Little Bear Girl - Episode 2 - Luca Berlin - E-Book

Little Bear Girl - Episode 2 E-Book

Luca Berlin



The routine in the castle is strict and ruthless. Betas are to be obedient and disciplined at all times. Despite being treated like sex objects, they are not allowed to have sex, and this is driving Anne positively crazy. Especially when a certain head-of-security keeps getting on her nerves. Anne's feisty character gets her into all kinds of trouble, as she insists to defy the authorities and not act like all betas do. Still, she catches herself enjoying the degrading treatment, the punishments, the humiliation and the pain. A meticulous look inside of BDSM training, with compelling and believable characters. Little Bear Girl is a dive into an exotic world of sexual alphas and betas. Anything is possible. With delightful writing and a deep knowledge of BDSM, Luca Berlin takes on you a dungeon adventure you will never forget

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Luca Berlin

Cover: Giada Armani


Berlinable invites you to leave all your fears behind and dive into a world where sex is a tool for self-empowerment.

Our mission is to change the world - one soul at a time.

When people accept their own sexuality, they build a more tolerant society.

Words to inspire, to encourage, to transform.

Open your mind and free your deepest desires.

All rights reserved. It is not permitted to copy, distribute or otherwise publish the content of this eBook without the express permission of the publisher. Subject to changes, typographical errors and spelling errors. The plot and the characters in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to dead or living people or public figures is not intended and are purely coincidental.


Adrian stood next to Ben Abner in his study room on the second floor of the castle. Abner sometimes jokingly called it his throne room in contrast to his smaller office down in the administration building. The study indeed had lobby-like dimensions, but Adrian liked the fact that his superior had skipped extreme pompousness when furnishing. It was clearly a scholar's room. The field of his research, however, was quite unusual. On the other hand, Adrian thought it was very obvious that they dealt with modern warfare at the castle.

Of course, it was about his passion, about what was commonly called BDSM. It was about sadism and masochism, dominance and submission, lust and pain - or, in other words, everything that made sex and life remarkable and exciting.

Whoever entered Abner's office was surrounded by outstanding curiosities and antiques. Every object could tell a bizarre and often bloodthirsty story. Adrian knew some of them and didn’t know some others. A whole wall of covered in punishment instruments. An eye-catcher in the middle of the exhibits was a rolled-up bullwhip. The handle was adorned with pearls and diamonds all over. A single, bulky gemstone was also attached to the tip. It must have caused horrible injuries when the whip was still in use. In the 18th century, it had belonged to the wife of a French plantation owner in Saint-Domingue. Then came the slave revolt in 1791. Abner had told him that she was allegedly whipped to death by it herself.

The silver crown of thorns, which stood in a showcase at the window, had belonged to an Italian abbot in the 19th century. His boytoys had to wear it if they were not godly enough to serve him. The dried brown stains testified to the diligent use.

On a shelf behind Abner's desk, dozens of different masks looked down at the visitor through empty eye sockets. Medieval shame masks were among them, as well as modern SM latex masks and probably most of what resourceful torturers and creative sadists had devised in the ages in between.

But Abner's latest hobby was antiquity. At their last meeting, he had raved to Adrian about a 2.700-year-old Etruscan tomb painting. It showed a woman who was whipped in a love game. Abner even wanted to encourage the organization to fund its own excavations and archaeological research projects in this direction.

Inside, Adrian allowed himself a lenient smile. The money would have been better invested to the new modern night vision cameras at the wall between inner and outer zones, in his opinion. He'd bring it up again at their weekly meeting today. Adrian knew that his superior also wanted to discuss some important points. But at the moment, he seemed to be in no hurry. So, they both looked out of the window, which offered a wide view over the lawn in front of the castle.

There, Holly Rüschenberg and her three maidboys had just brought out the ten new arrivals. Bravely, hand in hand, they marched onto the lawn and were commanded to stop almost directly under Adrian and Abner. His bear girl marched next to her friend, the chubby redhead. He believed he could see that Anne was particularly attentive to what was going on around her. Once she also looked up at her window. But she didn't seem to notice Abner or him. Maybe it was the weather. The windows were wet with rain.

While the ten new betas had started their "holiday stay" yesterday under a warm Moldovan summer sun, this afternoon they had to make do with a lead-grey cloudy sky and drizzle. The sun had dissappeared at noon as if it had suddenly seen more than enough of this strange place. In the fine drizzle - typical for many Moldovan summer days, Adrian thought - the thin tracksuits quickly stuck to the bodies of the pupils. Uneasily, some of them kept plucking the soaked fabric over their breasts or between their legs. A sharp scold from Holly Rüschenberg put an end to such prudery.

