Incest Slaves: Taboo NC Erotica - Joyce Harrell - E-Book

Incest Slaves: Taboo NC Erotica E-Book

Joyce Harrell

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Warning: This is a VERY taboo, vintage, hard-boiled full length (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel. This is bad stuff. Both bad meaning bad and bad meaning *good*. The story is so crazy, we can't even give a proper description.


Thor let Tracy down and stepped aside. His son Eric had stripped nude. His long, rippling muscles gleamed under a film of moisture. He'd worked up quite a sweat rushing back and forth to pitch snow on the fire she'd started."You gave us a heap of trouble," he said as he approached. "Tryin' to bust my pa's skull with that lamp, settin' a fire that might have burned the whole damn place to the ground.""I know," she croaked. "I'm sorry." Her blue-green eyes sank down. It didn't matter that he was one of her captors. Eric was the most sexy and magnificently well-built young man that she'd ever seen. Tracy had to look again.His upper body was shaped like a wedge. Well-defined straps of muscles banded his shoulders and laced his broad chest. They tapered smoothly, flowing down to his slender waist. Like arrow points, they drew attention and directed strength to his groin.There dangled the most beautiful, big cock that Tracy ever laid eyes on! Still half soft, its size matched Thor's. But Eric's long prick ended with a smooth, softly rounded knob, not an ungainly hammer-like head. His was the sleek kind of cock that women can't wait to suck.

