Victims Of Flirtation: Taboo Erotica - Peyton Orne - E-Book

Victims Of Flirtation: Taboo Erotica E-Book

Peyton Orne

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This full length erotic novel is so sexy we can't even tell you the preview…


Tony was on the final straight, galloping home with his usual elan. Monica was neck to neck with him, holding on for the big finale. He came, she came, both of them going hell for leather during that final minute, and then collapsing into each other. "Bravo!" I said. Tony grinned and weakly asked for a cigarette. I lit one for them both.
"That was the nicest rape I've ever had," said Monica, joining us unblushingly. She didn't bother with her clothes; in fact, she seemed proud of her big, motherly body. "But I was telling the truth before. If Lara had found you with me -- or if she does -- it'd be my job, maybe yours, too."
"Why, has it happened before?" I asked.
"Oh sure, nobody likes her, so her men friends always get interested in the girls that work here. That's why Lara picks ugly women, you know, women that don't look like her. But her men friends like women with some hips, right?" She jumped on the floor and turned around to shake her big cheeks at u

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Victims Of Flirtation

Peyton Orne

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 1

"We'll see you in half an hour then," said Tony with a wink. "By the way, could you have someone send some cigarettes and food up to us? I want to be in top shape for when you get there, baby." She nodded and took up the phone. We took the elevator up to the sixth floor of this ramshackle hotel. It was one of those places that had seen better days, before the proliferation of motels. Still, we couldn't afford anything better. I had a quarter in my pocket, a Canadian one. In our travels we'd managed to make every wrong move, and the last town had made us welcome by putting us into the cooler for vagrancy. That depressed me, but nothing could dampen Tony's spirit.

"This is just the beginning, Eric," he said, stretching out over the bed and kicking his shoes off. "That lady downstairs, Nora, was very cooperative, she'll let us stay here until we rustle up some cash. And then it's on to L.A. where the beautiful people are, rich widows, the nymphets of nabobs, they'll be ours for the picking. We might be stuck in a seedy hole now but soon we'll be romping about with the jet set!"

"I'll believe anything you say," I said, resting my weary body on the other bed. An old television set responded reluctantly to Tony's manipulations and we watched a rerun from the fifties while waiting for Nora to arrive. First came food, drinks, and cigarettes. We had a smoke first, then attacked the rest. By the time we'd put all that away there was a knock on the door. Nora presented herself shyly. She had put on a little lipstick and had combed her hair. A button was undone at the front of her dress to display the fullness of her breasts. She closed the door and sat on the side of Tony's bed, looking expectantly at him. He ignored her for a while until he had wiped his mouth and lit another cigarette.

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