Marvel's Spider-Man - Script To Page - Marvel - E-Book

Marvel's Spider-Man - Script To Page E-Book


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Discover the craft of writing comics the Marvel way, with scripts and commentary from top writers and editors.The Marvel Script To Page series is an official behind-the-scenes look at the craft of writing comic books, featuring exclusive scripts and commentary from top Marvel creators and editors.It's been 60 years since the spectacular Spider-Man first swung into action, and the web-slinging superhero is now a household name. Meet Peter Parker, Miles Morales, Doctor Octopus and many, many more iconic characters in selected scripts from a range of contemporary comics creators, with exclusive editorial commentary.

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Spider-Man created by Stan Lee andSteve Ditko
Interviews by Andrew Sumner
Jeff Youngquist, VP Production &Special Projects
Brian Overton, Manager, Special Projects
Sarah Singer, Associate Editor, SpecialProjects
Sven Larsen, Vice President,Licensed Publishing
Jeremy West, Manager, Licensed Publishing
David Gabriel, SVP Print, Sales & Marketing
C.B. Cebulski, Editor in Chief
ISBN (print): 9781789098853
ISBN (ebook): 9781803360850
Published by
Titan BooksA division of Titan Publishing Group Ltd144 Southwark StLondonSE1 0UP
First edition: November 2022
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
© 2022 MARVEL
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A CIP catalogue record for this title is availablefrom the British Library.
Dan Slott
Saladin Ahmed
Nnedi Okorafor
Chip Zdarsky
Zeb Wells
Superior Spider-Man is everything Spider-Man shouldn’t be.
The way the whole Superior Spider-Man era started was that Ihad everything mapped out for a long time. I knew that issue 700 was coming, and you always want to do something big for the anniversary issues, some story where Spider-Man has to face odds he’s never faced before. At that time within Marvel Comics there were certain characters that were locked off that I couldn’t use on Spider-Man, like Norman Osborn. In my mind, I wanted to do a big Green Goblin story for #700, but Norman Osborn was busy; sometimes in Warren Ellis and Mike Deodato’s Thunderbolts, sometimes in Brian Michael Bendis and Mike Deodato’s Dark Avengers, later in Kelly Sue DeConnick’s Osborn miniseries; but he was always kind of locked up. And, also, because of different scheduling problems, I couldn’t use Venom or Carnage. So suddenly, Spidey’s three biggest villains were off the map and completely unusable, which is part of the magic of working in a shared universe. I knew that, with those guys being unavailable, it had to be a Doctor Octopus story.
Now, I work Marvel style—not Stan Lee Marvel style [where the artist illustrates the issue to a brief outline or germ of an idea and the writer adds the dialogue and captions over finished art], but I write without a script: I supply a description of what’s on every single panel. And then, when I get the art in, I add the script once I can see and admire all the gifts the artists have given me. So, in a weird way, I get to write every story twice. A hundred issues earlier, when I was writing Amazing Spider-Man #600, the great John Romita Jr. was doing all the art. When his art came in, the climactic scene of that storyline is that Doc Ock is dying, his body is withering away, and, as a final gift, Otto has put his mind
into all the machines in New York—but they’ve all gone haywire because, subconsciously, he hates Spider-Man. So all of New York City wants to kill Spider-Man—and the way Spidey wins is that he puts on the helmet Doc Ock used to put his brain into all the machines and, as Peter has a stronger brain, he’s able to get all the machines to shut down, even to the point where he’s able to control Doc Ock’s own mechanical arms. When I was looking at the story second time around, with fresh eyes, I went, “Oh my god—Spider-Man, that’s the dumbest thing you can possibly do. You know the super villain’s dying. You know he’s a mad scientist. Youknow he has a helmet that can transfer brainwaves… and you’ve just put it on? If I’m Doc Ock and I’m caught, right before I die I’m going to swap brains with you, Spidey. That has got to be a story!” And I started thinking, “Well, that lands perfectly around issue 700. That’s my issue 700: Spider-Man and Doc Ock, you’re gonna swap brains!”
