Meeting Spirit Beings - Bob Woodward - E-Book

Meeting Spirit Beings E-Book

Bob Woodward



How can we connect and converse with our personal spirit guides, our guardian angel and even the Christ? In a compelling and uplifting new work, Bob Woodward offers advice and suggestions on how we can link consciously with the spirit beings who seek to support us in everyday life. He demonstrates how, by reaching out to them, we can facilitate greater engagement and even direct dialogue. In the first part of Meeting Spirit Beings, we are introduced to human qualities that can awaken us to our personal spirit guides. 'Intentionality', 'silence', 'trust' and 'gratitude' are all important milestones on our inner path. Bob shares personal reflections as well as actual conversations with his own guides, who offer insights into methods and processes. In the second part of the book, we are encouraged to build a mindful relationship with our guardian angel, who accompanies us on earth, after death and during future incarnations. We are taught how to coordinate our life's path with our angel and to facilitate a healing and supportive relationship. Finally, the author offers transcripts of an extraordinary series of 'conversations' with the Christ being – a dialogue he initiated one Christmas. If Christ is there to offer love and support to all human beings, should it not be possible to enter into direct dialogue with him? Bob's attempts result in an inspiring series of discussions that offer beautiful perceptions of the meaning of life, death and eternity.

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How to Converse with Personal Guides, Guardian Angels and the Christ

Dr Bob Woodward

The author encourages readers to make their own choices and decisions in relation to the contents of this book. Any advice, recommendations or teachings given herein should be subject to individual judgement.

Clairview Books Ltd.,

Russet, Sandy Lane,

West Hoathly,

W. Sussex RH19 4QQ

Published by Clairview Books 2024

© Bob Woodward 2024

This book is copyright under the Berne Convention. All rights reserved. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study, research, criticism or review, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, electrical, chemical, mechanical, optical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. Inquiries should be addressed to the Publishers

The right of Bob Woodward to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by him in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988

A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

ISBN 978 1 912992 61 4

Cover by Morgan Creative

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Introduction to Part I












Conclusion to Part I


A Revelation

Introduction to Part II

Finding My Angel

Finding Your Angel

Learning to Cooperate

Developing Trust

Strength in Life


Awakening Consciousness

Creating Our Future



The Christ

Conclusion to Part II



Introduction to Part III

First Conversation

Second Conversation

Third Conversation

Fourth Conversation

Fifth Conversation

Sixth Conversation

Seventh Conversation

Eighth Conversation

Ninth Conversation

Conclusion to Part III


Further Reading

More About the Author


I wish to send my heartfelt thanks to everyone who has contributed to this book: Michael Allen for transforming my handwritten manuscripts into clear type and to Viktoria Szente for arranging these into a unified format. To Anne Lewis and Michael Luxford for writing the Foreword and Afterword respectively. My Editor at Clairview Books for his continued interest in and active support of my various research inquiries. Last but not least, to all my friends across the threshold who have so willingly responded to my initiative to enter into conversations with them. Only through this cooperative effort in fully conscious communication, can this new book now be offered to a wide readership. Many thanks once again.


The purpose of this book is to share with readers how we can begin to awaken our connection with certain beings across the threshold. It is this threshold of consciousness which separates our everyday sense world from the supersensible world of spirit beings.

The book is arranged in three thematic parts, each of which was originally a separate research enquiry. However, my Editor’s idea to unite these enquiries in one volume was, I think, a moment of genuine inspiration! This is borne out by the natural transitions from Part I to Part II, culminating in Part III. The ‘red thread’ of awakening conscious connections with those who dwell in spirit, is transparently clear.

To a large extent, the text consists of lively conversations, enabling readers to have easy access to the contents. Not only is our thinking called upon in these chapters, but also our feelings and will are engaged through the inherent invitation and challenge to find our own ways to connect with friends in spirit. In this sense, the book may well serve as an awakener for our own insights and intuitions.

