Chapter 46

Chapter 47

Chapter 48

Chapter 49

Chapter 50

Chapter 51

Chapter 52

Chapter 53

Chapter 54

Chapter 55

Chapter 56

Chapter 57

Chapter 58

Chapter 59

Chapter 60

Chapter 61

Chapter 62

Chapter 63

Chapter 64

Chapter 65

Chapter 66

Chapter 67

Chapter 68

Chapter 69

Chapter 70

Chapter 71

Chapter 72

Chapter 73

Chapter 74

Chapter 75

Chapter 76

Chapter 77

Chapter 78


The rat races.

How to balance it all, does it even make sense? Or is it just an illusion because we like to dream?

Dream of something else, something different.

It's okay if your falukorv (a traditional Swedish meal) gets a bit burnt that late Tuesday afternoon in the end of September. When your kids are over-tired after not sleeping well and playing around all day at preschool. You know, when they have said "yes" to the food you suggested for dinner in the car on your way home.

But by the time the dinner is ready, they don’t want to eat it at all.

Yes, that rat race.

How do you balance it all

What does it mean if it all balances out, what then?

Maybe we should just see things for what they are and let them be. Some things you should just let go and accept as it is, not try to shape it into something you want and enjoy. Or is it wrong?

You see, everyday life for all of us is quite similar. It contains many of the same aspects.

Everyone is queueing up at the kindergarten parking lot and watching time fly by. See how their planning for the workday is completely turned upside down.

Everyone queues up in the school car park and watches the time fly by. Seeing how their planning for the working day is completely turned upside down. Without being able to do something about it.

So, what is this Magnus? Another "self-help" book?

I don't see it like that.

This is my way of sharing some lessons from what we call life. We all go through a variety of tough things in life, and we deal with it in different ways.

Depending on the situation, we act. Sometimes immediately, sometimes afterwards.

I am an average guy, in an average city, with an average life and with average challenges. But with an unusual approach.

I always say get rid of what doesn't work for you. What drains your energy instead of filling you up. End the relationships that don't give you any value - why spend time on something that in the end doesn't give you any value anyway?

You will only be disappointed and become a person you don't want to be.

We have a limited amount of time. We are living a short life.

I thought for a long time that my life would not be short, that I would have time to worry about things later. That I could put things off until later. You know, like one does.

On May 26, 2018, our son was born. The staff had to start his cardiac and respiratory system. I remember the moment he "came out" - no screaming, no movement. I was cold. His amazing mom saw my reaction, but I assured her that everything was fine.

An absolute lie.

Midwives, nurses, and other staff ran in with our son to the emergency room and one of them shouted - the father is coming.

When I entered the emergency room next to the delivery room, it was full speed ahead. Defibrillator on. It helped.

He screamed for the first time. We ran with him to his mom so she could see him, lay him down and feel him against her chest. For a few moments, then she had to leave for emergency surgery.

I got to hold my son for the first three hours of his life. Wrapped in blankets, sucking on daddy's little finger to finger the nipple. Orange juice from the medical staff. Warmth and love from me.

All I had.

There I promised my son and myself - now the focus will be on doing good things and doing them the correct way.

Whatever that would be.

This book is a result of the journey I made earlier in my life that led me to where I am today.

But also, from that day at the end of May 2018 to today, and beyond.

A rude awakening that we only have one life. One. If we are given one.

Therefore, we should fill it with as much as possible of what we want. We should share our knowledge and experience with others - and who knows, maybe someone will find what you share useful.

Then it is worth it.

When I start writing this book, it is the end of summer 2023, September. I will be finished in December.

A journey, albeit short in time but longer and more intricate in its creation.

I have been on a journey over the last 20 years that has meant a complete change in my way of seeing things and how I approach them.

Something that I find important is that you actively say no to things and especially people that drain you.

Who doesn’t share your values and don't push you forward. That don't see your value.

It is better for you, in the longer run, to leave those who do not give you what you need for a sustainable life for yourself.

Remember - you have been given a life.

Live it.



You own your own thoughts, take control of them. If YOU don't, someone will seize that power over you. The only way for you to be you, to be free - is to be in control of your thoughts.

Everything that happens to us during the day stays with us in our brain, in our minds. When you go to sleep for the night, your brain tries to disconnect and sort out all your impressions. This is why you sometimes lie awake at night and can't sleep.

I took several yoga classes with Marie Thimour in Borås. She was then (still is?) Sweden's only certified yoga therapist, trained at India's oldest institute for education and research in yoga - Kaivayadharma. It gave me a lot of tools that I would never have found otherwise, and these tools then helped me to land in situations and see everything with different eyes.

Look at things objectively.