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Incest Slaves

Joyce Harrell

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents












She laughed weakly and said, "I can't wait to get back to the city and breathe smog. My body needs air thick enough to see." A raw gust of wind swirled a soft wave of auburn hair across her face. Tracy shivered and swept back the loose strand, gazing in awe at the trackless, virgin-white snow layered deep in the valley below.Tracy's daughter Karina stood beside her, a lithe and tawny, redheaded teenager. Silky hair like red-golden tongues of flame fell halfway down her back. It shimmered brightly in the light of the setting sun."Oh, Mom!" the girl said scornfully. "Just look at that beautiful view. The jagged mountain peaks, the forest and miles of pure white virgin snow. Would you trade scenery like that for a city of glass, steel and dirty concrete?""Right now I'd trade my ass for a good hot bath," her mother said with unusual frankness.They'd been on the wilderness trail for five days with no more hot water than could be heated in a small pan. The rich, womanly scent of her musk grew stronger, despite daily sponging. It embarrassed Tracy now, and her husband, Dick, said they were still three days from the trail head."I could live like this forever!" Jo Decker exclaimed.Jo was Tracy's niece, her sister's daughter, and only six months older than her cousin Karina, although she looked far more mature. Her once almost scrawny little girl figure had blossomed with a full set of stunning curves in the last year or so. And then, just before joining the Baldwins on their winter camping trip, Jo bleached and dyed her long hair to shining silver-blonde."Being in the high country makes me feel so wild and free!" Jo said. She tossed back her head and whirled it around to express that feeling of joy. The brisk cold wind caught her hair and swirled it like a silvery mist. "What do you think, Uncle Dick? Isn't this the most spectacular view you ever saw?""It sure is!"But his dark eyes had focused only on her. They flashed with a lewd gleam and Dick felt his cock twitch. He was far more dazzled by the tempting, freshly ripened curves of his young niece than all the splendor of snowy woods and ice-glazed mountain peaks.Jo caught the look of desire in his piercing gaze. It brought a sly, understanding grin to her moist lips and a flush of warmth to her tingling cheeks. She asked coyly, "Where are we going to sleep tonight, Uncle Dick?"He said, "Aaah," and turned his eyes to the valley beyond. Dick knew all the wonderfully obscene things he'd been thinking were wrong. "We-we'll make camp down there in the shelter of that overhanging rock."Karina edged to the very lip of the steep slope ahead. "The last one down has to cook dinner," she said as she launched herself with a thrust of her poles."Oh, no!" Jo lunged forward, dropping into a deep crouch.Dick watched them both at the start of their reckless dash, but then his gaze narrowed to the tempting sway of Jo's ripely curved ass. The twin, softly rounded domes were snugly packed in a sleek black nylon ski suit. It hugged her lush body from head to toe and sheened as though it was giving off sparks from within. Dick blinked and had to force himself to look away.Tracy flashed a cool grin and said, "A man almost forty years old should not be thinking such things about a young girl. And most certainly not when that young girl is his niece.""Huh? What things?" Dick asked with pretended innocence."You know damn well!" Tracy laughed and looked down at the growing bulge that strained the crotch of his tight-fitting pants. "If your cock gets any bigger it's going to rip open your fly.""That's your fault, not mine or Jo's," he said defensively. "You haven't fucked it in five days.""I know, and I'm sorry. But we can't have sex with the girls sleeping right beside us in the same little tent."Dick nodded bleakly. He knew that was right. "But now my balls weigh more than my backpack. If I can't sneak a quick fuck tonight, they might explode!"Tracy grinned curiously and asked, "Who are you planning to sneak that fuck with? Me or Jo?"He scoffed and said, "You, of course." But in the back of his mind, Dick wasn't sure, he wasn't sure at all.She sensed the flicker of uncertainty in his voice and it more amused than angered her. She said lightly, "Tell the truth, you bastard. If you had your choice, who would you be fucking tonight? Your wife or your niece?""I've already said you.""And I say you're lying like a God damn snake in the grass," Tracy said with an odd smile. "You'd love to fuck her sweet cunt, suck on her big luscious tits and run your fingers through long waves of silky silver hair.""It sounds almost like you want me to fuck her.""No, I just want you to think about it until your cock gets really huge. Then you won't be able to bend into such a deep crouch, and maybe I'll beat you to the bottom of the hill. That means you have to cook dinner!" Tracy laughed and pushed off, blurring down the steep slope through deep powdery snow.Dick roared, "You sneaky bitch!"But she was already gone. He thrust ahead and streaked after her, but the awkward swelling of his long cockshaft did make it harder to ski. That big prick stuck up rigid and strong as the mast of a ship. Its hot length and his lewd craving for his young niece threw him off stride. Tracy beat him to the clearing at the base of the rock by a matter of inches.She chuckled in triumph. "What are you fixing for dinner, slow-poke?""It's your ass I'm going to fix, later tonight when the girls are asleep. And when I poke it, it won't be slow. I'm going to fuck your ass with my eyes closed and pretend it's Jo's tight young cunt," he whispered, not wanting the girls to hear."Hhhmmm, that sounds like fun. Why don't I help with dinner so we can get to bed early?" The five days without sex had been as hard on Tracy as on her husband."Forget dinner," Jo called to them from back of the huge rock. "Come around here and see what we found!"As they