I very much hope that what is offered in these pages can become a real source of inspiration, reassurance and encouragement to all who, like me, are walking along their own paths on their unique spiritual journeys.

There is no doubt that in the troubled times we live in, which includes serious existential threats to our core humanity, there is an urgent need for us to awaken to a wholesome, and inclusive, spirituality. This spirituality encompasses connecting with our spirit guides, guardian angels and the cosmic Christ Being. But, having free will, the initiative for such contacts is very much on us to ask for, in order to receive.

All blessings, Bob

Advent 2023


Iam honoured to be writing this Foreword for Bob, having known him since 2004 when he first asked me for a reading. My name is Anne Lewis and I am a spiritual healer and medium. I have been working with spirit guides and healers intentionally for over 30 years. Ever since I was a state registered nurse and registered paediatric nurse, I am positive that spirit has been working with me and guiding me, although I had not started my spiritual training at the time.

I first trained as a spiritual healer and, through sitting in development circles over a few years, spirit awakened the other spiritual gifts of communication: a mixture of clairaudience, clairsentience and telepathy.

When Bob contacted me, I had never met anyone with such clear telepathy from their spirit guides. It was the perfect method for him, as he is a learned person with the gift of presentation in an almost scientific way. You could say we were the opposite in character and spiritual gifts. Despite this, the information we both received was the same, but shared in a very different way, with love and humour.

When you seek to learn from spirit, books are a good way of widening your knowledge. I used to read many books, but I found the personality of the authors coloured their writings. There was not one that stood out as exceptional.

This latest book of Bob’s is, I feel, the culmination of his and spirit’s work, written by spirit with Bob’s clear and unbiased cooperation. This book would be the start of many people’s journey to working with their spirit friends and guides. If only this book had been available when I was starting out on my journey, it would have helped in so many ways to give me more faith and courage in my own abilities.

The way Bob’s guides finish each chapter, giving their own truth and understanding, feeds the soul. There is perfect harmony between Bob and his guides’ input, so you know by reading this book that you are learning the truth about communicating with spirit in clear concise chapters, that leave you eagerly turning the next page. Welcome to the start of your journey of communicating with spirit.

Anne Lewis Min. ICSP



Introduction to Part I

My purpose in writing Part I of this book is to share something of my own experiences in learning to communicate with those who live in spirit worlds. Why? By doing so, whatever I can share here may perhaps be of help and encouragement to others. By others I mean those people who do harbour a genuine wish to be able to strike up a conscious rapport with their friends in spirit. I emphasize the word ‘conscious’ because from the start it has been that ‘awake’ state of mind that has characterised my own methodology.

Since 2005, I have been on a spiritual journey of discovery in regard to communicating and cooperating with certain friends in spirit.* Now, from the outset, some readers may question the validity and truth of my journey. I welcome such a reaction. It is, I think, much better to be initially sceptical about such things than to be naive and gullible. After all, even assuming that the author of this book is sincere, honest and genuine in his account, this does not of itself guarantee that he is not misguided. While he may have convinced himself of his own abilities to engage in conversations with those across the threshold (between the sensory and supersensible worlds), we cannot simply believe or just accept what he says, can we?

Since the sixteenth century, we have lived increasingly in what may be called the ‘scientific age’. This encourages us to carefully observe and think for ourselves, not just to blindly believe or have faith. Particularly of things or beings which are unseen! Well, as the author of this book, I couldn’t agree more with this scientific point of view. I am certainly not asking anyone to simply accept on faith what I shall write about in the chapters that follow. Neither do I ask anyone to simply believe the ‘conversations’ that I claim to have had with my various spirit guides, as published in the books prior to this new volume. Nor indeed to the ‘teachings’ also given in those books by allegedly discarnate entities. However, what I would certainly like to assume is that the readers of those earlier books, and of this one, are very willing to exercise an open mind, free from prejudices and preconceived ideas. To ask this is in no way to restrict any person’s capacity for strong critical thinking and considered reflection. Indeed, both these inner attributes are, I feel, essential in order to arrive at an informed and sound point of view. So, with these cautionary words, I hope to have set the tone with which we may together proceed to explore the main theme of this project, namely, how to communicate with spirit guides.