So Superior Spider-Man’s plan was a really long time coming—the thing I liked about it is that we knew from the get-go that we were canceling Amazing Spider-Man, a beloved long-running Marvel book, with issue 700. And we were telling everybody, for two weeks, that Peter Parker was dead. Now, once you opened up Superior Spider-Man #1 two weeks later, you saw the ghost of Peter Parker saying, “I’m going to figure out a way to get my body back,” and we knew the more irate fans would calm down. But we were still leaving people with a two-week window where they thought Peter Parker was dead and Doc Ock had taken his place. I remember Tom Brevoort saying to me, “You know how you’ll know you won? When you come out with the story where you put them back the right way and readers say, ‘But we wanted it to go on longer!’”
It really was fun to do—working on that book with artists Ryan Stegman, Humberto Ramos, and Giuseppe Camuncoli, it was such a great time, because it was fun to take every convention of Spider-Man and break them one by one. I got to have Spider-Man do all the things you wanted him to do, but you really didn’t want him to do—and all the things that Spider-Man should never do. I always wanted to see Spider-Man just blow up at Jonah, to threaten him and get in his face—but conversely, when Spider-Man starts doing stuff like taking the law into his own hands and shooting people and doing horrible things that Doc Ock would have no problem with, Jonah starts liking him!
Ock’s Superior Spider-Man behaves in a whole different way. For example: a building is on fire, but Doc Ock just calls the fire department and says, “It’s over there. I’m not missing my dinner with Aunt May. I’m not going to leave this sweet old lady eating alone when I promised I’d be there. That’s what the trained firemen are for.” So ruining Spider-Man was the fun of it!
Every person who’s read a comic has read the adventures of a particular world-famous super hero who has a psychopathic arch-nemesis. And that super hero catches that psychopathic villain and regularly puts them away in some form of asylum. And inevitably, that psychopathic villain breaks out and kills more people. And people go, “What kind of super hero is that? Why doesn’t he just kill the psychopathic villain? He’ll save lives in the long run.” We all know the reason why is because heroes don’t do that. And part of the fun of Superior Spider-Man was we had a sequence where Doc Ock faces that problem in the form of the villain Massacre, whose modus operandi is taking out as many people as he needs to distract you so he can pull off his crime. He just unloads his weapons into civilians. He’s horrible. Superior Spider-Man is looking at Massacre, who he’s just captured, webbed up and helpless. And Ock is thinking, “What shall I do? I can’t just leave a Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man note on his chest.” And he’s looking at Massacre’s gun. There are people in the background who are still being tended to, wounded and in pain, and Doc does the math. And meanwhile, the ghost of Peter Parker is like, “What are you doing? No, no, no!” And Spider-Man shoots Massacre. Because he’s the Superior Spider-Man.
I remember we heard from our letterer, Chris Eliopoulos, that he had that page up on his computer at home, and his very young child walked into the room and looked up and saw the art and freaked out—he started yelling, “Spider-Man doesn’t do that!” Chris had to calm down his child. Then, two months later, the book comes out, and grown men on the internet are shouting, “Spider-Man doesn’t do that!” That was the fun of it all: Spidey fans were suddenly in over their head. Fifty years of reading Spider-Man comics over and over again—to the point where they are comfort food, where you know how and why Spider-Man should do everything—and suddenly, the whole world is flipped upside down and there’s no safe ground to be standing on. That was the real fun of Superior Spider-Man.
“Dying Wish: Outside the Box”
By Dan Slott
Art by Humberto Ramos, Victor Olazaba,and Edgar Delgado
This is REALLY IMPORTANT. With this issue, YOU are the CENTER ofthe Spider-Man Universe--NO JOKE. There are TWO things that YOU aregoing to design and set up in THIS issue that will go on to be usedOVER and OVER again throughout #700 and ALL OF 2013. And I couldn’tbe happier--because YOU are THE MAN!
So please read over this thoroughly and when drawing these 2elements--OWN THEM!
Again, this is SUPER IMPORTANT, so if I’ve screwed up and have inANY way been unclear on any of this, please email, call, or DirectMessage me, and we can jam on this together.
(The only changes are on PAGES 16-20. During the breakout thereare now LESS super villains--and we can see more signs that DoctorOctopus’ body is failing and that he doesn’t have much longer tolive.
And, we need to establish that MORBIUS’ cell is damaged during DocOck’s breakout. Steve needs this for a Morbius spinoff book thatwill come out the following month.
Also, now the issue ends on a close up of PETER/DOC OCK--instead ofa group shot of the villains.)
