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Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2020
Infinite States
by Neville Goddard – March 22, 1968
Quite often someone will say to me: “I don’t think others understand you.” I was asked this question: ‘When you use the word ‘state’ I don’t think others know what you mean, so would you please explain it?'” Tonight I will try.
We are told: ‘You are sons of the Most High, all of you.” (Not just a few, but all of us). “Nevertheless, you will die like men and fall”…..into infinite states of consciousness, for states are that into which the sons of the Most High fall. A state is an attitude of mind, a state of experience with a body of beliefs which you live by. Always expressing a state, you identify yourself with it by saying: “I am poor or I am rich. I am known or I am unknown. I am wanted or I am unwanted.” I could go on indefinitely, because there are infinite states into which an individual son of the Most High may fall.
Blake made this statement: “Eternity Exists and All things in Eternity Independent of Creation which was an act of Mercy. By this it may be seen that I do not consider either the Just or the Wicked to be in a Supreme State, but to be every one of them States of the Sleep which the Soul may fall into in its deadly dreams of Good and Evil.” When you find yourself in a state or see a seeming other in a state, do not condemn or praise it, for all states exist and no state is greater than another. Every state is an attitude, a state of experience with a body of beliefs that an individual son of the Most High occupies. And if that an individual son of the Most High, then are we not brothers of the Highest Unity? And are we not also members of the ultimate body who is God the Father? So the states into which we fall cannot mar or in any way deter our immortal self who fell.
Your creative power did not willingly fall. It was your Father’s will that you, his creative power, descend into and experience states. In the 8th chapter of Romans, Paul tells us: ‘He was made subject unto futility, not willingly, but by reason of the will of him who subjected him in hope.
There is unity in God, yet God the Father is made up of gods, the sons. So God’s creative power fell into division and passes through states which results in resurrection into unity. As a son of the Most High you can, in the twinkle of an eye, move into any state, but the chances are you will not remain there for a state is made up of a body of beliefs! If you spend the day thinking from a certain base, a certain body of beliefs, the chances are you will fall asleep that night in the same belief. Knowing you can move into another state, another body of beliefs, you may try to move, but you must persist in staying in the new state until it becomes natural.
There are unnumbered states and the occupant of one state is not better than the occupant of another, for each is a brother in the highest unity and all are one in the body of God the Father. But the state, the attitude of mind to which you most constantly return, constitutes your dwelling place. If you dwell in self- pity you will express the state, but by occupying that state you are not less than one who has ambitions to enter the White House, or the Vatican as the Pope. The individual desiring an ambitious state is not greater than or less than the one who doesn’t know he is in a state and remains subjected to it.