Hurting and Crying Out - Sandy Hardy - E-Book

Hurting and Crying Out E-Book

Sandy Hardy

7,49 €

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  • Herausgeber: Spines
  • Kategorie: Ratgeber
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2023

The rate of suicide is in high epidemics- going from people hurting and broken, to disorders, to drug addictions- to many, many reasons.
With proper care, help, crisis counseling, physicians, medicine, it can be helped and treated.
There is not one life out there worth losing.
Each one individual person is precious.
Called to live a victorious life.
We can by being a part of someone’s life lead them to God- provide care-and counseling.
Even if an individual loses a loved one, we can support others, so they do not suffer a loss.
We can stand and shout out for the rights of others.
Each life is a huge loss and devastating to bear.
We have lost a lot of celebrities, to dignitaries, and each life is special and a tragic loss. In the business world- suicide is no respecter of choice.
It has root causes- medical reasonings, and events which we can try to support and be there in, for them and others.
Support your crisis line and invest in the care and time of others.
Know that in all things God is there and be dependent on God, in everything- all things.
My hope in this is to lead to a life of harmony with and alongside of God.
That there is a reason to keep on.
That each person is unique and created by God.
There is value, worth in one another.
Treatment and counseling are not despairing or bad.
It is there to help, aid, assist, treat and care for the individual.
It is not shameful-
The person is valuable-
Get the proper care, get assisted living to help and assist the person, whatever it takes to make their today, a tomorrow.
God bless you and keep you.
Contact your closest crisis center, your physician, mental health facilities, reach out, shout out for the hurting person.
Make a difference-be the difference.
Cast all your cares onto God.
God will direct your steps.

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