Incest's Wild Urges: Taboo Erotica - Honey Silverberg - E-Book

Incest's Wild Urges: Taboo Erotica E-Book

Honey Silverberg

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Warning: This is a vintage hard-boiled full length, post-censorship erotic novel. This is bad stuff. Both bad meaning bad and bad meaning *good*. The story is so crazy, we can't even hive a proper description. Check out the free sample if you can.

Gloria ignored her husband and opened the bedroom door. She didn't intend to get in another argument with Dolph about how she spoiled their son. She pushed the door of Kurt's room open slowly. "Are you still awake, darling?" After a rustling of sheets, her son answered, "Sure, Mom, come on in. "Did you get enough to eat at dinner, honey?" the loving mother said as she sat on the bed next to her son. He had the sheets pulled up past his waist but his chest was bare. "You know I can't ever get enough of your cooking, Mom." The handsome, dark-haired boy smiled at his mother, then stared at the front of her gown, his eyes lingering on the twin bulges of her big jugs. He could clearly make out the dark projections of her nipples.

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Incest's Wild Urges

Honey Silverberg

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents











Dolph Linden reclined on the bed. He was impatient to fuck his beautiful, red-headed wife. His long cock jutted out between his thighs, hard and ready to stuff Gloria's tight pussy. "He's not a baby, Gloria. The boy's a teenager and he's been through a year of military school. It isn't good to tuck him in every night he's home."

Gloria ignored her husband and opened the bedroom door. She didn't intend to get in another argument with Dolph about how she spoiled their son.

She pushed the door of Kurt's room open slowly. "Are you still awake, darling?"

After a rustling of sheets, her son answered, "Sure, Mom, come on in.

"Did you get enough to eat at dinner, honey?" the loving mother said as she sat on the bed next to her son. He had the sheets pulled up past his waist but his chest was bare.

"You know I can't ever get enough of your cooking, Mom." The handsome, dark-haired boy smiled at his mother, then stared at the front of her gown, his eyes lingering on the twin bulges of her big jugs. He could clearly make out the dark projections of her nipples.

Gloria stroked his chest. "Such muscles, Kurt. That school must put you through a rigorous training program."

"You can say that again, Mom. You'd think we were in the real Army the way the officers make us exercise and run and march. One thing about it, though, when I hit the bed at night I go right to sleep."

Gloria hugged him and kissed him. "Speaking of sleep, I think you had better get some now. It's been a long day for you and I want you up early and fresh for me tomorrow. We only have two days before you have to get back to school."

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