Ketogenic Diet Cookbook For Beginners Over 100 Amazing, Delicious And Simple Recipes For Quick Weight Loss And Overall Health Improvement With 30 Day Meal Plan - Allison Ortiz - E-Book

Ketogenic Diet Cookbook For Beginners Over 100 Amazing, Delicious And Simple Recipes For Quick Weight Loss And Overall Health Improvement With 30 Day Meal Plan E-Book

Allison Ortiz

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  • Herausgeber: Chssm
  • Kategorie: Lebensstil
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2019

Are you always tired and overweight?
Do you desire to look and feel healthy and younger than your age?   
If you answer yes to these questions, you will soon discover a lasting solution to your problems. The top 100+ amazing, delicious and simple recipes together with the 30 days meal plan will help you to achieve your goal even as a beginner.
Ketogenic diet plan is a popular diet that is loaded with numerous health benefits, apply it properly will not just help you to achieve your weight loss goal within a short time but will also improve your overall health.
In this ketogenic cookbook you will discover the following:
1. What ketogenic diet is all about?
2. What makes the ketogenic diet unique?
3. What to eat and avoid on keto diet
4. The health benefit of keto diet and
5. Over 100 amazing, delicious and simple recipes to follow with nutritional information on each recipe
6. 30 days meal plan and many more
This over 100 Amazing, delicious and Simple Recipes for quick weight loss and overall health improvement with 30 day meal plan contains healthy and delicious recipes that are grouped under breakfast, lunch, dinner, salad, soup, chicken, beef &pork, fish & seafood, snacks, and side dish & appetizer. These recipes contain ingredients that can easily found in your local grocery stores or supermarket and with easy to follow instructions.
If you really want to enjoy quick weight loss and boost your overall health, you should consider given this ketogenic diet plan a try. Just click buy now button and enjoy all the recipes and live healthy for life.

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Ketogenic Diet Cookbook For Beginners

Over 100 Amazing, Delicious And Simple Recipes For Quick Weight Loss And Overall Health Improvement With 30 Day Meal Plan

Allison Ortiz

Copyright © 2019 Allison Ortiz

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

Limit of Liability/Disclaimer of Warranty: While the publisher and author have used their best efforts in preparing this book, they make no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this book and specifically disclaim any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. No warranty may be created or extended by sales representatives or written sales materials. The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for your situation. You should consult with a professional where appropriate. Neither the publisher nor author shall be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damages, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages. All images by the author



What Is Ketogenic diet?

What makes the ketogenic diet unique?