Once the mind-swap takes place, OCK can access SPIDEY’Smemories--and SPIDEY can access OCK’S memories. But whenever we seethese flashback panels--even when they’re existing shots of classicimages we’ve seen before--we NEVER see them as standard panels.
Each character experiences those flashbacks as if they were theOTHER character--from THEIR P.O.V.
That means that those panels should be in FIRST PERSONPERSPECTIVE--with the character’s hands breaking into theshot--like a first person shooter/video game. For example, if DOCOCK was accessing PETER’S memories of the first time he saw MJ,the panel would still be that classic “You’ve hit the jackpot”moment--but PETER would be removed from the shot COMPLETELY--andwe’d see one of PETER’S hands (with the same color shirt and jacketsleeve from that issue) breaking into frame--as if we were REALLYwitnessing this moment THROUGH Peter’s eyes.
When showing SPIDEY accessing OCK’S memories, we can cheat alittle and have one of his tentacles breaking into shot instead ofone of his physical hands.
When space allows, we should cheat in these panels and hideREFLECTIONS of the P.O.V. character in the shot--in mirrors, glass,metal, etc. This is just a nice way to get more OCK and SPIDEYvisuals into the issues--and it reinforces that we’re seeing aP.O.V. shot--and not just a shot that’s cropped weird so that ahand’s popping into frame.
Every now and then, we’ll see a shot of the PHYSICAL BRAIN inSpider-Man’s body (that Doc Ock has taken over), and the PHYSICALBRAIN in Ock’s body (that Spider-Man is controlling). In each case,the brain looks normal (GREY).
But in each case we’ll see ANOTHER brain ghosted over it andslightly off register. There’ll be a GREEN BRAIN (Doc Ock’s brainpattern) overlapping Spider-Man’s physical brain--and a RED BRAIN(Spidey’s brain pattern) overlapping Ock’s physical brain.
We’re going to establish this effect here--and it will bePIVOTAL for down the road in SUPERIOR SPIDER-MAN, when both Spideyand Ock are fighting for final control of Spider-Man’s ACTUALbrain. And THEN we’ll see BOTH of the RED & GREEN GHOSTED BRAINSoverlapping SPIDEY’S PHYSICAL BRAIN--and it’ll look like watching aclassic 3D movie without 3D glasses.
Does that make sense?
THERE IS NO REF. FOR #697 & #698
There are some images/panels that will be call outs to ASM #697and #698. Don’t worry about them. They’re going to be drawn AFTERyou’ve drawn this issue--so YOU get to decide how they’re going tolook and the other artists will have to match you. Just letting youknow about that ahead of time so there’s no confusion.
Ready, sir? This is IT! The lead in to #700! You pumped? I know Iam! All right, my friend, let’s make some Spider-Man history! :-)
For everything in this issue that takes place in the REAL WORLD,please stick to a standard grid--squares, rectangles, and/or imagesthat bleed off the page.
Feel free to go crazier with your layouts and go off-the-grid for images that take place in Peter/Ock’s memories, Peter’simagination, or the mindscape.
Panel One
Long panel, going across the entire top of both pages. Thisimage will act as our “splash.” The title will go here.
INSIDE DOC OCK’S CELL IN THE RAFT, DOC OCK’S body is failing. Ateam of four doctors are going to work, trying to save him.
We’re ABOVE, looking down on OCK’S body. He is withered, scarred,disgusting, and filled with all kinds of tubes and life-supportmachines. There are tubes going into both nostrils and his mouth. Thisshould look like NEO’S REAL BODY from THE MATRIX when they removed himfrom the Matrix. All Geoff Darrow-ish, with tubes EVERYWHERE.
NORMALLY, DOC OCK is in a giant, high tech Iron Lung-typedevice, but it has been opened up--like a coffin--to allow thedoctors to work. (It will be closed back up in Panel Six).
The doctor’s are hunched over--with hypodermic needles,scalpels, and paddles to restart Ock’s heart. Don’t worry aboutshowing us the tops of the doctors’ heads. They’re not important inthe shot. OCK’S face is the only one that matters in the panel.
If we can see the walls, there should be medical monitors--allof which are either flat-lining or blinking red. Things are BAD.Doc Ock is dying.
We see a set of hands shocking OCK’S body with the paddles.
