Learn to juggle with Jongloro (eBook) - Gabriele Ehlers - E-Book

Learn to juggle with Jongloro (eBook) E-Book

Gabriele Ehlers



Englische Übersetzung des Originals "Jonglieren lernen mit Jongloro. Jongloro ist eine Comicfigur und zeigt in diesem kleinen Büchlein, wie man in verblüffend kurzer Zeit das Jonglieren mit 3 Bällen lernen kann. In über 170 witzigen Illustrationen werden 34 Wurf- und Fangübungen des erfolgreichen REHORULI-Jonglier-Lernsystems dargestellt. Tausende Kinder, Erwachsene und Senioren in verschiedenen Ländern haben mit dieser Lernmethode das Werfen und Fangen mit 3 Bällen gelernt. REHORULI wird von Lehrern, Lernpädagogen und Theaterschulen empfohlen, aber auch von Heilpraktikern und Ärzten, die das Jonglieren wg. der positiven Auswirkungen für Gehirn und Gesundheit empfehlen (Stressabbau, Entspannung, Rücken etc.). Das handliche DIN A6-Format der Jonglieranleitung ermöglicht die bequeme Mitnahme im Hemd- oder Hosentasche überall hin.

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Exercise 01

Exercise 02

Exercise 03

Exercise 04

Exercise 05

Exercise 06

Exercise 07

Exercise 08

Exercise 09

Exercise 10

Exercise 11

Exercise 12

Exercise 13

Exercise 14

Exercise 15

Exercise 16

Exercise 17

Exercise 18

Exercise 19

Exercise 20

Exercise 21

Exercise 22

Exercise 23

Exercise 24

Exercise 25

Exercise 26

Exercise 27

Exercise 28

Exercise 29

Exercise 30

Exercise 31

Exercise 32

Exercise 33

Exercise 34

All exercises of this manual are online!

Exercise 01

One ball is thrown from the right to the left hand and back again from your left to your right hand. Back and forth. The ball should not be higher than eye level!

Exercise 02

First of all you draw a "figure eight" with one finger in the air ... on an imaginary blackboard. Only with one hand, then with the other hand! - Then you paint another "lying eight", this time using both hands. Imitate JONGLORO as you can see on the bottom image (no. 1) showing the thumbs and index fingers together ... you look through this hole during the exercise. A big "lying eight" at the beginning (see illustration, no. 2), and then getting smaller and smaller. It’s important to do at least ten repititions. This exercise activates the nerve tracts between the left and right brain hemisphere.

Exercise 03

Exercise 03 is like Exercise 02 ... only with a juggling ball The ball describes the "lying eight” in the air. It is important that the ball is thrown high and far to the outside so that the arms reach the ball high and outside when you catch it. Then lead the ball to the center and then in the other direction to throw again.

Exercise 04