In the chapters that follow, I will describe as clearly as I can the different factors which belong to my own inner methodology for such communications. In any serious enquiry or research project, it is essential to detail the particular methodology which has been used to obtain certain results.

I will also invite my guides to contribute their thoughts on these sub-themes. I do, of course, realize that each person will need to find their own way of engaging with those in spirit worlds. Whereas my way is telepathy with clear thoughts, others may have more success with receiving pictures and images, or perhaps certain feelings and sensations. We can also speak of having clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience when referring to inner pictures, inner hearing or inner sensations. I can only describe in this book what, through experience and time, has become a reality for me.

This reality – which I did not expect or anticipate – of being able to communicate with ‘spirit guides’, began in 2005. As a process of learning and development, it is clearly described in my book Spirit Communications, published in 2007. I would therefore recommend interested readers to study that small volume. However, in brief, I can mention here that it was my initiative to write to Anne Lewis, a spiritual medium living in Yorkshire, that set the ball rolling!

I first contacted Anne in late December 2004, in order to ask her to give me a ‘postal reading’. For this purpose, I sent her a letter with several questions, and also a passport-sized photo of myself, as she had requested. My main reason for asking for a reading was to gain, hopefully, confirmation about my abilities as a spiritual healer. When I received Anne’s reply in January 2005, the confirmation I sought was immediately evident in the picture of the spirit doctor who was then working with me, as presented to Anne’s clairvoyant vision. This was very reassuring. I asked Anne for further readings and, in the third of these, the same spirit doctor, whom I know as Dr John, suggested that I could begin to link up with him directly, rather than rely on the services of the medium (i.e., Anne).* I took this suggestion of his as both an opportunity and a challenge. This then was the beginning of the path that I have been walking along for the past 18 years. In the course of that time, I have had contact and communication with nine spirit guides (as discarnate human beings), but also with some other friends, including my guardian angel and the nature god, Pan. Whilst it has in a sense become second nature for me to be able to readily converse with such beings, we will now proceed to delineate essential elements for the successful achievement of clear communications. I will begin each short chapter with commentary and then invite my guides to contribute to that particular theme.


*The guides who have contributed to this book are: Joshua Isaiah. In a former life he was a rabbi; Dr John. In a former life he was a medical doctor; Red Cloud. In a former life, he was a chief of the Sioux Native Americans; Raja Lampa. In a former life he was a Tibetan Lama; Markos. In a former life he was a Greek monk and philosopher; Pierre. In a former life in France, he was a Knight Templar; Isobel. She was my pupil in a former lifetime in India, when I was then a guru; Gopi Ananda. Likewise, she was also associated with me in a former lifetime in India.

*Woodward, Spirit Communications (2007), p. 29.


Without any doubt, our intentionality for wanting to communicate with those in spirit is crucial. In fact, I would say that it is crucial for any serious spiritual work. We need to ask ourselves, in all honesty, why we want to acquire this ability. What really motivates us? What is our reason, or reasons, for going along this particular path? Is it no more than idle curiosity perhaps, or could it be to do with our own secret vanity to appear rather special in the eyes of others? Might this ability even give us some sort of power or influence, setting us apart from less-gifted mortals? Isn’t there a certain fascination associated with those who have the gift of mediumship and who can apparently talk with the dead?

Well, none of the above possible reasons constitute, to my mind, any true or legitimate reason for engaging in spirit communications. In fact, quite the opposite! Nonetheless, it is very important in the first place to become as clear as we can as to what our intentions really are.

To be of service to others is a worthy intentionality, as is our wish to help to move the world forward along a positive path – a path in which love for humanity, regardless of race, gender, religious affiliations or any particular ‘isms’, is the central motivating aspiration and striving. If we can examine ourselves inwardly and know that our motives are for the highest good for all, and do this with due humility, then we are indeed on the right track. This doesn’t mean of course that we are saints rather than sinners! We can recognize our weaknesses and faults, but just because of this, we then aspire to develop ourselves to the best of our ability on the spiritual pathway that we choose to follow.