Panel Three (SILENT PANEL)
Another set of hands injecting him with a hypodermic needle.
Another set of hands starting to cut into him with a scalpel.
Panel Five
DOCTOR #1 (a middle aged woman) is correcting DOCTOR #2 (a youngAfrican American) on the medical procedure he’s performing.
DOCTOR #2 wants to know why they’re working so hard. After all,this is Doctor Octopus: the guy who nearly fried Planet Earth!
DOCTOR #1 tells him that they’ve all taken an oath--to saveEVERY life, no matter who.
Panel Six
DOCTOR #1 says that OCK is stable. She orders the other doctorsto close the Iron Lung again. And they start lowering the “coffindoor” of the Iron Lung...
Panel Seven
The Iron Lung is shut.
Panel Eight
CLOSE UP on DOCTOR #1 (the woman who was standing up for OCK) asshe looks at him with a slight sneer on her face.
Panel Nine
MATCH SHOT as she spits in DOC OCK’S face.
Panel Ten
CLOSE UP of DOC OCK’S withered, tube-filled face--and the wadof spit rolls along his cheek. In a caption box, we hear Peter’snarration: “My name’s Peter Parker. And I have no idea how I’mgetting out of this.”
Panel One
Pull back to a shot of DOC OCK’S body in the Iron Lung--in thehigh tech jail cell. PETER thinks about how he’s trapped inside DOCOCK’S dying body--inside a cell in the RAFT...
Panel Two
As the doctors walk out of Doc Ock’s jail cell--we see thatthere are armed S.H.I.E.L.D. AGENTS guarding the cell.
PETER’S thoughts continue--he’s not just IN a dying body, IN aniron lung, IN a’s also a heavily guarded cell...
PANEL Three: (LONG PANEL across the page)
As the doctors continue to walk down the long row of cells, weget a good establishing shot of this wing of the prison and theother 3 cells on this block:
Each cell has secure, metal walls--with one strip of VERY THICK,unbreakable plexiglass, to let us see who’s inside. Over each cellis a slotted placard telling us who’s inside. In order they are:
ALISTAIR SMYTHE, THE SPIDER-SLAYER (in heavy restraints), he issnide and petulant.
DR. MICHAEL MORBIUS, THE LIVING VAMPIRE (in heavy restraints),he is depressed and downtrodden.
DR. CURT CONNORS, THE LIZARD (in heavy restraints, including aHannibal Lecter mouth clamp over his snout), he is subdued and NOTferal or angry at all. HUMBERTO, please ask Ellie for reference onTHE LIZARD’S new visual.
(IMPORTANT NOTE: OCK’S is the last cell on the block--NEXT toTHE LIZARD’S).
DOCTOR #1 says that in the end it doesn’t matter that they savedOCK right now. With the way his body his failing, he probably onlyhas half a day left to live. He’ll be dead by tomorrow.
In PETER’S captions, he tells us that he’s not just dyingwith hours left to live, in an iron lung, in a heavily guardedprison--he’s also surrounded by some of his worst enemies!
Panel Four
CLOSE UP on THE LIZARD. He heard about how DOC OCK has hoursleft to live--and this has caught his attention. Even though he’sin restraints, he turns his head towards DOC OCK’S cell.
Panel Five
CUT back to DOC OCK’S cell as Peter thinks he’s impossiblyscrewed--in at least five different ways.
Panel One
PETER thinks back to how he got into this mess...
Panel Two
In a P.O.V. shot we see an UNMASKED SPIDER-MAN leaning over“us.” OCK IN PETER’S BODY tells us:
“From now on, I am Peter Parker. I have all of your memories.I know everything you knew. I have YOUR LIFE--and everything thatcomes with it. And YOU are now Otto Octavius...with whatever lifeYOU have left.”
(Humberto, since OCK is in an Iron Lung, don’t worry aboutgetting his hand in the shot. Because it wouldn’t be there in thisinstance.)
Panel Three
Still in a P.O.V. shot, UNMASKED SPIDER-MAN leans in even closerand tells us, “And like a good magician, I will NOT reveal mysecret. And you will die, NEVER knowing how I pulled this off.”
