College Experiences: Taboo Erotica - Honey Silverberg - E-Book

College Experiences: Taboo Erotica E-Book

Honey Silverberg

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Andy Stotski, in his lust-incited state, began to slowly screw his cock around and around in her mouth, with his thick penis fucking lewdly in and out of her tightly ovaled lips. His hands held her head in a vise-like grip, with his palms now pressed against her ears. She struggled mentally against the obscene rape-fucking of her mouth, but it was useless as her ruthless neighbor quickened his thrusts to match those of his wife so obscenely sucking her wet, unresisting cunt behind him. He never quite pulled all the way out, but always left a slight part of his desire-swollen cock lying beyond her lips in the moist shelter of her mouth.
Susan closed her eyes, her humiliation knowing no i bounds. She tried not to think about what she was doing, but it was impossible not to. Andy Stotski's cum-weighted balls slapped lewdly against her chin and the sharp male odor of him in her nostrils was a constant reminder of the cruel, depraved mouth-fucking attack to which she was being subjected.
"Suck, you bitch, suck," she heard him command harshly way up above her head. "Suck!" ... and she did.

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College Experiences

Honey Silverberg

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

College Experiences












Darn, she thought, rolling over. Another night of tossing and turning, another morning of waking up to nothing ... her first nature study class was at nine-thirty. She would just have time to shower, put on her make up and have her morning cup of black coffee before it was time to get to school. Thank God she didn't still have a husband to feed and see off to work.

Upset by the morbid reminder of her ex-husband she had pushed from her life, Susan kicked the covers aside impatiently and stood up. She flounced her long, silky red hair, yawning as she padded barefoot out of the small bedroom and to the kitchenette. She was wearing a rumpled paid of woollen pajamas as she had every night since her divorce from John. Sleeping naked made her feel dirty somehow, as though it was an immoral flaunting of her body, and a soft and filmy negligee reminded her too acutely that she was supposedly a woman underneath. A pair of woolly pajamas, on the other hand, seemed appropriate to her; they completely covered her huge young tits and naked pussy with the same contempt for sexual blatancy she felt herself.

The kitchenette was a one-unit stove, refrigerator and sink, set in an alcove at the far side of the living room. She put a kettle of water on for coffee, then lit her first cigarette of the day. Inhaling the cool smoke, she turned and went to the large glass window which opened out onto her back ground floor terrace. She stood there for a long moment with her arms folded across her pajama-covered tits, knowing she was safe from peeping Toms because of the high sugarpine fence which encircled her small outside patio.

The apartment in which she lived was only a year old, a red brick type, so common to New England. The building was managed by Andy Stotski, a biology teacher in the same school she taught in, and his wife, who lived next door. She liked her apartment for it was small enough for one person or a couple, quite private in its way and nicely decorated in the rustic woodsy style of wood-paneled walls and beam ceilings. She had rented it unfurnished, moving in some of the furniture she'd had before her marriage and had stored with some friends. She had tried to dress the place up with soft carpets, large cushiony chairs and couch, and some very fine framed prints of French Impressionists. But somehow, no matter how hard she tried, the apartment remained lonely and cold to her. Perhaps, she thought as she shivered slightly before the window, it's because I'm lonely and cold too, and the apartment is a reflection of myself....

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