So, when we have satisfied ourselves that our intentionality for linking with friends in spirit is indeed sound, then we may begin to feel confident that, with the grace of God, we can achieve our aim.

Let me now ask Joshua, my main spirit guide, if he or another of the guides would like to contribute on this theme.

Bob: Joshua, can you give me a reply to this question, please?

Joshua: Shalom, my friend. Yes, of course I will. I would like to make a contribution on the matter of ‘intentionality’.

Bob: Please do so.

Joshua: Well, my friend, what you have written above we are in agreement with. There is no doubt, as you have said, that it is indeed essential for anyone who wishes to link up with friends in spirit consciously to be very clear about their motives for doing so.

As you rightly say, it is necessary to look at ourselves very honestly in this regard, and not to fool ourselves into believing that our motives are genuine when in fact they are not! No, scrupulous honesty and self-knowledge is required to come to a just conclusion on this point. Now, we do not say that a person needs to have attained the ‘mountain of morality’, so to speak, in order to embark on this journey. None of us are saints, as you point out. Nonetheless, we do need to be clear, very clear, about the reasons for wanting to do this work. On our side of life, we must also have this clarity. Therefore, we will never impose ourselves upon you, Bob, or upon others on your side of life who wish to follow this path, this spiritual path. It should be done in all freedom and in full knowledge of what is required. Above all, that requirement is to serve ‘the good of all’. That is really the most important thing, and with this I think I have made the contribution which I wish to make. All blessings, Joshua Isaiah.

Bob: Well, thank you, Joshua. I think we can draw this chapter to a close and turn our attention to the next theme, namely, ‘Silence’. However, I will just add that our intentionality comes into play on each and every occasion when we link with those in spirit. Therefore, it is an ongoing challenge, and something we need to be mindful of.


As I mentioned above, in the third reading which I received from Anne Lewis, my spirit doctor, Dr John, communicated the following to me:

I hope I have answered your questions to a satisfactory degree, and I wonder whether you would feel, as I feel, that if we could meet in the silence, where you could begin to feel my presence, that this would be a more satisfactory way of communication than meeting through a medium, albeit a medium who is walking under the guidance of the healing master.

I am more than willing to come to you when you ask to sit in the silence, so that we can begin, or should I say continue our relationship, because by blending together in the silence, it helps when we do our healing work.*

As I said before, I took Dr John’s words both as an opportunity and a challenge, and began to try to practise ‘sitting in the silence’, as he had suggested. This meant not only coming into a quiet place free of outer distractions, but much more importantly, trying to create such a space and time of silence within myself.

Anyone who has attempted to become inwardly quiet will know that this is much easier said than achieved! Our minds are often very busy places, filled with thoughts, images, memories, worries, concerns and demands for present or future actions. It requires some practice and discipline to gradually be able to enter into the silence. This is also a listening place and a state of mind. Here we can be more receptive and sensitive to what may come towards us. Now, having said this, my communicating with Dr John, and then also others, was very much on the level of mental thought-telepathy, rather than feeling any ‘presences’. I will discuss this further in the next chapter. However, the ability to become silent and to listen inwardly is a prerequisite, I would say, for this telepathic process to take place.

Becoming inwardly still and quiet was actually not new for me. I had been a daily meditant for almost 24 years, before receiving Dr John’s invitation in 2005. My meditation always begins by first entering into the silence as far as I can. So, I had had a good deal of practice at acquiring this inner skill. As such, it would certainly be an advantage for anyone who is serious about conscious communication with their guides, to also take up some form of regular meditation. There are a variety of meditation techniques described in books on the subject, as well as a range of contents suitable for meditating upon.