Panel Four
Cut back to a normal shot (we’re no longer in P.O.V. mode) as avery helpless PETER IN DOC OCK’S BODY starts freaking out. His faceis contorted in fear and anguish as he thinks not only about hisown imminent death--but the fact that DOC OCK is out there--runningaround in HIS body...
Who KNOWS what crazy   he could be up to?!!
Panel One
ASPECT SHOT of PETER in DOC OCK’S DYING BODY--focusing on hiseyes--as PETER imagines what Doc Ock is out there doing in HIS/SPIDER-MAN’S body...
In Peter’s overworked imagination we see a montage of...
Panel Two
SPIDER-MAN robbing a bank!
Panel Three
SPIDER-MAN sidling up to an unsuspecting Avengers teammate, likeCAPTAIN AMERICA, and snapping their neck!
Panel Four
Then he starts thinking of the damage Ock could do AS PETERPARKER...
We see a very evil looking PETER PARKER forcing himself on MJ...
Panel Five
...or admiring JAY and MAY’S Park Avenue apartment, smiling atthe elderly couple, and thinking to himself how he’s one of theirsole beneficiaries...
Panel Six
ASPECT SHOT of PETER in DOC OCK’S DYING BODY. He’s thinking tohimself that he has to focus! This isn’t doing him any good! ThereHAS to be something he can do!
When Doc was there in Peter’s body, he said he had access to allof Peter’s memories. Maybe it’s a two-way street? Now that PETER isin DOC’S mind, maybe he can access all of Doc’s memories! If he canfigure out HOW Doc did this mind-swap, maybe there’s a way to undoit!
Panel One
CLOSE UP on PETER/OCK’S eyes as PETER squints and focuses! He’sgoing into Ock’s memories--desperately looking for a clue...
Panel Two
In a P.O.V. shot, PETER gets a glimpse of YOUNG OTTO OCTAVIUS’life--as OTTO’S father hits him and tells him to shut up! From thisP.O.V. OTTO’S father is like a giant.
OTTO’S FATHER was a blue-collar working man--who thought his kidwas too damn smart for his own good!
Panel Three
In a P.O.V. shot PETER feels what it was like to be caught inthe accident that fused Doctor Octopus’ arms to his body!
Panel Four
In a P.O.V. shot PETER feels what it was like to be Doc Ockgetting punched in the face by SPIDER-MAN!
Panel Five
In a P.O.V. shot, PETER feels what is was like to be Doc Ock athis wedding to Aunt May, AUNT MAY is in her wedding gown, puckeringup for a kiss!
Panel Six
Out of P.O.V. and back in the real world. We cut to outside DocOck’ cell at the raft as he screams, “AHHHH!”
Panel One
Close up on a freaked out PETER in DOC OCK’S DYING BODY. He isthinking to himself that he has to shake this off and FOCUS! He hasto find the RIGHT memories! The pertinent ones that will help himget out of this!
Panel Two
We see a P.O.V. shot of the opening sequence from ASM #600 whenOCK’S doctor told him he only had a year left to live.
Panel Three
We see a NEW (and previously unseen moment during #600) when DOCOCK put on his CYBERNETIC HELMET. (We can see reflections of him inhis monitors--so that we know that he’s wearing it).
Along his workstation are little octobots--and ghosted insideEACH of them is GREEN brain--representing DOC OCK’S BRAIN PATTERNS.
It was his brilliant plan to duplicate the same process thatallowed his brain to talk with his arms--to make his brain patternsin control of EVERY piece of machinery in NYC!
Panel Four
Peter remembers that adventure from his OWN memories! We switchthings and see a scene from ASM #600 from SPIDER-MAN’S P.O.V. as hewas fighting DOC OCK one-on-one.
Just like before, we can see SPIDER-MAN’S reflection in theshot--and we can see that HE is wearing the cybernetic helmet!
DOC OCK is struggling as his own arms start fighting against him(as SPIDER-MAN took control of them).
Ghosted over Doc Ock’s metal vest and arms we can see a REDbrain--representing SPIDER-MAN’S BRAIN PATTERNS taking over Doc’s arms.
Panel Five
In another SPIDER-MAN P.O.V. shot, we see SPIDER-MAN’S handsholding up the cybernetic helmet up on top of the Empire StateBuilding--with MJ in the shot.
SPIDER-MAN remembers how he hooked up with the helmet again,strengthening his bond to the process of downloading his brainpatterns...
