Inter-Ocean Hunting Tales - Edgar Fritz Randolph - E-Book

Inter-Ocean Hunting Tales E-Book

Edgar Fritz Randolph

7,49 €

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In this volume will be found a series of articles which in recent years have appeared in Forest and Stream. The incidents recounted took place in widely separated parts of the United States and Canada. As time slips by there is a pleasure in recalling hunting exploits which have become relegated to a past that can be lived over again only in memory. Whoever feels the sportsman’s ardor kindle when blood red tales of the hunt are related—an ardor which the camera enthusiast, who possesses merely a platonic love of sport cannot appreciate—may discover an excuse for this book. Its style may strike one as somewhat informal and lacking in literary finish, but it should be borne in mind that too much formality is likely to take away the charm of camp life. If you picture yourself seated on a log by the open camp-fire you will not be apt to criticize the absence of polish in the composition of the text. You would as soon ask your guide to substitute patent leather shoes for his greased boots.  

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