Incestuous Hot Wife: Extrenme Taboo Erotica - Cameron Akeley - E-Book

Incestuous Hot Wife: Extrenme Taboo Erotica E-Book

Cameron Akeley

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This full length erotic novel is so sexy we can't even tell you the preview…


"Aw, Mom," he answered, but he didn't stop. He sprayed his stream back and forth across the pass, and when he finished, he shook his dick violently and then started a slow push-pull motion, making the slim rod grow in his hand.
"I've told you not to do that, too. Your father would have a fit"
"It's getting hard now, Mom. I don't want to stop," Chuck whined.
To Virginia's astonishment, Clara stepped close to her son and pushed his hand away. "Do you want Mother to do it?" she said.
"Yea," he answered quickly.
"Once you start, you shouldn't stop. It can hurt you, she said, taking his cock-shaft between two ringers. "Now Mother will have to finish it off for you." She slowly peeled the long foreskin back to reveal a glistening, beautifully tapered head. "I'm glad we didn't have you circumcised. It's so much nicer like this." She increased her speed, pulling the skin back and forth over his knob. "Oh, Son," she cried, "you're getting such a good hard-on!"
As Virginia watched, Clara dropped to her knees in front of her son and pushed the foreskin all the way back. She looked up at the grinning boy.

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Incestuous Hot Wife

Cameron Akeley

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents













She grimaced. It was a lousy drink, half cold coffee and half vodka. A lousy way to get through life, too, she thought, but being a little tight seemed to make it easier.

Virginia knew there was something missing, something that vodka and cigarettes wouldn'treplace yet, to go out and get involved with life again seemed like too much of a chore. She was too old to go back to school; besides, she didn't want to, and she sure as hell didn't want to get job. Still, she had to do something; her unrest was growing by the day.

She was thirty-eight years old, married almost twenty years, and had a grown daughter. The most charitable thing she could say about her marriage was that it was dull.

She got absently to her feet and trudged up the three stairs to the bedroom level. Her head felt light and she staggered just a trifle. Another vodka, she thought, and she could sleep the rest of the day away. The thought was tempting, but she knew she had to get busy or lose her mind.

She slid open the closet door, only to shrink back. Cleaning that out was too formidable a job in her condition; to leap in there cold turkey was just too much to ask. She would start by cleaning out the drawers in the dresser, starting with her husband's one drawer. She had four.

God, what men accumulated. Two worn-out undershirts, one red sock, no mate, and... what in the hell was a big brown envelope doing in his clothes drawer under all of his other paraphernalia? She realized that it had been years since she had opened his drawer except to pile his clean things on top of what was already there, and God knew what a man would stuff in it in that length of time.

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