Panel Six
In SPIDER-MAN’S P.O.V. we see how Spidey had built that sametechnology into his Ends of the Earth armor--and when he wasfighting Doc Ock on the beach, he tried to take control of DocOck’s arms again!
In this P.O.V. shot, we see that fight from SPIDEY’Sperspective--and see a GHOSTED RED BRAIN over DOC OCK’S ENDS OF THEEARTH BATTLE SUIT--as SPIDEY tried to get his brain patterns insidethe arms...
Panel Seven
Now in DOC OCK’S P.O.V., Peter experiences the same sequence,moments later, from DOC OCK’S perspective. And how DOC OCKtriumphed by overriding SPIDER-MAN’S ARMOR with his OWN brainpatterns!
As SPIDER-MAN falls to his knees--we see a GHOSTED GREEN BRAINover his chest/Ends of the Earth Armor!
Panel Eight
In a NORMAL (NON-P.O.V.)shot, we’re back in DocOck’s cell in Rykers,focusing on PETER in DOCOCK’S dying body. He’sstarting to understand thathe set himself up for allof this--constantly usingthat cybernetic technologyto download HIS brainpatterns--and that DOC wasusing to download his brainpatterns as well!
HUMBERTO, I know thisprobably sounds REALLYconfusing. I think we shouldchat a bit on Skype beforeyou hit these pages just tobe safe. This is all REALLYweird, but I’m sure we cansell it on the page.
Panel One
Tight close up on the eyes of PETER in DOC OCK’S DYING BODY ashe accesses Doc’s memories again...
Panel Two
From DOC’S P.O.V., we cut to an untold scene from ENDS OF THE EARTH,when DOC was building his GOLD OCTOBOT as the ultimate back-up plan.
Using the cybernetic helmet again--he made the perfect copyof his brain patterns INTO this gold octobot. In the past, hisoctobots would let him use people (and super heroes) as puppets.But THIS one was his masterpiece--one that could download and swaphis essence and soul.
On this OCTOBOT, the GHOSTED GREEN BRAIN PATTERN of DoctorOctopus is glowing brighter than before...
Panel Three
We see a P.O.V. from the GOLD OCTOBOT’S P.O.V. as it crawled upon shore in NYC. Instead of hands breaking into frame, we can seethe spindly arms of the gold octobot.
A broken beer bottle is nearby in the litter by the shore, so wecan see the gold octobot reflected in it.
Panel Four
From the GOLD OCTOBOT’S P.O.V. we see how it located SPIDER-MANin a battle with the HOBGOBLIN (old or new, your choice).
In captions, SPIDEY thinks back to how his Spider-Sense wasgoing crazy at that time, and he had to teach himself to ignore it!
Panel Five
Later, when SPIDEY had gotten away from the Hobgoblins--andwas by himself on a rooftop...In an OCTOBOT P.O.V. shot, we seeit leaping towards the back of SPIDER-MAN’S head--its shadow isfalling across SPIDEY’S back...
Panel Six
Still in that P.O.V. shot (from the OCTOBOT’S P.O.V.), SPIDEYarched in pain--his hands reaching back to rip the octobot off asone of its tentacles drilled into the back of his head!
Panel One
Back in DOC OCK’S CELL, PETER IN DOC OCK’S BODY finally realizeswhat’s happened--and how DOC pulled this off!
But how does that help?!
Panel Two
PETER realizes that the Iron Lung that Max Modell built for DocOck--shields Doc’s thoughts so that he can’t contact his arms orhis army of octobots...
...but this ONE, LONE GOLD OCTOBOT must be acting on a specialfrequency. And if DOC could reach out and control it--than so canPETE! He just has to concentrate!
Panel Three
PETER strains!
Panel Four
Cut to that same rooftop in that lone, gold octobotgets back up...
Panel Five
...and starts to walk around! In an electronic word balloon,the octobot proudly proclaims in Pete’s voice: “I did it! And--andI can talk! I just have to get over to the Avengers and tell themwhat--“
Panel Six
In a voice over caption, in the LIZARD’S font, we hear the LIZARDsay “Octaviussss?”
Suddenly, the little gold Octobot falls over and says, “What?”
Panel One
Back in the cell block, the LIZARD (in the cell next to DOCOCK’S) is whispering to him.
