Lecherous Swapping: Adult Erotica - Peyton Orne - E-Book

Lecherous Swapping: Adult Erotica E-Book

Peyton Orne

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While she avoided Harry's clutching fingers, she sipped at her third highball and watched her husband, Paul, in action. He too was moving in on a pair of breasts-enormous ones that belonged to Harry's wife, Rita. Only Rita wasn't trying to avoid Paul's roving fingers. She slipped her gown down on her shoulders, revealing the fact that she wore no bra. Paul quickly took advantage of his chance by cupping the immense melons in his hands and playing with them.
Carol gave him a severe look and Paul grinned impishly in return. He defiantly continued probing Rita's immense breasts. While his wife continued to glare at him, Paul bent over and sucked greedily at the exposed tits, paying particular attention to the taut cherry nipples set in a small circle of brown against a background of dazzling pinkish-white skin. Rita, a dazzling blonde, was an exotic dancer and had flawless, smooth, lovely skin.
Carol groaned inwardly while she watched her husband suck the other woman's titties. But she continued to avoid contact with the other husband. She'd wanted no part of this party in the first place. Now, after a week of arguing, and finally losing the argument, she wasn't about to give in to Paul, and admit maybe she could enjoy herself.
Reluctant and bitter to the end, she'd accompanied him to the Dodson's place for the party. Harry, the big wheel. The man of wealth. The guy with the exotic dancer for a wife. The man who enjoyed his swap parties.

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Lecherous Swapping

Peyton Orne

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 1

While she avoided Harry's clutching fingers, she sipped at her third highball and watched her husband, Paul, in action. He too was moving in on a pair of breasts-enormous ones that belonged to Harry's wife, Rita. Only Rita wasn't trying to avoid Paul's roving fingers. She slipped her gown down on her shoulders, revealing the fact that she wore no bra. Paul quickly took advantage of his chance by cupping the immense melons in his hands and playing with them.

Carol gave him a severe look and Paul grinned impishly in return. He defiantly continued probing Rita's immense breasts. While his wife continued to glare at him, Paul bent over and sucked greedily at the exposed tits, paying particular attention to the taut cherry nipples set in a small circle of brown against a background of dazzling pinkish-white skin. Rita, a dazzling blonde, was an exotic dancer and had flawless, smooth, lovely skin.

Carol groaned inwardly while she watched her husband suck the other woman's titties. But she continued to avoid contact with the other husband. She'd wanted no part of this party in the first place. Now, after a week of arguing, and finally losing the argument, she wasn't about to give in to Paul, and admit maybe she could enjoy herself.

Reluctant and bitter to the end, she'd accompanied him to the Dodson's place for the party. Harry, the big wheel. The man of wealth. The guy with the exotic dancer for a wife. The man who enjoyed his swap parties.

Carol hadn't fallen for Paul's explanation that going along with Harry on this swap business would be a good thing for Paul's future. She figured the only reason Paul wanted to swap was because he was tiring of her. Married less than two years, and already he was seeking new outlets for his passion and lust. Carol knew she was a beautiful girl. Brown-haired and brown-eyed, she carried only a hundred and twenty pounds on her tallish frame. Rut she was still loaded with curves and goodies in all the right areas.

At this moment, Harry was intent on exploring the hidden goodies. And he was getting impatient with her aloofness. He frowned when Carol pulled away from his fingers. "What's with you?" His voice was sharp, the tone slurred. He had already taken aboard quite a sizeable cargo of liquor. Harry was a fat man, with beady eyes and a hungry look. He weighed about two-twenty and a sizable portion of his flab was in his midsection.

Carol glanced at the hairy man as he probed with his fingers. "I'm not in the mood to be pawed over!"

Her frankness shocked him. Harry, the man of wealth, was a guy used to getting things his own way. Withdrawing his groping fingers from the vicinity of her bosom, he snapped. "Well ... if you feel that way...!" He stomped away from her, went over to the bar and slid onto a bar-stool next to his wife.

Rita, holding Paul's bobbing head to her titties, smiled at her husband. "Having fun, dear?"

Harry glared. "Hell no. Paul's wife is a dud!" He downed his drink and poured another.

Paul, hearing the gist of the conversation, popped his head up and frowned. He'd figured this might happen.

Carol had been violently opposed to the idea from the start. "Maybe she'll get with it after a few more drinks?" He leaned toward Harry, keeping his voice low. "This is a first time for her. Sometimes gets these old fashioned ideas. Maybe if you slip 'er a few more drinks and take it kinda easy...?"

Harry brightened. "Okay. Guess maybe I was rushing the kid too much. I'll try again." He poured another round of drinks. Glasses in hand, he went back to the couch. Sitting next to Carol, he said, "Hi! Remember me...?"

Carol crinkled her nose at him, then smiled. Despite his size and ugliness, there was a certain charm about this big man. He did have a nice smile. She accepted the proffered drink and sipped it slowly, keeping herself in readiness to shove him away if he started pawing again.

Harry looked at Carol while she stared at her husband. Having tipped Harry off on a possible course of action, Paul had returned to his task of sucking Rita's titties.

Carol pulled in a deep breath as she watched her husband kiss the big boobs. Her heart pounded. She'd been hoping against hope that he wouldn't actually go through with it; she hoped he would back out when he saw that was really against the whole thing. A look passed between them. He flushed under her glare of disapproval. Then he deliberately drew Rita's enormous tits into his mouth, one after the other. He sucked them loudly, making exaggerated sounds of pleasure!

