Human extinction - The extinction of mankind or how we are destroying ourselves - Holger Hennersdorf - E-Book

Human extinction - The extinction of mankind or how we are destroying ourselves E-Book

Holger Hennersdorf

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If we look at the destructive way in which humanity treats the environment, natural resources and itself, the future does not look rosy for the next generations. Climate change, wars, poverty and the manipulation of politics and the media are leading humanity straight towards the abyss. But all is not yet lost. A look into the past shows that numerous technological solutions are already on the table, we just have to make them usable for the future and be prepared to bring about change where the biggest obstructors are: in power, money and influence.

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I am neither a radical, a contrarian nor a conspiracy theorist. I am a simple person who tries to see the bigger picture (looking beyond the surface), which in many cases - in my opinion - is overlooked. I try to illustrate these things and inspire people to think and maybe there will be people who will finally come together to make a change.

Others have the power, the money, to make this happen so that we are all better off on this planet.

In movies they always say so beautifully: "One person can change the world"; unfortunately it won't work, because the people who have the money and the power want to hold on to it, which makes change difficult for everyone. One person can be the impetus for change (a rethink), yes; one person alone cannot overcome all the difficulties, the individual lacks the influence to do this, we can only do this as a community.

I will certainly repeat myself several times, as all the topics are inseparable.

01 - Introduction

The year is 2022 after Christ.

Welcome to the 21st century full of mysteries, lies and sinister events.

Welcome to the digital age, in which we humans spend more time on the internet (Facebook, Instagram, etc.) and look at fake news (lies that are just thrown at us) and allow ourselves to be influenced.

In this day and age, it is more important to quickly spread your wisdom, behavior and lies around the world (which is easy for us through social media) and not focus on the things that concern us all.

Children are not taking to the streets and demanding "Stop the war" as they did years ago (although that is probably happening at the moment too), no, they are taking to the streets and want change. An ecological change as agreed in the Paris Climate Agreement (2015), which could make not just one country, one continent, but the whole world a better place.

No matter why we take to the streets to show what is important to us. We wouldn't change many things through our discontent.

We have made so much progress in recent years, whether in technology, biology or chemistry, which can help us theoretically. Researchers (archaeologists, climatologists, historians, etc.) have also taught us a lot about the past and the connection between influences (industry) and the climate.

As a person who was born in Europe, not all global information is available to me, of course, but many things that cause a stir in our world are known to most people. Whether it's Egypt with the pharaohs, or strange reports of assassinations, unknown missiles, etc.

Even in this digital age, when you'd think people would be sharing more than just their eating habits or what they're doing, you'd think we'd have learned from the past thanks to the many researchers (and there are a lot of them).

The opposite is the case, we have learned nothing. We only ever see a very small part of the whole and often fail to recognize the connections with other things, whether we are normal citizens or researchers from whatever field.

Things are sold to us as "SUPER", but if we take a closer look behind the facade, we quickly realize with a little common sense that this "SUPER" is not super, but just an interpretation of things to make things look good, to make money or to have power.

I grew up with Captain Future, Star Wars, Star Trek and Babylon 5; even though these stories are considered fiction (just a story), there is something to be learned from these things and NO, we didn't learn it.

In the following chapters, I would like to take a closer look at these things and no, I don't know everything, I've just given it some thought and tried to think outside the box a little, which has given me a different perspective that helps me to understand things.

How these things can be changed is, as so often in the history of our world, another matter.

It sounds nice when movies say that "one person" can change things, but unfortunately this is not possible in reality.

We need to think more globally! It is not my village, my city, my country, my continent, but our wonderful planet that is at stake. And not just our planet, but also us inhabitants of this planet. Everything interlocks somehow, like clockwork. If a cogwheel breaks and is not replaced, the clock stops or no longer works properly.

In a digital age where information moves from one end of the world to the other in a matter of seconds, we need to learn to talk to each other, communicate and understand what we actually want from each other.

Our world's natural resources will be exhausted at some point, and nobody in this world will change that.

The problems of our time are enormously diverse (it's not just one problem), as soon as you open your eyes a little and put things into context, you realize that there are many more wonders on this planet. A little thinking and a few inspirations from documentaries (there are many of these too) and you realize what is not quite running smoothly. I'm not talking about this one country, this one government. I don't want to put anyone down, I think that many people are trying to improve things, but unfortunately there are too many people who have a say and contribute ideas and concepts that ruin everything again.

We often see it in politics: there is a lot of talk, but action becomes more difficult because each party wants to play its part, but whether this makes sense and the goal is achieved is already a minor matter from that moment on.

Before I slowly go into the individual topics, I would like to mention the Declaration of Principles from the series "Babylon 5".

You immediately ask yourself what this is all about, but perhaps you should first read and think about it in peace and quiet so that you can find the basis for what is perhaps not working quite right in our time.