Actually, it is not now necessary for me to sit in the silence, since I can communicate with my guides, if I wish to, when going for a walk in the countryside, or wherever. But, when I first began to follow up on Dr John’s suggestion, I did very deliberately, intentionally, sit down quietly in my room in order to try to tune in with him. I think this tuning in is similar to when we have a real conversation with someone in daily life. If your mind is too busy, too full of ideas buzzing about, then you can’t really listen to what the other person is saying. You need to bring yourself into a quiet, silent state of mind in order to follow your friend’s train of thought, as well as being open to their expressed feelings or emotions. Perhaps, even sensing what lies behind the words themselves. For spirit communications to take place, I need to be able to enter the silence at will, though readers should not imagine this as lasting a long time. It can be seconds rather than many minutes. It is the quality of this activity, this state of consciousness, rather than its duration, which is important. So, at this point, I would like to invite a guide to contribute.

Bob: Joshua, I wonder if Dr John would like to comment on this theme?

Joshua: Shalom, my friend. Yes, John is happy to come in here.

Bob: Right, thank you, Dr John.

John: Yes, my friend, it is many years ago that I first made that suggestion to you to ‘sit in the silence’, and it has proved its worth. Your ability to communicate with us has come on in leaps and bounds since that time. As you have said, to sit in the silence is a prerequisite for receiving communications from spirit, because only then has one put oneself into that receptive state of mind. Of course, in our case, the mode of communication was to be by thoughts, because of your particular constitution. Perhaps for another person it would be more in the way of images, as it is for Anne for instance, or for someone else, more in the feeling realm. Whatever mode is most appropriate for a particular person, the main point is that becoming still and inwardly quiet provides the space into which impressions can flow. Therefore, we would say that silence is indeed a quality which enables us to make ourselves known, one way or another, to the person on the physical plane who wishes to have a rapport with us in spirit.

We do not say that it is essential to become completely quiet or silent inwardly, since this would be a tall order for most people to be able to fulfil. No, it is rather the attempt to enter into the state of receptivity that is required. When we see that this is taking place, then we can make our presence felt to that person, again one way or another.

In your case, my friend, it takes the form of your awareness of our thoughts. So, with this I think I will bring my contribution to an end.

All blessings, John.

Bob: Many thanks.


In the next chapter we will turn to ‘thinking’, which is, as far as I am concerned, the faculty that is paramount when I am engaged in conscious communication with those in spirit worlds. I will add that the state of silence and inward receptivity alluded to in this chapter can perhaps be well pictured in the demeanour of the heads or figures of the Buddha – which we can have in our homes – with their expression of inward contemplation with eyes closed and the ears exceptionally long, emphasizing a capacity for inner listening. This is an apt image of ‘sitting in the silence’.


* Woodward (2007), p. 29.


As I have coined it, my mode for communicating with friends in spirit is ‘mental telepathy’. What do I mean by this? I refer here to being able to receive the thoughts transmitted by those in spirit worlds. But how do we know that these are their thoughts rather than our own? Herein lies the challenge: to learn to distinguish when we are thinking to when someone else is thinking in us.

My initial clue that this was the way to go was provided for me again by Dr John in the fourth reading that I received from Anne Lewis. I had asked what sort of communication this would be when I made time to sit in the silence to tune in with Dr John. Anne wrote:

He says that, as you are a mentally active person, you will be able to access this area for communication, and you will be able to hear his voice in your head. Do not be impatient with this, because his thoughts will be in your voice, not his. You will have to be aware of your thoughts to determine which are his words and which are yours. To help you do this, when you sit in the quiet, he will give you a gentle peacefulness in the room where you sit. You will know when you recognize this, he will be about and will respond to your questions by thought. He himself is a more mentally-orientated person and as such, your communications will be mainly by clairaudience. This is the most accurate way of communication, he says, and he tells you to keep trying until you are confident that it is not all in your head.*