kicked off their skis at the edge of the sheltered clearing, Dick saw what looked like smoke rising from back of the rock. "How did those two get a fire started already?"Tracy sniffed the bracing mountain air and said, "That doesn't smell like smoke to me.""You're right. It smells more like a sultry, steaming hot pussy to me.""It's a hot spring," Karina said as her parents came into view. "Mineral water bubbling up in that pool from somewhere underground.""Well, I'll be damned," he whispered to Tracy. "There's the hot bath you said you'd be willing to trade your ass for." Unseen by the two girls, Dick reached over and pinched Tracy's taut, delicately curved ass cheek.She giggled anxiously and said, "Let's all get naked and go in together!"Dick edged back from the steaming pool. "Er, you gals go ahead. I'll start setting up camp." He thought if he sat in steaming hot water with three naked women, his balls would burst for sure."Don't be a poop, Uncle Dick. Families in Japan take hot baths together all the time.""Yeah, but this isn't Japan. Christ, in this country we could all be arrested for doing something like that!""Who's going to know?" Tracy asked."Yeah, Dad, and we won't be able to see anything through all that steamy haze. We'll, undress on one side, and you take the other.""Er, well..." Dick could think of no good reason to object, and the three females were already stripping off their heavy winter outfits. "What the hell!" He reached down and unbuckled his belt. It had been torturing his giant cock that was swollen hard underneath.A brief gust of wind swept aside the steaming haze for an instant, clearing the view just as his aching hard-on leaped out. Tracy smiled and felt her ass cringe. Karina blushed and looked away. Jo feasted her eyes on the biggest prick she'd ever seen.The breeze stilled itself and the steaming haze rose again like a curtain between them, but not before Dick got a good look at all three of them naked and poised by the edge of the pool.He barely glanced at Tracy. There was nothing about her small trim form that he did not already know. His eyes flicked to Jo's lush figure and inched up and down. Her tits were huge, at least three times the size of Tracy's taut mounds. Then he saw her narrow waist and the sudden flare of Jo's softly curved hips. He savored the sleek dome of her pussy mound and saw that she had a dense thatch of curly dark hair. That held his attention and he never did see the elegant taper of her long legs.The sight of her made his cock ache. So young, so ripe and so tempting -- also forbidden. It was obscene to even think of fucking his own niece, but the voice of his conscience did nothing to still the hot, painful throb of his anxious cock.He tore his eyes off her and caught a fleeting glimpse of Karina just before the veil of steam rose between them again. She was built much like her mother -- small, fine-boned and sleekly curved.Glancing down because he felt ashamed for staring, he then saw his daughter's fiery spread of cunt hair. It gleamed red-gold through the haze, and the sight of it made the drumming pulse of his hot cock meat harder than when he ogled Jo."My God," he muttered to himself, stricken with guilt. "Five days without fucking and my cock has gone crazy, lusting after my own daughter!" Even the mere thought of incest appalled him.The three females slipped into the water and sat on a rocky ledge that rimmed their side of the steaming pool. Dick dropped in on the near side, but that was steep and slick. There was no place to sit, and the water barely came up to his waist. The swollen head of his cock projected above the surface like a periscope on an obscene submarine.Jo got a fuzzy view of the blue-red cock knob and that swelled a lump in her throat. It looked twice the size of what her boyfriend had -- both longer and bigger around. The sight of its bobbing head made her pussy cringe with anxious, spasms. She'd been wanting to try a man's big cock because her eager boyfriend couldn't keep his prick hard long enough to make her spirits soar."You can sit here, Uncle Dick." Jo slid closer to Karina to make room at the end of the rocky ledge. But not too much room. She wanted Dick close to her when he sat down.Tracy sat at the other end, around the curve of the narrow pool. She eyed them both with a mixture of amusement and suspicion. The woman could almost read Jo's mind because she remembered having the same kind of curiosity when she was young.And, ironically, it was her uncle that Tracy had most wondered about. She liked to sit on his lap at family gatherings and squirm her taut ass around until she could feel the big prick between his legs start to swell.They'd both been fully clothed, of course. In those days, no proper family would even think of sitting naked together in a steaming tub. Tracy could only wonder how much farther her young niece would go.Dick's lean, hard-muscled thigh brushed the creamy smooth taper of Jo's leg as he sat down. "Isn't it nice to be so warm?" she asked."Er, yeah," he replied, but Dick was thinking, warm? My cock feels like a red-hat iron!Jo's fingers brushed his knee with a feather light touch beneath the surface of the bubbling tot spring, where none of the others could see. She waited, letting her hand float, touching him only with her fingertips, half expecting him to push her hand away.But he didn't. He spread his legs and settled back against the rim of the pool, basking in the soothing warmth and breathing in the deep, misty vapors that smelled so much like steaming cunt.His acceptance of her sly touch primed the eager teen for an even bolder stroke. She let her hand slide up his leg, letting her fingers drag ever-so-lightly over muscles tense as steel bands. She made it seem that her hand was only drifting with the bubbling current that coursed upward from the bottom of the rocky little pool.She felt Dick stir and his muscles rippled. "Hhhmmm, your leg is so strong and hard," Jo said in a hushed voice that only he could hear."You think that's hard, you