Eat these foods on ketogenic diet

Avoid these foods on ketogenic diet

Some ketogenic Healthy Foods to Eat

The benefits of ketogenic diet

Breakfast recipes

Keto Spiced Pumpkin bread

Healthy bacon, mushroom and avocado

Low carb Spiced Pumpkin Waffles

Low carb Walnut Porridge

Low carb Peanut Butter & Chocolate Muffins

Low carb Mini Crust Less Quiches

Keto Roll Ups

Low carb Matcha Smoothie

Low carb frittata with spinach

Keto Healthy omelet

Low carb Avocado Baked Eggs with Bacon

Low-carb Coconut Flour Porridge

Low- carb breakfast taco

Keto breakfast sausage

Low Carb Oatmeal porridge

Keto Breakfast Sandwich

Keto breakfast bacon

Low-Carb kale Hash for breakfast

Lunch recipe

Low carb Avocado Pepperoni Salad

Keto Dill turkey salad

Low carb Greek Frittata

Keto Egg Stuffed Avocado Salad

Prosciutto, tomatoes & Olive plate

Low carb creamy avocado & goat-cheese salad

Keto Avocado Caprese salad with Cherry Tomatoes

Keto Turkey peanut butter Lettuce Wraps

Simple Low carb Taco Salad

Easy low carb Cucumber Salad

Keto Lemon black & pepper tuna salad

Low carb curried chicken salad

Cucumber Avocado ginger salad

Low carb Shrimp and Arugula Salad

Quick & healthy Salmon Salad

Dinner recipes

Low carb Wagon Wheel Sausage Pie

Low carb Salmon With Cauliflower &Avocado

Low carb Spicy Lime Steak with Asparagus

Low carb Deep Dish Pizza Quiche

Low carb dark chocolate muffins

Healthy smoked mussel’s plate

Keto Chicken Casserole

Turkey Satay with Peanut Sauce

Keto Stuffed Avocados with Chicken Salad

Quick White Turkey Chili

Keto Zucchini Lasagna

Low carb zucchini crab

Salad Recipes

Healthy low-carb tuna salad

Keto Chicken Salad

Healthy Mixed Green Spring Salad

Low Carb Raspberry Arugula Cucumber Salad

Yummy & Simple keto Salad

Delicious Tomato Crab Salad

Salmon And Shrimp Salad With Avocado

Healthy Mixed Green Spring Salad

Low Carb Raspberry Arugula Cucumber Salad

Yummy & Simple keto Salad

Delicious Tomato Crab Salad

Keto walnut & zucchini salad

Salmon And Shrimp Salad With Avocado

Soup Recipes

Chicken Zucchini Soup

Low Carb Tomato Basil Soup

Creamy Low Carb Broccoli Cheese Soup

Low carb Fat Bomb Hamburger Soup

Keto Cauliflower Cheese Soup with Sausage

Healthy keto pumpkin soup

Beef and pork recipes

Pork Chops Garlic Butter With Crispy Green Beans

Low carb Pork Chops

Meatloaf Cheeseburger

Healthy low carb Cheeseburger

Keto Chili

Seafood and fish recipes

Low-carb salmon pie

Easy Low-carb fish casserole with mushrooms

Low-carb shrimp omelet

Sausage Stir Fry with Spicy Shrimp

Delicious salmon with pesto & Cauliflower

Low-carb coconut Napa cabbage with salmon

Sweet Coconut Shrimp

Simple low carb Shrimp Scampi

Low carb Tuna fish Salad

Chicken recipes

Simple Chicken Pies

Keto Chicken Garlic Soup

Keto Lemon Sesame Pistachio Crusted Chicken

Chicken Meatballs

Simple Buffalo Chicken Dip

Simple keto Cashew Chicken

Low carb chicken Garam masala

Keto Paprika Chicken

Vegetarian recipes

Low carb browned butter asparagus with creamy eggs

Creamy Low carb oven-baked Brie cheese

Keto cauliflower hash browns

Quick & Easy Low carb mushroom omelet

Keto Blueberry & Kale Salad

Scrumptious mushroom and cheese frittata

Cheesy avocado pie

Keto Asparagus Mash

Appetizer, side dish and snacks recipes

Delicious spiced Almonds

Low carb Kale Chips

Low carb Pesto Crackers

Low carb crunchy broccoli tots with ranch dressing

Low carb Crunchy cheesy kale chips

Keto Bacon Blue Cheese Deviled Eggs

Low carb paprika lime green bean

Spicy seasoned keto zucchini fries

Creamy Low carb mushroom “risotto”

Low carb mustard celeriac mash

Low carb roasted turmeric cauliflower

Low carb turmeric rice

Cauliflower, broccoli with avocado


Week 1:

Week 2:

Week 3:

Week 4:

The End


Ketogenic diet is also known as keto diet is a popular diet plan that has been recognized as a good reasonable approach for quick weight loss. The steady consumption of foods rich in fat, low in carb, and moderate in protein will lead to overall health improvement.

The ketogenic diet demand has been on the increase on a daily basis, the good reason is, because it is simple and also guarantees fast results. The benefits are numerous. It boosts energy, helps you lose weight fast, enhances blood sugar levels and improves your brain health.

Starting a ketogenic diet may be challenging especially for a beginner who is just new in the high fat, low carb diet. That is why this ketegenic cookbook which is loaded with a lot of mouth watery recipes with 30 days meal plan is written to help you achieve your goal of losing weight and being in top shape.  In addition, it helps control cases like epilepsy, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s, insulin resistance, and even some type of cancer and many others.

This cookbook did not just provide low carb, high fat diet but it focuses on providing recipes for real food that will help you burn fat for energy. Making use of the 30 days meal plan that is included in this cookbook will help you stick to the diet and achieve your aim. But before jumping to the recipes, let take a look at what ketogenic is all about

What Is Ketogenic diet?

Ketogenic diet is a high-fat, moderate protein and low carb diet. The ketogenic diet gets your body into metabolic state called ketosis that is, when your body runs out of sugar (glycogen) and liver begins to process fat into ketones, which is your body new energy source. When you consume very little carb, moderate protein and plenty fat on a daily basis you enter ketosis

What makes the ketogenic diet unique?

The ketogenic diet is simple but may not be easy to adjust to at first. It will be a huge change in your lifestyle and physiology by adjusting to high fat foods and depending on fat for energy instead of your regular high carb foods you enjoy. It will require disciplining yourself on a daily basis in order to achieve your expected result it might be difficult for some people.

Ketogenic diet is worth its popularity according to research. It helps you lose weight more than any other popular diet and enjoy more other health benefits

The two basic mechanisms behind the ketogenic results (that is what makes it unique) are calorie consumption reduction and increase in ketone use. In ketogenic diet, you consume foods that are high in fat, low in carb and moderate in protein. These help those following ketogenic diets to feel less hungry throughout the day which lead to weight loss and overall health improvement.

Eat these foods on ketogenic diet

Meat such as beef, lamb, pork, chicken ,turkey, eggs, and many others

Fatty fish such as mackerel, salmon, herring tuna and others

High-fat dairy such as hard cheeses, butter, high fat cream and many others

Nuts and seeds such as sunflower seeds, walnuts, macadamias, and many others

Low-carb vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, radishes, kale, cauliflower, peppers, green beans, cucumber, leafy greens, tomato, zucchini, eggplant, and others

Berries such as blackberries, blueberries, raspberries and strawberries

Plant-based oils such as avocado  oil, Cacao, olive oil, coconut oil, and other fats like saturated fats, high-fat salad dressing and others

Sweeteners such as erythritol, monk fruit, stevia, and many others

Avoid these foods on ketogenic diet

Grains such as wheat, pastas and bread, rice, beans, lentils corn, cereal, and many others

Tubers such as Irish potato, sweet potato, yams, many others

Fruits such as oranges, apples, bananas, and many others

Sweeteners such as maple syrup, honey, agave, sugar and many others

Some ketogenic Healthy Foods to Eat

There are lots of healthy keto friendly foods that can help you as a beginner to stick to this plan for a long time. They are normal foods you are familiar with.

