I'm falling for you - Mitchelle Rozario Jansen - Hörbuch

I'm falling for you Hörbuch

Mitchelle Rozario Jansen

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Zara found love in the last place she was looking, at a camp by the lake… All she ever really cared about was her work as a teacher, but the last thing she wanted was to spend time with her co-workers out in the middle of nowhere. In came Joe, an English blue-eyed Entrepreneur, the owner of an adventure tourism company. He was charming, sarky & good looking. Zara couldn't care less about Joe or about the field trip he'd organized for her school staff. But Joe set her up to take a breather and wake up to the beauty of nature. A workaholic meets a dreamer, and this is their story!

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Zeit:2 Std. 11 min

Sprecher:Malavika Shivpuri
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