Mistreated Country Wife: Taboo Erotica - Joyce Harrell - E-Book

Mistreated Country Wife: Taboo Erotica E-Book

Joyce Harrell

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"If you're going to rape me, get it over with!" she flared. "Do what you're going to do and then get out of here. I can't stand having you around me."
She held herself as rigid as she could, unwilling to acknowledge that his hand on her flesh gave her any pleasure at all.
"Have you ever had your pussy sucked?" Buck asked with a leering grin. When Diane refused to answer, he laughed. "I didn't think so."

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Mistreated Country Wife

Joyce Harrell

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 1

The reason for this pessimism, of course, was obvious, what with Austin being a simple farmer well into his forties and Diane-right out of high school, and the prettiest cheerleader the school had ever had-being just a shade over eighteen. She was a slender girl with sleekly-muscled legs and firm, round tits, her long flowing blonde hair silky and her large eyes blue and lustrous.

Austin Webster, as might be expected, could not have looked less like the husband of such a perky young woman. He was forty-six years old and looked even older, a giant of a man with steel-gray hair beginning to thin and a gaunt, craggy face that seemed to have been formed-hammered or blasted, actually-out of solid granite.

It was to the unending astonishment of the residents of Everett, then, that Diane had remained the teenaged Mrs. Webster for over two years, and more so that she seemed now to be as happy as when she'd first taken Austin's name as her own. Such things, after all, sometimes have a way of working out.

"Diane, where are my razor blades?" Austin called out to his pretty wife from the bathroom. "I can't find them, and I can't very well spend three days in a big city like Chicago without shaving."

"You certainly can't," Diane smiled, walking into the bathroom with a provocative wiggle to her pert little ass. She went straight to her husband and wrapped her lithe arms around his waist. "And that's why I already packed your shaving kit in your suitcase."

She tried to get up on her tiptoes and kiss his face, but Austin merely shook his head with a laugh. "Have you given any thought as to how I'm supposed to shave in the morning before I leave?" , he asked quietly.

Diane stared up at him for a long moment thoughtfully, and then she burst out laughing. "I guess I wasn't thinking."

Austin hugged "her tight, holding Diane against him until the heat between them began to rise. After a few moments, he let go of her and tried to go back to getting ready for his trip, but Diane only snuggled closer to his warmth.

"I wish you didn't have to go," she murmured softly.

"Well, one of us has to sell the wheat we grow," he smiled. "Besides, I'll be back on Friday."

She feigned a pout. "I'm still going to miss you.”

It's going to be lonely going to bed without having you in it."

"I'll be in it tonight, at least," he laughed, squeezing her.

At eleven o'clock that night, as was their custom, Austin and Diane got undressed and climbed into bed, he in loose-fitting pajamas and she in a wooly nightgown.

She was naked under the nightgown, and her body trembled with eager anticipation at the thought of what Austin would soon be doing to her, even though-if the truth was known-she'd never once in her young life experienced an orgasm and had only the slightest notion of what one might feel like. Still, every time her rugged husband climbed between her warm thighs, she was hopeful of catching yet a glimmer more of what she thought she was supposed to feel.

Lying on her back under the blankets and staring into darkness, Diane suddenly felt the bed jiggling as Austin unbuttoned the pants of his pajamas.

She tensed instinctively, waiting for the feel of his flesh against hers.

Austin reached over and slowly pulled Diane's nightgown up until the fuzzy hem of it rested just above the plump bulge of her hairy crotch. She shivered, raising her knees slightly and spreading them for him.

The whole area of her crotch was sopping wet, the slippery lips of her warm cunt already swollen with excitement. She was acutely aware of the pleasurable tingling sensations she received whenever anything-Austin's hand, or the edge of her nightgown, or the rough fabric of the blankets they slept under-brushed against her sweet young pussy.

Why this was so, she certainly couldn't say, but she more than once had found herself wishing she had the nerve to ask her husband to touch her on a particular spot and at great length.

Silently, Austin climbed on top of her, his breath hot against her silky cheek and the velvety-smooth head of his stiffened cock sliding up against the slick opening of her cunt. He pushed forward, pressing until just the warm tip of his rigid meat slipped into her pussy.

Diane swallowed hard, her breath coming in gasps, as Austin slowly shoved the full length of his throbbing prick into her wetly-gripping pussy. Wanting to cry out with pleasure, but not daring to, she tensed with still another little gasp.

This first spearing thrust of her husband's hard cock into the juicy depths of her wet cunt was always the best for her, the delicious feel of his rigid meat jerking and twitching as it cleaved into her pulsating pussy exciting her beyond words.

With a groan, Austin jerked his hips back and then jerked them forward again. His massive cock began to slowly piston in and out of Diane's quivering snatch.

He pumped on top of her steadily at first, and then, gradually, his thrusting became more urgent, more erratic, and his breathing grew harsh and heavy. Hammering at her supple body with his own, he pounded into his wife's hot pussy with every inch of his twitching prick and made her shudder beneath him.

The pretty blonde teenager, as usual, lay with her eyes closed and her bare legs as wide apart as she could get them. She tried not to move too much, knowing that such movement on her part would upset Austin, but the fever building in her quaking loins was usually more than she could control.

Biting into her lower lip, her face became damp with sweat and her breathing became more uneven.

Austin tensed on top of her finally, his teeth gritting and his eyes almost popping out of his head. With a muffled moan, he drove his solid prick yet harder into his young wife's slick cunt as his sticky sperm poured into her.

Biting even more into her trembling lip, Diane shivered uncontrollably. She felt the last surge of her husband's thick cum spurt up into her tight cunt, and then he quickly stopped moving with a weary gasp.

For some reason she couldn't explain, she wanted to cry.

Austin didn't even notice her tears.

Chapter 2

The next morning Diane got out of bed just long enough to fix Austin his breakfast and kiss him good-bye. As soon as his slightly battered old car was out of sight, she crawled right back into bed, feeling lazy and deciding to sleep late for a change.

She rarely had a chance to lounge around, and she was determined to take advantage of this one. And then, to her surprise, she heard the back door open. A moment later she could hear someone walking around in the kitchen.

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