✓  Fish and shellfish: this is one of the keto friendly foods you can enjoy on keto diet. Some fish like salmon, tuna and others are very rich in potassium, vitamins B and selenium. Fish and shellfish are good sources of minerals, vitamins and omega-3s and they are low in carb

✓  Avocados: avocado is a healthy keto friendly food that is very high in vitamins and minerals, with potassium. It also helps to improve triglyceride cholesterol levels. It is very high in fiber and nutrients. An avocado is low in carbs and high in fat.

✓  Coconut oil:  coconut oil is keto friendly that is rich in MCTs, it help to increase ketone level in people with some health issues and also promote weight loss and  belly fat in both men and women. It also increase metabolic rate.

✓  Nuts and Seeds: nuts and seeds is another keto friendly food you can enjoy on keto diet they are rich in fiber making you to feel full throughout the day and making it possible for you to consume little calories. Nuts and seeds are healthy foods and also low in carbs and high in fat.

✓  Low-Carb Vegetables: Vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, radishes, kale, cauliflower and others are keto friendly and a rich source of vitamin c and other minerals. They are nutritious and also help to prevent some diseases.

✓  Butter and Cream: these are healthy fat you can include on a keto diet. They contain little or no carbs. Studies show that moderate consumptions of high saturated fat will lead to reduction in risk of stroke and heart attack

✓  Cheese:  Cheese is very rich in calcium, protein and low in carbs,  thus keto-friendly.

It is reliably tasty and nutritious.

✓  Eggs:  It very high in nutrients. One egg contains low - no carbs and keeps you full for hours. It promotes eye and heart health.

✓  Olive Oil: Olive oil is a monounsaturated fat that helps to decrease the risk of heart diseases and also antioxidants. It perfects for mayonnaise, salad dressing and also for cooking.

✓  Berries:  All berries are loaded with antioxidant that reduces inflammation and protect against disease. It is also low in carbs and very high fiber.

✓  Meat and Poultry: Meat and poultry like beef, pork, chicken, and turkey and so on are very rich in vitamin B and minerals, with potassium, zinc and selenium. They are carb free and very high in protein and nutrients. If possible choose grass-fed meat, it is healthier.

To enjoy all the health benefits of ketogenic diet try to eat all these keto friendly foods and more on a daily basis. Consuming keto friendly foods will help to control your blood sugar level, lose weight fast and also guarantees overall health improvements.

The benefits of ketogenic diet

When your energy source comes from fat your appetite will be controlled, you will experience better mental focus and more energy level. Consuming high fat and low carb diet enables you to enjoy numerous health benefits that ketogenic diet offers such as follows.

1. Weight Loss: Ketogenic diet is the most effective and simplest way to lose weight fast.  It’s simply because the body burns fat for energy instead of glucose.

2. Protection against type- 2 diabetes: Ketogenic diets help to fight type 2 diabetes, study shows that when type-2 diabetes patients enter into ketosis it naturally improves their blood sugar control.

3. Increased Levels of HDL Cholesterol: One of the best ways to increase High-density lipoprotein (HDL) which is considered “good” cholesterol is to eat high fat and low carb diet on a daily basis.

4. Controlled appetite: Ketogenic diet helps to reduce your appetite as well as the calories consumption.

5.  Lowers blood pressure:  Hypertension or high blood pressure is major risk factors for other dangerous health diseases like, kidney failure, heart disease, stroke and many others. The effective way to reduce the blood pressure is to reduce the carb intake and live healthy.

The low carb, high fat diets don’t only improve your overall health but also guarantees quick weight lose and reduce your triglycerides

If you really want to boost your overall health you should consider given ketogenic diet a try. Thanks and enjoy all the recipes and live healthy.

Breakfast recipes

Keto Spiced Pumpkin bread

Total Time: 20 minutes

Servings: 2


1 large size egg

4 slices pumpkin bread

2 tablespoons cream

1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

1/8 teaspoon orange extract

2 tablespoons butter

1/4 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice


1. Slice the pumpkin bread and keep it in an open air to dry out overnight.

2. In a medium bowl, combine the egg, pumpkin spice, vanilla extract, orange extract and cream and mix well.

3. Soak the slice pumpkin bread on both side in the egg mixture

4. In a saucepan over medium-high heat, heat butter and let it brown a little before adding the sliced pumpkin bread.

5. Cook the bread to brown on both sides

6. Remove from heat and serve. Enjoy!

Nutritional Info per Serving: Calories: 429.73 |Carbohydrates: 7.33g | Protein: 13.36g | Fat: 36.7g |