The LIZARD tells (who he thinks is) OCTAVIUS that he heard whatthe doctors said he probably won’t live through thenight...
Panel Two
Cut to the sad, sad LIZARD as he starts unburdening his soul.He tells Otto that he has a strange secret--one he’s kept all tohimself--but now, that he knows Doc won’t live to talk about it,the LIZARD can finally tell someone.
Panel Three
The LIZARD reveals that Spider-Man’s final cure worked. He ISCurt Connors--forever trapped in the LIZARD’S body.
Panel Four
Cut to a reaction shot of PETER IN DOC OCK’S DYING BODY. He’sstunned! He had NO IDEA!
Panel Five
The LIZARD says that this hideous creature is his TRUE cell--hisREAL prison--and that he deserves this hell for what happened tohis loving Martha and Billy. And THAT is his secret.
Panel Six
Reaction shot of PETER IN DOC OCK’S DYING BODY. He thinks hebelieves the Lizard--why WOULD he lie to a “dying man”?
But it all sounds so...stupid and unbelievable...
Panels One, Two, and Three
Cut to the rooftop and the gold octobot as it begins to paceback and forth.
Through its electronic voice, PETER gets more and morefrustrated. No one is going to believe this mind-swap crap! It’sludicrous! And since Ock (in Spidey’s body) can access all of hismemories--he can “prove” to them that he’s the “real” Spider-Man!
So what can the REAL Peter do?!!
Panel Four
Back in the cell...We cut to the face of PETER IN DOC OCK’SDYING BODY’S. He realizes that if he’s going to think his way outof this--he’s going to have to think like Doc Ock--like a supervillain! They always get out of jams like this--they have a MILLIONback up plans!
Panel Five
Without going into P.O.V. mode, we stay on PETER IN DOC OCK’SDYING BODY’S face as he accesses DOC OCK’S memories. He’s accessinga zillion back up plans--plans that include trap doors, robotdoubles, holograms, teleportation platforms...
Panel Six
Staying on his face--PETER IN DOC OCK’S DYING BODY has a “EurekaMoment!” He knows how to get out of this!
Panel One
The gold octobot crawls down a building...
Panel Two
...into an office, where people look at it strangely (as it says“excuse me.”)
Panel Three
...and plugs itself into a computer. The screen says, “MASTERPLANNER: CONTINGENCY SIGMA 6.0”
Panels Four, Five, Six, Seven, and Eight.
On computers, laptops, and TVs in bad guy’s lairs around theMarvel U--a computer generated image of CLASSIC DOC OCK (not thewithered and dying Doc Ock) appears and tells various off screenbad guys that they have been lucky enough to have been recruitedto be part of a NEW SINISTER SIX for a special two-part mission.If they accept, 6 million dollars will be deposited into theiraccounts--3 now, 3 upon completion...
Panel Nine
Its mission completed, the little GOLD OCTOBOT keels over andgoes off line for good...
Panels One through Six
PETER IN DOC OCK’S DYING BODY stays motionless in his cell.There’s nothing more he can do.
Panel after panel the time of day changes, eating away at whatremaining time he has.
In Panel Four he suddenly coughs up a bit of blood as anothermajor organ fails.
In Panel Five, the blood is hardened and crusted on his face.
In Panel Six, he tries not to cry.
Panel One
In the prison infirmary, the warning sounds are going off thatDoc Ock is crashing again. The DOCTORS from Pages 1 through 3 startprepping for surgery. They think that this time it’s probably “it”for Ock.
One of the DOCTORS is gathering up medical supplies, the othertwo go over to an industrial sink and get ready to wash up andscrub for surgery. But when they turn the faucet on...
Panel Two
...the water goes down, and does a u-turn straight up...
Panel Three
...and forms into HYDRO-MAN! The doctors all recoil in fear!
Panel Four
Like a high-powered hose--HYDRO-MAN BLASTS all of the doctorsback--SLAMMING them into walls and knocking them out!
Panel One
HYDRO-MAN reaches inside himself and pulls out long piece ofwire/tubing with high-tech Kirby-like beads and mini-boxes threadedalong it. (But, logically, this should be something that could havesnaked its way through the faucet on PAGE 16, Panels One and Two.).
Panel Two
HYDRO-MAN places the high-tech wire along the wall, making alarge loop.
Panel Three