I Am Called By Thy Name, O Lord - Neville Goddard - E-Book

I Am Called By Thy Name, O Lord E-Book

Neville Goddard

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I Am Called By They Name, O Lord

by Neville Goddard

May 17, 1964

Tonight’s title is taken from the Book of Jeremiah. It’s the 15th chapter, the 16th verse: “Thy words were found, and I ate them, and thy words became to me the joy and delight of my heart;”—and then he tells the results of eating these words—“for I am called by thy name, O Lord, God of hosts.” He found the words, he ate them, assimilated them, and then it produced this knowledge that he who ate them, who assimilated them, is actually the very being that is the cause of all the phenomena of life. The whole vast universe was himself pushed out, that everything was created by him, and he didn’t know it until he found the words. Then he ate them, and having eaten them he assimilated them.

And that’s what you and I are called upon to do. We take food in, and we assimilate what we can build into our system, and then we reject what we cannot use. Well, the Bible is the same way. We have taken the vehicle that conveyed the instruction for the instruction, and we have mistakenly taken personifications for persons, and the gross first sense for the ultimate sense intended. And so, like food, you take it in; and then the system discriminates between what it can use, what it can assimilate and build into its system, and what it must expel, what it must reject. And we read, so we’re told, And they read from the law and they read it clearly.

This is the Book of Nehemiah, 8th chapter, 8th verse: And they read it clearly; so that they heard it with understanding. When they heard it with understanding, well, then they could discriminate and reject the instrument that conveyed it, and then accept what it conveyed, the kernel, the life essence of it as it were. So tonight, our story is “I am called by thy name.” Now what is the name? Well, we are told the name of the strong tower, and the righteous man runs into it and is safe. I will respond, I will answer all who call me by my name. He will answer everyone who calls by his name. Well, now how will I call this night? Because I’m also told, “Whatever you ask in my name, I will do it,” anything that you ask in my name I’ll do it. That you’ll find in the 14th chapter of the gospel of John (verse 13): “Whatever you ask in my name, I’ll do it”…but find out the name. Well, now there are millions this night asking in certain names and they’re not getting any response, so it may not be the name. What is the name? Either then the promise is a lie, or they haven’t the right name.

Now, in the Bible, a name, whether of a man, an angel, deity, regardless of what it represents in scripture, it simply in some wonderful way reveals the character of its bearer. So if Moses who claims that he had a revelation of the name of God is going to impress the elders with what he claims that he heard and what he saw, he has to know the name. And so, he said, this is my revelation, it came to me in this form: “I AM has sent you”…When I go to the people of Israel and they insist on a name, what shall I tell them? “Just say I AM that I AM. And when you go say I AM has sent you,” that’s all. Now, is that the name? I tell you it is the name as told us in the 3rd chapter of Exodus. It’s not only my name, it’s my name forever, my name for all generations, forever and forever…just I AM (verses 13-15). Well, how do I call upon I AM? If the God I worship has the name I AM, then it seems to me that only through what I am can I worship him aright. So how can I call this night on the name? So you can call me Neville and I respond. If I walk down the street and I hear the name John I don’t turn around. If I hear the name Neville, I will stop and respond because that’s my name; for I am told, if he calls upon my name I will answer him. If he doesn’t call on my name, I can’t respond. I can only respond to my name. Well, how then will I call upon God’s name? His name is I AM. Well, I put it to the test. And I tried unnumbered ways, putting it to the test. The name is I AM, that’s what we’re told.

In scripture the word is Jehovah; in the New Testament that same I-am-ness is spelled Jesus. But the word Jesus doesn’t respond, the word Jehovah doesn’t respond; I AM does respond. But how does it respond? Here comes this day a letter to me (he’s here tonight) he said, “I’m from the Midwest. My mother and brother have had nothing but physical problems, I mean, health problems. He came out of the 2nd World War emotionally disturbed and he’s been in and out of the Veterans’ hospital, well, constantly, really. He’s always taking these psychological treatments. For four years I made a little plan, I called it my mailing program, and I mailed them what I called metaphysical literature for four years, hoping that they would read it and would have a change of attitude towards life and bring about a change in themselves. For the medical world seemed not to help; they got no help from the medical world. So I thought, well now I’ll get this and call it my program, my plot.