Master of the Singing Bowls: A Unique Singing Bowls Composition for Strengthening Body, Mind and Soul - Abhamani Ajash - Hörbuch

Master of the Singing Bowls: A Unique Singing Bowls Composition for Strengthening Body, Mind and Soul Hörbuch

Abhamani Ajash



Master of the Singing Bowls A Unique Singing Bowls Composition for Strengthening Body, Mind and Soul Since thousands of years humans use Tibetan singing bowls for healing and meditation. Their vibrations open up energies, stimulate the mind and have a wholesome effect on the body. Enjoy the mystical powers of the singing bowls. Their pulsating sounds allow the body to vibrate in resonance which supports self-healing processes and letting go of tension. Treat yourself to a state of complete deep relaxation that calms the nervous system, regenerates the body and uplifts the soul. As a bonus you receive two meditative tracks with superb ambient music for relaxation or falling asleep. Content: •1. Singing Bowl Session in Excellent Audio-quality with the Master of the Singing Bowls Abhamani Ajash from Tibet, Duration: 41 minutes •2. Bonus-track: Ambient Sleeping Pill, Duration: 120 minutes

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Zeit:2 Std. 40 min

Sprecher:Patrick Lynen
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