By ‘not all in your head’ he was indicating the distinction that needs to be made between one’s own thoughts and the thoughts coming from another entity, in this case from Dr John. This indication was actually particularly pertinent for me because, ever since I was a child, I wondered where my thoughts came from. This inner questioning belonged, I think, to my naturally introverted nature. We know that some people are definitely ‘thinkers’ rather than ‘doers’ or ‘feelers’, if I can put it like that. And some, like me, are introverts rather than extroverts. According to my mother, I kept myself to myself as a young boy and was something of a ‘closed book’ and a loner. This description was also borne out by the first words of my Leaving Report from the Steiner school which I had attended from age 11 to 18, namely:

Robert entered seven years ago as a boy who was thoughtful and withdrawn, appearing to be shy in contact with other people.

Now, the only reason that I include these personal remarks is to show that they do have a certain relevance now, many years later, in terms of my modality for spirit communications. Being a thinker, spirit found that clear thoughts were the best way of getting their messages across to me. Perhaps this will likewise apply to some of the readers of this book?

When I become quiet and take the initiative to ask those in spirit to give me counsel and advice or to respond to specific questions, then I do receive a clear flow of thoughts. This is, of course, an inner experience, although I can also verbalize it just as it happens, if I choose to do so. So, for me, this is the way in which communicating takes place. I do not see images, nor do I feel different sorts of sensations or ‘presences’. Rather, I allow the thinking of the other to live in me. If I choose to, I can then also record in writing what I am receiving from my spirit guides or from others in spirit. Whilst I have often thought that it would be very helpful to also see my guides, from their point of view this is not necessary for me to be a good, effective channel for what they wish to convey. Therefore, we could say, clairaudience takes precedence over clairvoyance. And, as I have said, the essential skill to learn for mental telepathy is to be able to clearly distinguish who is thinking the thoughts that enter my mind. This is now a good moment to invite one of my guides to comment on this theme.

Bob: Joshua, do you know who would like to step forward to make a contribution?

Joshua: Shalom, my friend. Yes, Red Cloud would like to do this now.

Bob: Thank you. Over to you, Red Cloud.

Red Cloud: Thank you, my friend. Yes, the theme of this chapter is certainly one of the central ones for your way of communicating with us, as of course you are doing right now! As you have pointed out, it is the ability to distinguish where the thoughts are coming from that is the essential skill to be learnt. For some people who wish to communicate with us in spirit, this will come about far more naturally and easily than for others. Those of a more introverted frame of mind, and who are used to surveying their own thoughts, are more likely to be able to develop the capacity to perceive the flow of thoughts from another source. However, having said that, we must emphazise most strongly that a person must never allow themselves to be dictated to by thoughts from another. In other words, they must not lose or give up their own power or autonomy. This is really most important, because the last thing that we would wish to happen is that a person living in the body allows him or herself to become like a puppet on a string. You understand what we mean? To not allow themselves to become subservient in any way to beings outside themselves. This would be a dangerous – or at least potentially dangerous – situation for them to be in. There are beings who could manipulate or overshadow a human being in a way that would not be at all helpful. It could even lead the person to lose faith or trust in their own thinking ability, and this would then be the very opposite of what should happen. So, my friend, you see it is necessary to point to potential pitfalls when engaging in this form of communication. It is very important that a person is of sound mind and makes every effort to maintain that balance. Provided that is done, then mental telepathy provides an excellent means for us to communicate with those on your side of life.

We felt that it was important to bring through these cautionary words, a sort of warning if you will, so that anyone attempting to communicate in this way is forearmed, so to speak. We do not wish to scare anyone off from learning to use these inner skills, but rather that they take sensible precautions to ensure that the communications and contacts are sound. Remember, whatever is done should be done out of the right intentionality, in order to attract those on our side of life who are working also for the greatest good. All blessings, Red Cloud.

Bob: Well, thank you, Red Cloud. You have brought through important aspects of this work, which I might not have thought of myself for this chapter. Many thanks.


In the light of what Red Cloud has said here, the next chapter, with the theme of ‘Trusting’, is especially apposite, as we shall see.


* Woodward (2007), p. 32.