should see the rest of me." Dick kept his voice low, but there was really no need. Tracy and Karina were busy discussing the dinner that Dick was supposed to fix."I did see it for just a second when the breeze blew the steam away." Her fingers teased through the soft wet ruff of cockhair spread wide across Dick's loins. "Can I touch it?" she asked shyly.Dick glanced and saw that his wife and daughter were still distracted. "Sure, why not?"Jo's soft hand curled warmly around his long prickshaft. "Oh, God it's even bigger than I thought." She grasped and squeezed and pumped her hand slowly up and down.Ripples sloshed above her hand, spreading across the surface of the bubbling pool. Their speed and size increased as Jo beat harder on his exciting cock. "I used to jack my boyfriend off before I got up nerve to let him fuck me. He says I do it real good.""Er, yeah. You sure do!"Dick was having trouble keeping his voice down now, and it was even harder to keep a calm look on his face. Jo whipped the full length of his long shaft with wavering finger strokes. She pulsed her grip as she neared the tip, working her fingers on the soft tube of his prick like someone playing a flute."I want to make you cum. I want to feel that big thing spurt.""Oh, Christ, don't do that." Dick knew he'd grunt when the searing pressure in his balls broke free. Tracy would be sure to hear, she knew that sound well."Then put your finger in my pussy. Find my little clit and whirl it until I cum.""I'd like to, but I can't. Tracy will hear you. She'll know what we're doing for sure.""I'll be still, Jo promise. I won't make a sound." Never having experienced a full orgasm, Jo had no idea what great control it would take to remain silent as she neared the peak of rapture."All right, you devious little bitch. But ease off on my cock for a while." He slipped his right hand into her lap and fingered the soft fleece of her pussy curls."Oooh, I like the way you do that," she cooed. Her hand went slack on his raging cock, but she kept it in her warm grasp. Dick reached his long middle finger down between her legs and pressed lightly on the puffed, softly furred outer lips of her pussy."Hungh," Jo said with a rasp of hot breath."Ssshhh," he cautioned her. He worked his finger further in, deftly parting her outer shield to reach the slinky little ring of flesh inside. Her cunt surged with a vibrant pulsing and her hand clamped hard around the root of his cock."Aaahhh," he moaned. Her little and ring fingers had reached down to tease his cum swollen nuts around."Ssshhh," she teased with a leering grin. Tracy glanced at them, but Jo thought she had no idea what they were doing.Dick reamed her slinky cunt and felt pliant bands of muscle grip and pulse. God, what that hole could do to a shaft as big as his cock! Just thinking about it almost made his balls unload.Drawing back, he turned his thumb around the nub of her clit. It swelled and trembled, throbbing with lust like a little miniature prick. "Ram your finger in deep at the same time," she gasped. "Make me cum, Uncle Dick. Oh, give me the climax I've been wanting for so long!"Her hand swept up and down his cock again, frothing the water above with the urgency of her wild desire. "You little bitch, you weren't supposed to do that!""I want us both to cum at once!""Oh, fuck..." Dick knew there was no way they could both keep quiet if they did that."Yes, I want to!" Jo gasped anxiously. "Tonight when Tracy and Karina are asleep. You can crawl into my sleeping bag. I want to feel your big hot prick inside of me!"Dick's tortured mind swirled like the steam rising from the spring. He wanted to fuck this sultry, brazen little bitch, but he didn't dare. He didn't even want to think what Tracy would do if she found him in bed with her niece."Fuck three fingers into me," Jo begged. "I want to feel something as big as your hot cock. Oh, make me cum! Do it to me, Uncle Dick!""You'll like this even more," he groaned through gritted teeth. The way she was whipping his cock now made it almost impossible to hold back. He wouldn't last more than a few seconds, and he did share the girl's perverse desire to cum with her while his wife and daughter were sitting only a few feet away.He wormed his first and second fingers into her seething pussy hole and pumped them in and out. At the full depth of each gliding thrust, he reached out with his ring finger and circled the taut rim of her asshole."You aren't going to put a finger in there, are you?""I sure am! And tonight when I'm in your sleeping bag, I'm going to fuck your ass with my cock.""Oh, holy shit!" Jo's face lined with worry. She didn't think the giant cockshaft in her hand would even fit. "You'll rip me apart!""And I'll make you love it," he promised. Dick could hardly believe the words he just said. The whole situation had gotten out of control.His cock was out of control, too. He tensed as he felt the pressure swell, but now there was no way he could hold back. He fucked his probing fingers into Jo's ass and pussy at the same time, ending each thrust with his thumb whirling around on her clit."Oh, yes! Yes! Yes, Uncle Dick! Hungh!" she clamped her eyes shut in joyous rapture and thrust her hips at his driving hand. "That's it! Oh, you're making me cum!"Dick's whole body tensed. His balls heaved and the boiling flood started up his cock shaft. Jo could feel the swelling in his prick. It sputtered and jerked beneath her fingers as her hand drummed faster up and down.The stuttering bursts of silver cream shot into the water just as Jo's climax began. She tensed and hissed, wracked by the anguished joy she could feel front and back. Her ass and pussy both flew into a frenzy. They clenched and throbbed, and after what seemed like an hour of pure bliss, her wringing holes went slack.Dick's massive cock had drained itself and it began to soften in her hand, but somehow Jo knew this wasn't the end. It was the start of something neither of them could fully comprehend. 

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