The television series (1993-1998) "Babylon 5" (season 5 episode 3, (21.10.2023)) is the brainchild of J. Michael Straczynski.

The universe speaks in many languages, but only with one voice.

It is not the language of the Narn or the humans or the Centauri or the Gaim or the Minbari.

It speaks in the language of hope.

It speaks in the language of trust.

It speaks in the language of power and in the language of passion.

It is the language of the heart and the language of the soul.

But it's always the same voice.

It is the voice of our ancestors that speaks from us.

And the language of our heirs who are waiting to be born.

It is the small, quiet voice that says that we are all one.

Regardless of blood, regardless of skin color, regardless of world, regardless of planet, we are one.

Regardless of the suffering, regardless of the darkness, regardless of the loss, regardless of the fear. We are one.

Here, united in the pursuit of our common goal, we hereby recognize the only truth and the only rule:

That we have to be kind to each other.

Because every single voice enriches us and ennobles us and every lost voice weakens us.

We are the voice of the universe, the soul of creation, the fire that will light our way to a better future.

We are one.

In my opinion, something very important is still missing:

"Regardless of faith (religion)"

Many things in these few sentences could certainly be changed accordingly for our world (since we don't know whether we are alone in the universe). Nevertheless, I have never heard anything better that says how we should behave on this planet and in the universe.

02 - Past

Please forgive me if I don't put everything in a really good chronological order.

Our planet is not just a few days old. This world has existed for millions of years.

I think the oldest finds we know of are those of dinosaurs.

They found out how they died a long time ago, through climate change, through a catastrophe of global proportions.

We were and are not really prepared for such disasters, neither in the past nor in the present. Perhaps at some point in the future there will be a way to prepare for such global disasters.

I think the story we are told begins around 3500 years before Christ with the Egyptians. At that time, something unique was created in history.

Upper and Lower Egypt united. However, to this day we have not really been able to say why this change occurred. Whether a person or a catastrophe led to the unification remains a mystery even after more than 5000 years. Many things are interpretations or assumptions that cannot really be proven.

There have been many people in the past and present who wanted to make a difference through their social or political position, but unfortunately many have not succeeded (more on this in the present).

A book by Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas, "Under the Temples of Jerusalem - Pharaohs, Freemasons and the Discovery of the Secret Writings of Jesus" (publication date 01.08.2020, 560 pages, ISBN-13 978-3426774564), gave me an idea.

This book is about 2 Freemasons who want to explore the history of the rituals of the Freemasons, how they came to be; yes I know, this with these secret organizations (closed organizations) is always a touchy subject.

However, I have to say that it was not the Freemasons who were in the foreground here, but really the origin of the rituals, which are more than just astonishing to outsiders.

Because if you look at this later in the context of the Dead Sea Scrolls (Qumran), it does make sense.


German "gründen/befestigen/aufstellen": "He has founded."


(secondary form:


) ("power/strength") combined with the preposition , German "in": "with power" or/and - with an additional , German "ihm", interpreted as a personal suffix - "there is power in him". ( 21.10.2023)

As far as I know, the arch spanning these two pillars is supposed to represent prosperity.

Let's make a wild speculation, even though this was certainly not easy at the time, but if you think about it a little, it could be true.

Let's assume that one pillar represents Lower Egypt and the other Upper Egypt. A person at that time had the idea of uniting these two kingdoms. The pillars (in the symbolic sense) are thus present. If we now replace the arch with the pharaoh, who was supposed to represent prosperity, a culture would have been built on the basis of an old forgotten ritual, which then ensured prosperity in this region for more than 3500 years.

Somehow not very far-fetched, because if we consider the treasures and remarkable buildings created by the Egyptians - one in particular catches my eye: Tutankhamun (son of Akhenaten, whose mask still fascinates masses of people today).

But at that time in the 3500 years before Christ there were not only the Egyptians, no, other advanced civilizations were also settled in the Mediterranean region. The Romans and the Sumerians are probably the best known. But there were also other less well-known cultures in the Mediterranean region. And not only in the Mediterranean region, cultures arose all over the world whose knowledge of astronomy and architecture far exceeded that of today.

The question that many people are surely asking themselves: Why have all these cultures disappeared?

These advanced civilizations were doing extremely well.

However, if we take a closer look at the events of this entire region from today's perspective and link them to other events, we can understand what led to the end of the pharaohs and other advanced civilizations in the Mediterranean.

At the end of the pharaohs, a new religion emerged at the same time (and there are many, many of these on our planet). The story of the Bible. Jesus Christ.

In the Dead Sea Scrolls (Qumran), however, a contradiction has arisen for me, because strangely enough, Jesus is depicted as two people in these scrolls. Does this sound a little familiar to you from the previous sentences? Let's think again of the two pillars of the Freemasons, Jachin and Boaz. Jesus twice, one as Jachin, one as Boaz and above them the arch symbolizing prosperity.

