Mental Alchemy
Mental AlchemyLesson I. - EgohoodLesson II. - Establishing the Ego (I)Lesson III. Establishing the Ego II.Lesson IV. Establishing the Ego III.Lesson V. Will-FocalizationLesson VI. The Excluded Middle.Lesson VII. Mastering the Opposites.Lesson VIII. Neutralizing Rhythm.Lesson IX. Cyclicity and BalanceLesson X. Mentalism in a Nutshell.Copyright
Mental Alchemy
William Atkinson
Lesson I. - Egohood
In the "Arcane Lessons" you have seen that the individual is but a
Centre of Consciousness and Force in the great Life Principle,
Cosmic Will or SPIRIT. As Aphorism XII has informed you: "There is
but One Life and not Many Lives. Sepa- is but relative and partial
--- illusory --- the creative fiction of the Cosmos. . . In the
Cosmic Will there is but One Life in which, and by which, is
manifested the Many."
You have also seen that Egohood is evolved and earned --- not given
as a universal birthright, or general natural right of the race. As
Aphorism XIII has informed you: "The Ego is evolved from the
Personal Self. Every living thing possesses a Personal Self, but,
even among men, many fail to reach Egohood. Egohood is earned, not
bestowed as an universal natural gift. Many personalities are born,
but few Egos are evolved."
Egohood is the state of Realization of the Ego --- the Perception
and Realization of the I AM. As an old English writer once
said: "Whether we try to avoid it or not, we must face this reality
some time --- the reality of our own Egohood--that which makes at
say 'I,' and in saying 'I' leads to the discovery of a new
The average person is surprised, incredulous and even indignant
when he is informed that but very few of the race really have this
awareness or consciousness of the I AM within them. He will insist
that he is fully aware of the existence of the "I," and cannot
imagine that any one can have the audacity to dispute the
proposition. But a little self examination will reveal the fact
that he has but the first glimmering of Self-Consciousness, which
is far from being the Consciousness of Egohood. We have no desire
or intention of entering into an extended metaphysical inquiry in
these pages, but we must point out to you what Egohood is not, as
the first step toward showing you what it is, and how it may he
The very elementary life-forms have merely the consciousness of
"something outside" evidenced in sensation or feeling. The atoms
manifest a faint degree of awareness (consciousness) of other
atoms,which is evidenced in attraction and repulsion. There is in
chemical affinity a higher degree of elementary consciousness. The
crystals manifest a still higher degree in their activities of
building-up form. The cell-forms of the lowest animal and plant
life show an awareness of objects of food and of other forms which
seek them for food --- and consequently they move toward the first,
and away from the second. Rising in the evolutionary scale we find
rampantly increasing degrees of consciousness. Among the higher
animals, and the lower forms of men, we find what science has
called "simple-consciousness," by which is indicated that awareness
of outside objects, accompanied by a greater or lesser degree of
reasoning regarding them. The dog, horse, and other higher animals
give us a typical example of this form of consciousness, which
degree is but little surpassed by the less developed of the human
race, many of the latter not having advanced further in the scale.
Simple-consciousness may be described as a state of knowing, but
not knowing that one knows. it is a consciousness of outside things
received through the senses, and also of the physical sensations
arising in one's own body.
But, as man advanced in the scale there came to him the degree of
consciousness which is known as "self-consciousness," in which the
sense of "I" comes to him --- he differentiates between the Self
and the Not-Self, as he understands it. He not only knows, but he
begins to know that he knows. He begins to understand that he has a
"knowing machine" by means of which he knows, thinks and is
consciousness. The mental gaze, in this stage, begins to turn
itself inward as well as outward. But the majority of the race
possess this self-consciousness to but a limited degree. As a
leading psychologist has well said: "Many persons never have more
than a misty idea of such a mental attitude. They take themselves
for granted, and never turn the gaze inward." Self-consciousness,
like simple-consciousness, has many degrees on its scale. One has
but to study his fellow men in order to perceive these varying
degrees. We cannot pause here to consider this stage in detail ---
our concern is with higher degrees.