Then she ordered the girls to line up. Inept, but very assiduous - the whips of the boys undoubtedly spurred them on to top performance - the betas lined up in front of Holly. Her striking, but the rather quiet voice could only be heard vaguely through the window. But Adrian had observed her often enough at work to have her tone of voice and choice of words right in his ear. She was a master of her trade and Adrian greatly appreciated her, as did his superior, the lord of the castle, Ben Abner. After seven months as head of security, he was even more of a fatherly friend to him than a boss.

The 35-year-old ex-soldier and the 59-year-old psychologist hardly had anything in common. Perhaps it was precisely these differences that attracted them to each other. Abner had made it his business to make Adrian a master of passion. In addition - and this was almost more important - he explained to him the fine gear train of the Magnus organisation.

After the death of Friedrich Magnus ten years prior, a secret council of seven people headed the organization. That's how Magnus set it before he died. Except for a small circle of initiates, no one knew who belonged to the council. If one of its members died or retired for other reasons, the others chose a new one.

The few people who knew the members of the secret Council had the task of implementing the Council's decisions. They were called generals within the organization. Friedrich Magnus had worked for many years as a psychologist for the Ministry of Defence and NATO. Adrian suspected that it was why he chose to introduce military ranks within the organization as well. In addition, they conveyed the - absolutely justified - image of a tightly and efficiently managed association.

Adrian himself carried the rank of colonel as head of security of the castle. He often suspected that Abner might be on the secret council. He wasn't a general. He knew that, but his knowledge of all the processes, trends and rumours in the organization was immense. In addition, he was, so to speak, the head of the organization's headquarters. Karólyi Castle had been their first fixed locale. Friedrich Magnus was even buried here in a rather simple circular building on the lake, and Abner always spoke reverently of his time "as a pupil of the great man".

Adrian himself gratefully accepted Abner's explanations and advice. Yes, he literally absorbed his knowledge. Just as someone does whose inquisitive mind had only one-sided employment for years, even if this was the thoroughly demanding art of warfare and killing.

Above all, Ben Abner was the most astute thinker Adrian had ever met. Apparently, there was nothing the psychologist ever forgot, whether he had seen it, read it or heard it from hearsay. So, his company was a constant challenge to Adrian's intellect, and he enjoyed it very much. The nature of their relationship had also resulted in their unusual way of addressing each other. Both called each other by their first names.

Now Abner pointed to the group of girls downstairs in front of the castle and asked, "Do you know Adrian, what I find so fascinating about our freshly arrived bunnies again and again?

"Let me guess, Ben," Adrian said smiling. "That the little, enthusiastic slave girls down there remind you of an erotic mosaic that they were once allowed to study during a visit to ancient Pompeii?"

Abner also grinned, "and you want to be a simple soldier? In our castle, you have become a real intellectual - and rightfully so. Don't worry, I'll approve your new night-vision cameras. But I'm still sharing my thoughts. It's this boundless amazement in their eyes. Our little pigeons here..." Abner points to the girls among them, "had always thought of themselves as emancipated young women, and now they can't believe that they suddenly find themselves in this fantastic place, nor can they believe that they are actually beaten with great embarrassment and used as an object of pleasure in every respect. But what really makes their amazement limitless is that they find pleasure in all of it, that they feel like they're where they belong."

Abner took a short break and continued, "but I notice that I'm getting weak again. By the way, I'm guessing that the blonde girl standing next to your bear girl will give us a nice demonstration right away. Her name is Natascha Stricker, she is a nineteen-year-old high school graduate and known as Dascha. That's what it says on her collar."

Adrian looked now eagerly at the spectacle among them. Holly Rüschenberg just explained the next exercise to her protégés. Adrian suspected that the girls would train each other in pairs. Initially, many instructors preferred this arrangement. It was a quite perfidious method to let the pupils themselves actively pursue their own subjugation, and it had been shown that they internalised their new slavery particularly quickly.

But still, the girls in their grey tracksuits stood nicely lined up in front of their breeding master. Adrian looked at Anne again. How she fiercely resisted him the day before. He could still feel her wriggling and twisting as he lay on top of her. When he later penetrated her, her strong buttocks had shaken and vibrated wonderfully under his blows. She possessed a gorgeous ass, which she now presented so eagerly in "standing". Under her top, she also had perky tits. After everything he could see yesterday, she had proper standing nipples, which were provocative and expectant.

And the way she looked at him when he took her hood off. Her glow-worm eyes had blazed with rage. Even though she was a mimosa when it came to pain, the little one had bravely survived her trying experiences. He had to admit that. From up there the contours of her face could only be seen vaguely. But he could remember it unusually well. On the swing of her lips as well as on a tiny mole to the left of her nose. He suddenly wondered what she would look like when she laughed, when she slept, chatted or was just focused on work.

Strange thought. Adrian shook it off like a dog shakes off water after coming from a lake. He was looking at the blonde next to Anne. So, Dascha was her name. A slender, somewhat lean creature with long legs. There wasn't much up there she could present as she struggled with the standing position. She was too thin for his taste, but he could remember a gorgeous face under the long blond hair.