If you link certain events or occurrences, traditions (even if they are mostly very vague) a little with each other, you get a completely new view of things. Or as the saying goes: just step aside and look at everything from a different angle.

Unfortunately, we have digressed a little, because we have not really come any closer to the demise of the advanced civilizations of the Mediterranean, but that will change in a moment.

We all know the story of Moses leaving Egypt, the disasters that happened. The water turned to blood, the plague of locusts, the moon moving in front of the sun, diseases that (as far as I know) relate to events in Egypt). But what if there had been a completely different reason for this event?

Let's try to see what the time was like at the end of the pharaohs:

The Romans spread and Plato wrote of a people who came from Atlantis and were very advanced. Trade flourished in the Mediterranean region. The advanced civilizations of this region engaged in lively trade and attempted to expand their territories.

But how could these many advanced civilizations, which engaged in lively trade, disappear within a few years?

Through a documentary in which a historian finally thought outside the box, I realized that it couldn't be that difficult to find a solution if the various researchers would finally talk to each other more in a digital age.

This documentary (was about a global catastrophe that took place in the Mediterranean region) ( 21.10.2023). And many will think of the term Pompeii.

Let's assume that a volcano exploded in the center of the Mediterranean with global consequences, probably even an underwater volcano. What would the consequences be at that time? An underwater volcano would generate a huge tidal wave (perhaps even a tsunami) that would have affected or destroyed all regions in the Mediterranean. Sanitation and agriculture would have been affected. Diseases could have spread, the harvest would have been poorer, the trade on which they depended would have collapsed (supply chains would have been destroyed). But that wasn't enough, because what happened to the dinosaurs followed: huge amounts of dust and ash were thrown into the atmosphere. The world darkened, resulting in climate change. How were the advanced civilizations supposed to recognize such a connection when it is difficult even for us, despite many researchers?

This climate change, which could not be prevented in any way, changed the climate not only in the Mediterranean region, but much further afield. According to the researchers' reports, there was a drought at the end of the pharaohs, which was caused by the drying up of the Nile (the land was irrigated less). Of course, if a huge ash cloud does not allow the sun's rays to pass through, then the ice cannot melt, so the necessary flooding in the area of the Nile does not occur. Famine, disease and civil wars arose because the advanced civilizations were no longer able to supply their peoples with food and raw materials.

Let's say goodbye to the Egyptians here and go a little further into the story, which has to do with Moses.

As far as I know, the Israelites wandered through the desert and founded a new state: Israel - apart from its religious significance, this is a place that has a lot to do with faith.

King Solomon built a temple in which he supposedly kept the "Ark of the Covenant". What many people are less aware of, however, is that this temple was just like the history of Egypt or the history of the Freemasons. The entrance to this temple is also said to have been adorned with 2 pillars. We've heard that before, haven't we?

According to the Dead Sea Scrolls (Qumran) and a statement by Brutus before the crucifixion of Jesus, when he asked the people who Jesus was, not one man is said to have stood there, but at least two, which brings us back to the symbolic pillars.

I don't want to get too deeply involved in the religions of the world.

The Christian religion, like many other religions, should gain a foothold.

The Temple Mount, a particularly religious place, was built in Israel. This is where Judaism sees its Mount Zion, Christians see the place where Jesus died and rose again. Muslims see it as a holy place for David. But if every religion is actually based on different people (Solomon, Christ and David), how is it that the biggest religions are fighting over one place?

After King Solomon and Jesus Christ, I know of no other records in which the two pillars of the Freemasons were mentioned again.

The Temple Mount plays a major role in the following years (wars; more on this topic in the present). The Knights Templar arrived on the scene and are believed to have found the Temple of King Solomon and brought the Ark of the Covenant and other religious artifacts to safety.

History shows us that there was not only a great deal of fighting over this holy place, no, there were also fierce conflicts in many other parts of our world, and not only because of faith.

Whether we are talking about Charlemagne, Napoleon or others, or looking at how Japan finally became a single entity after more than 130 years of civil war. We only remember the wars because they cause a stir (are spectacular), but there were more than enough of them, not only in Europe but all over the world.

Not only in Europe were there cultures that were "advanced", in all parts of the world researchers find evidence of highly developed cultures whose rituals may seem like barbarism to us. Whether Incas, Mayans, Vikings, Chinese or other cultures that are unknown or little publicized to us. Nevertheless, they all have something in common. They experienced a heyday. They had knowledge that in some cases reached the limits of modern science and was also very precise. We may not really understand many things about them, but all these cultures have achieved remarkable things. Be it remarkable buildings, architecture or mathematics, geography and even astronomy was not unknown to them. Some of these cultures perished, like the pharaohs. Others continued to develop (evolution) and yet, no matter how you look at it, they left behind monuments for eternity.