In a general way, and in order that you may make the clear
distinction between simple-consciousness and self-consciousness, we
suggest that you think of the former as an awareness of the
outside world, and one's own physical being, and of the latter as
an awareness of one's own mind. Or, the former may be thought of as
physical consciousness, and the latter as mental
But, here and there among the multitude of men are evolved a few
who have attained a higher stage of consciousness --- the
Ego-Consciousness, or consciousness of Egohood --- which surpassing
the physical-consciousness and the mental-consciousness, just
alluded to, may be styled spiritual consciousness. For the
Ego-Consciousness is really the consciousness of Spirit, in an
elementary degree --- there are many other and higher
Ego-Consciousness, or Realization of Egohood, is more than an
awareness of the outside world, or of one's own body as distinct
from the bodies of others and other things. It is more than even
the awareness of one's own mind, even when this awareness is
carried to a high degree of development. It is difficult to
describe this plane of consciousness to those who have not attained
it, but it may be stated as an awareness of Individuality, rather
than an awareness of Personality.
Personality is but the character in which the One Life is playing a
certain part. As we have said in The Arcane Lessons, the very word
"person" is derived from the Greek word persona, meaning "a mask
used by actors."
Your personality is merely the part in life you are playing ---
"the John Smith part of you." And, consequently, the awareness of
Personality is merely an awareness or consciousness of your own
personal character, just as an actor is aware and conscious of the
character of the play he is enacting. If you can imagine the actor
forgetting his real Self, and becoming so earnest and wrapt in the
play that he imagines that he really is Hamlet or Richard III, or
Mephistopheles, you may gain a clearer idea of the state of
consciousness of the man on the plane of Personal Consciousness.
When he shakes off the illusion, and realizes that he is something
more than the assumed character --- when you awaken to the fact
that you are something more than "John Smith," --- then the
personality is seen to be in reality but an assumed character, or
"mask used by actors."
The Consciousness of Individuality is an awareness by man that he
is above the limits and character of Personality --- that he
is a Centre of Consciousness and Force in them One Cosmic Life.
This awareness must, however, be more than a mere intellectual
acquiescence in the teaching to that effect, or an agreement with
some teacher. Important as these steps are in approaching the
realization, they are but foot-hills above which tower the
mountains of the real Cosmic Knowing. The individual must know that
he is an individual --- just as he knows anything that he has
experienced. For indeed, he must really experience the fact that he
is an EgoCentre in the Cosmic Life or Spirit He must realize that
he is more than body and mind --- that he is, indeed, Spirit in
SPIRIT. No mere intellectual acquiescence or understanding will
supply the real experience of Egohood.
It is not necessary for one to have experienced Cosmic
Consciousness--or the awareness of his identity with the Cosmic
Spirit as a whole --- to gain Egohood. This experience belongs to a
higher stage. The Individual must, however, experience the
realization that he is an Ego --- a spiritual entity, before he
attains Egohood. Many grow into this stage naturally and by slow
and gradual steps --- in fact all development must be along
natural lines. One cannot be dragged or pulled up into this stage
--- one must grow into it naturally, as the plant develops and
blooms into flower. But --- and here is an important point, and one
upon which depends the usefulness of these lessons --- there are
many who are ready and prepared to throw off the sheath of
personality and to enter into the fuller life of Egohood, who are
struggling with the confining bonds of Personality which they find
hard to throw off. To these, and to these only, the methods and
exercises, herein given, will appeal. If they appeal to you --- if
they attract you and you hunger to put them into effect --- then
know that you are ready for them, and ready to throw off the
confining sheaths that are binding you and holding you back.
As we proceed, you will see that in this Realization of Egohood
lies the Secret of Attainment --- the Key of Power. Before you can
exercise the Power of Spirit, you must realize that you are Spirit
Spirit is the Succor of the Cosmos. The Ego is a focal point or
centre in that Essence.
Lesson II. - Establishing the Ego (I)
To "establish" is "to settle or fix firmly; to make steady, firm,
or stable; to place upon a firm foundation; to ordain permanently
and with authority;" etc. Therefore is this Formula --- one of the
oldest known to Occultism --- called establishing the Ego. Its
mastery imparts the sense and power of firm settlement and steady
foundation of the consciousness of the Ego --- the identification
of the self with the Self.
The Arcane Teachers instruct the Neophyte that he must first of all
develop this awareness of the Ego, by degree, until at last the
Ego-Consciousness may become the habitual and natural
consciousness, at all times and under all conditions. Once firmly
fixed, the Ego-Consciousness never leaves one. Once found, it
becomes a Tower of Strength in which one may ever take refuge from
the trials of the personal life --- and from which one may safely
defy the things of personality.
The first step of the Formula is that of acquiring a clear,
distinct, positive and absolute realization that the Ego is not the
body or physical organism, but is superior to and master of them.
Even those students who have entered the plane of Mental
Consciousness require additional drilling in order to escape
completely and fully from the bonds of the physical body. The
following exercise is recommended for this purpose: