JOCELYN FAMILY’S RULES - Yvette Jocelyn - E-Book


Yvette Jocelyn

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  • Herausgeber: Spines
  • Kategorie: Ratgeber
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2024

Jocelyn Family's Rules is intended to help you become the definitive picture of yourself and a prosperous and ethically upright person. These principles will unarguably encourage you to evolve into a decent person. Being a good person is not challenging. yet it doesn't spontaneously occur. Above all, you must want to better yourself and act according to the values you hold valuable. 

This book also shares the authors experience starting over while transitioning from one phase of her life to the next. It also reflects upon upholding your faith while being true to your values and morals. 

This book also depicts the importance of prioritizing your family and keeping them at the top of your priority list. It's also about ethical rules that dictate what people should do based on their own or others rights, obligations, the common good, fairness, or a set of admirable character attributes. 

Lastly, this book gives insight into the significance of assisting and aiding others during tough moments. It also discusses how helping can be incredibly fulfilling, especially when one's time and attributes are used to help people in need. 

The consequences of our decisions might be felt for years, if not for the rest of our lives. But, with Jocelyne Family's Rules as a guide to assist you in navigating the path of life, you may make decisions that will benefit you for a lifetime!

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Yvette Jocelyn


All rights reserved

Copyright © 2024 by Yvette Jocelyn

No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

Published by Spines

ISBN: 979-8-89383-341-6


Yvette Jocelyn


1. Life in the Countryside of Haiti

2. The Capital of Haiti

3. Life in The United States of America

4. Faith

5. Family Comes First

6. Ethics

7. Education

8. Helping Others

9. Jocelyn Family’s Rules



I dedicate this book to my deceased father, Pierre Jocelyn; he guided, cherished, and wanted the best things in life for me.

I also dedicate this book to my deceased mother, Irene Morin; she was the beacon of hope in my life and the person I am today, including the values I hold in my heart, all thanks to her.

To my dearest daughter Keshia Jocelyn, I dedicate this book to you as well. You have been a sweetheart, and since you were born, you’ve made my life special in ways that I never thought would be possible. Thank you for always being there for me and helping make this book a glorious reality.

This book is also dedicated to my son Richard G. Jocelyn and my granddaughters Victoria Lynn Jocelyn, Stella Jocelyn, and Ruby Jocelyn.

Sisters are a blessing from God, and Gisele Jocelyn, my sister, has been a blessing to me as well. I dedicate this book to her, too, for she has been the warmth of my days throughout my life.

I would also like to thank my Coach, Emmanuel Delorme, who has shown me constant support and guidance and without whom I would never have been able to be so successful in life.

Finally, all this would not have been possible without the constant support and courage shown to me by my sister in Jesus, my counselor, and my best friend, Solange Beauchamp; I will always be honored to have your companionship.

I love you all; you are my fortune and God’s gift to me in this humble life.


Life in the Countryside of Haiti

"Commit your actions to the Lord, and your plans will succeed." – Proverbs 16:3

All praise belongs to God, who created and blessed us with life on Earth. We are mere mortals, fragile, weak to our cores, struggling to find peace and satisfaction. That is a lousy way to grasp the bounty of life. We are blessed only if we take a moment to wait and ponder over the countless 'rights' that happen all around us, but horrendously, we continue to focus on the 'wrongs' taking place in our surroundings.

In our search for inner peace, we continue to traverse the world blindfolded, demeaning our existence, and failing miserably at the search for the purpose, the reason, the answer to a single question: Why were we born?

Civilizations of countless fools have perished in search of this trivial question when the answer has always been right there! Our beating hearts, our tingling senses, the laughter of children, the shining sun, and the world around us all come together to remind us of God's blessing on us. We who have lived sinful life carry on with our thankless existence. Have we ever stopped to thank God? No, because even a lifetime of gratitude will never be enough.

God does not need our thanks; He is at the top in all his glory. If we acknowledge God's blessings, be thankful to him and obey his commandments, we benefit from it; this is the easiest way to find true peace and the most straightforward way to live. We should live a god-fearing life, and our actions should resonate with the commands and will of God.

As the world around us falls into despair, we should never lose hope, for hope will guide us to the path of God.

Our story begins with the biggest blessing of all, the birth of a daughter. The parents, bless them, cry out in joy as God has not forsaken them, and amidst all the fears of childbirth, they came out happy with a bundle of joy in their arms. This was the birth of Yvette Jocelyn and what follows is her journey through the fiery waters of her existence to adulthood. Her journey revolves around many spheres of mortal existence, from crippling grief to abundant happiness, from the depths of despair to the heights of hope.

Yvette was born into the humble Jocelyn family in Les Cayes, Haiti. Being a member of this family came with perks of its own. Her parents lived a God-fearing life and cherished the many ways God has blessed them throughout their existence. From the moment she opened her eyes to look at her parents' smiling faces, she was showered with immense love; as for them, she was a symbol of hope and grace from God.

Yvette's parents were traditional and valued a life devoid of luxuries and irrelevant wants. They followed the principle that one should be content with what they have, and a thirst for power and material objects will throw them off the right path of God. From a young age, they ingrained this sense of living in her soul. They taught her the act of forgiveness, the principle of sharing and valuing the little blessings around her. In return for her parents' love, she loved them back unconditionally and gave them the proper respect they deserved. A childhood with an upbringing like this will never go astray.

Their relationship had no shackles of secrecy as she was encouraged to share whatever troubled her. They always kept the door of suggestions open for her, which in turn helped their relationship foster one more inclined toward friendship. Even when she committed a mistake, she found a pillar of morality and fortitude in them.. They never raised their hand at her, and at times when she seemed only a bit hesitant to listen to them, they always guided her by telling her about the will of God.

The blessings on Yvette continued as her parents made it their purpose to protect and provide for her. They encouraged her to live a healthy life, free from the mental strains of despair and away from all the junk food kids are found to be eating today.

Yvette has many fond memories of her childhood. It was a tradition to go on vacation every few months in their household. Her parents and siblings always tried their best to make her happy; even today, thinking about it brings tears of joy to her eyes. She enjoyed these trips into nature and valued the family time that came as a bonus. Being a part of the Catholic Church, they celebrated Christmas, Easter, and Good Friday with whole revels. They also observed Lent resonate with the sufferings of the poor. For her, the best day of the year was her birthday. It was celebrated with an afternoon party to which most of the extended family was invited.

Yvette still remembers her first day of school in vague bits and pieces, especially how she felt about the whole ordeal. Her parents enrolled her in a local private catholic school named Catholic School of Sister Ann. She was scared and worried about what will happen to her, but at the same time, she wanted to obey her parents' will and make them proud. Her conflict within was dumbfounded, as when she started attending school regularly, she began making friends with whom she found solace and ease. Those proved to be pleasant days for Yvette, for God was always in her heart, protecting her and cherishing her happiness.

When we were young, time flew, and soon, Yvette became a teenager, beginning her ascent into the uncharted territory of adulthood. Her parents worked hard and therefore earned well, and the support system she had was the best she could have. Food was always on the table, they had a roof over their heads, and a fine assortment of attires could also be found in their wardrobes. These were one of the best days as they always had whatever they needed or desired. Even with all the necessities of life, they did not thrive in their wealth, as they knew that was not the way of God; instead, they always preferred to help the needy and the destitute whenever possible for them.

Keeping in mind her parents' teachings Yvette always kept the best relationship with the people around her. Among her siblings, things always remained amiable; they loved each other and cherished the time God granted them to spend with each other. They helped one another with schoolwork and also shared their belongings. Relationships like these create bonds that can never be broken. Even the friendships Yvette made were based on the same principle of goodwill and kindness. She influenced her peers, and they, too, adopted the positive outlook she possessed for life. This was the charm of her parents' upbringing. They transmitted their positivity to her, and it reflected in all her actions. She knew she was responsible for spreading the exact word of God, and what better way to do it than embodying his teachings in her daily life? For her being content was how God has taught us to live in this world.

Life was moving fast for Yvette, and soon the time came for her to move out and live in the capital city of Haiti, Port –au- Prince. At that time, she was in her early twenties. It was hi-time to start college and experience life at its optimum. During this time, her abode became her cousin Gladyse's house. She was her maternal cousin. Gladyse was one of her closest family members who lived in the capital. They were already well acquainted, so surprisingly, this abrupt shift in their life came and passed swimmingly. Gladyse had been looking forward to it for a long time as she cherished spending time with Yvette. She used to support her in all her decisions. They became best friends and helped each other in all times of need. Yvette treasured this friendship as life in the capital would have been complicated without her. The best part about Gladyse was she was almost the age of Yvette, which greatly aligned their interests and beliefs . They used to hang out all the time doing all sorts of fun activities two best friends together would do. She was Yvette's life support as she did everything that helped Yvette feel at home. She was loyal and proved to be a good secret keeper for Yvette.

Life in the capital was tough for Yvette. Everyone was always busy and watching people being so energetic around always made her very anxious. Running her eyes across her surroundings, Yvette used to think everyone had something to do here. More like a purpose. Back home, she used to spend a lot of time bonding with her family, but everyone was always busy here in Port-AU-Prince. The cost of living in the capital was a lot more expensive than what it was back at home. She had to cut back on her personal expenses to accommodate her new lifestyle. The capital was full of grocery stores with unique items she hadn’t seen before. Every day she met new people who smiled at her and tried to initiate small talk; as much as she liked it, she disliked it at some point too, and it was hard for her to avoid all this.

Although life in the big city was difficult, Yvette had an experience of her own. Life here offered her many different opportunities. The salaries were high, and so were the job prospects. And then, the cherry on top was the easy commute. Traveling from one place to another wasn’t as streneous as it was compared to back home.

Yvette was adjusting well to her new lifestyle, but simultaneously, she missed her life back at home. She was a 'shrubs' girl. She was used to exploring all the countryside's greenery, which was almost impossible in the capital. She missed her family and friends dearly. She missed her home because she was born there and grew up with those people. She had made many memories there and revered them very much.

The college had been a long time coming for Yvette. She wanted to land a good job, and for that, she needed to have a college degree. She also wanted to connect and study with a diverse population of students because she wanted more life exposure. Her dream came true in Port-au-Prince.

God had blessed Yvette time and time again, which was apparent in her smooth journey. Why was God blessing her at every turn? Because she was a servant of God. Her outlook on life revolved around pleasing God in every move she made. She chose to be polite when she could have screamed. She always spoke the truth even when she could’ve easily lied. She was humble when she could have been proud. She showed courage and steadfastness while facing every obstacle when most people would’ve quickly lost hope. She proved herself repeatedly and became an exemplary example for everyone to follow. How she lived life was no ordinary feat; it demanded her to vary Satan's deception tactics and how he lures his prey towards sin, causing them suffering and turmoil with no end. This was God's blessing, as the path she had chosen to walk was bound to please him one way or another. And in return, God made everything easier for her. He turned every obstacle she encountered into a feat of perseverance; such is the fruit the faithful servants of God get.

Yvette's story proves what many may have considered only a myth. Following God's will and obeying Him is the only right way to live, as life in this world is temporary and should only be treated as a test. If we remain firm in our worship and obey God, the reward is eternal life in Paradise. This life is meaningless and doesn’t even account for being a shell of what's yet to come. It should be lived only to achieve the goodwill of God and gain our place in Paradise.

Coming to Port-Au-Prince was only the beginning of her adventure, and it was time for Yvette to start her professional career. She would’ve to work hard to prove her mettle. Now the real challenge will begin as she will be responsible for earning a living, managing her requisites and facing the real world.