Rita squirmed delightfully under Paul's busy mouth. "Man, you know how to suck a girl's titties!" she squealed. "Do me some more. Don't stop."

Paul obeyed. He cupped the global monsters in his hands. Working furiously, he sucked one, then the other. He nibbled at the tautening nipples and bit them gently, bringing cries of joy from the big blonde. "You like?" Paul said aloud, for Carol's benefit.

"Love it, Paul. Love it!" squealed Rita, pushing him closer and wiggling around. She took Paul's hands and placed them on her dress, which had slipped down to her hips. She stood before him, bending over so he could still reach her tits with his mouth.

Paul took the hint. While he sucked, he pushed down on her dress. It slid easily over her hips and left her standing naked.

Carol gasped. A pang of jealousy went through her. No wonder Rita was an exotic dancer. Wow! With a shape like that she probably had the men climbing the walls of the nightspot where she displayed her wares.

Rita reached over and took one of Paul's hands, pushing it against her golden-haired cunt. "Play with me there!"

Paul played with her. He ran his fingers all over the exposed area, sliding her legs apart and shoving his fingers in between her glorious thighs. His other hand roved around the smooth, out-thrust white buttocks. He slapped Rita gently on the asscheeks and toyed with the tiny brown hole between them.

Rita reached down and unzipped Paul's fly. Groping around, she came out with the prize. Holding Paul's large prick in her hand, she waved it in the breeze and said, "Look, dear, what I found!" She smiled at her husband.

Harry nodded. "It's quite a wang." He watched with complete unconcern while his wife finished stripping the young man. Paul was dark-haired and dark-eyed, and was well muscled over his six foot two inch frame. In college, Paul had been a better than average running back on the football team.

Now, completely nude and completely aroused, he was a handsome hunk of man. Rita drew him to his feet, wrapped her arms about him and said, "Let's dance."

"Sure!" Giving Carol a defiant look, Paul swept the exotic dancer to him and together they moved about the floor in front of the bar in time with a tune that was being played on the hi-fi.

Dumfounded, her heart sinking to a new low for the evening, Carol watched in dismay. Could this be the man she'd married? The guy who'd promised faithfully to love, honor...? The despair turned to anger. To rage. To frustration. Why? Why?

Her tortured thoughts were interrupted by Harry's voice. "Let's us dance, we might as well be friends, anyway."

Mechanically Carol arose and found herself in his huge embrace. They were both fully clothed. She wore a low cut, tight fitting dress that accentuated her high breasts and outlined her delightful curves. Harry wore a pair of slacks and a sports shirt that accentuated his fat middle.

She winced as he bent forward and she got a good whiff of his breath. The guy was loaded and his breath smelled like a brewery. He forced a big grin, but made no effort to play with her goodies. An old hand at handling girl, Harry decided to play this one cool. Seeing that he wasn't going to strip here, Carol relaxed and waltzed around the floor in his arms, giving Paul a nasty look every time their glances met.

Rita, warming by the minute, was hot to trot. She giggled and hugged Paul. She kept stroking his cock. While they danced, she kept trying to slide it between her legs and shove it into her cunt. "Why don't you two cats take off your clothes?" she called. "It's fun. We'll all have a ball. Eh, Paul.. . ?"

"Sure." Paul tried to retain his balance and keep up with Rita's erotic gyrations. He flushed, then glaring at Carol, he said, "Why don't you? That's why we came here for, isn't it?"

Carol eyed him cooly, eyes flashing, jaw set in a tight, firm line. Giving him a look that would melt steel, she said, "You really want to go through with this?"

Hesitating but a moment, Paul nodded, the defiant look still in his eyes. "Yes."

A taut smile came to Carol's pretty face. Stepping away from Harry, she began undressing. All right, Paul, you bastard! she thought. You asked for it! You want to play the swap game!

She slid her clothes off rapidly and stood before them naked. She flushed when she heard the gasp of approval from Harry's thick lips as he hastened to join the group. "Wow!" Harry's voice was filled with awe and appreciation as he stared at Carol. "What a beauty!"

Defiantly Carol stood before them, displaying her naked wares. She thrust out her gorgeous titties, which, while not as big as Rita's were solid, firm, and pointed. Delightful cherry nipples swam in a sea of brown and white. Her pinkish skin was smooth and flawless. She felt a glow of pride when she noticed Harry's glance of approval as he looked over her gorgeous shape. Even Rita's eyes lit up when she sized up the competition.

A beauty herself, Rita was quick to give the nod of approval to another beauty. "She's adorable!" She smiled at Harry. "You're going to have fun with her, dear. She's lovely!"

"I'll say!" Harry's eyes continued to glance at the lovely scenery.

Carol looked at Paul. "Last chance. You still want to go through with this swap game?" Her eyes were frosty. Her voice icy.

Paul fidgeted, then nodded, the rebellious look in his eyes. "Yes."

Carol turned to Harry, who was still maintaining his approach of look, but not touch. Big, fat, naked Harry whose wang was beginning to show interest in the events taking place. Carol's eyes lit up. Like Harry himself, his cock gave every indication of also being oversized. Okay, Paul, she thought, I gave you a chance to back out. You didn't.

Carol dropped to her knees before Harry, reached out, took hold of his half-hard prick and wrapped her mouth around it.

Chapter 2

Carol had done it for the shock effect and to show her husband that she wasn't pleased with his attitude and his insistence on going through with the swapping. While she felt the prick hardening in her mouth, she heard the surprised reactions.

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